Template for Local Grantee Evaluations

ISBE 21st Century Community Learning Center Program


Reports are due December 1, 2017.

Please email reports to .

Each grantee must complete an annual local evaluation, which will be reviewed and incorporated into the statewide evaluation of Illinois’ 21st CCLC Program. This template outlines the minimum information that should be included in your local evaluation report. You can include additional data that is relevant to your program’s implementation and outcomes. The key to a great evaluation is to not simply report data, but to reflect on what can be learned from these data and how these data are used to impact program improvement.

Each grantee should submit one evaluation report per grant. If a grantee has multiple sites, a single report should address all of those sites. If an organization has multiple grants, submit one report for each grant they currently have active.

I. Grant Information

Include the following information about the grant addressed in the report:

  • Grantee organization
  • Funding cohort
  • Sites

II. Overview and History of Program

Include a brief abstract of your program, as well as changes made to date from what was originally planned.

  • What are your program’s goals?
  • Describe the fidelity of the implementation of your program with respect to your proposal; e.g., how closely does the current implementation reflect the funded program.
  • Describe any significant program changes and the reasons changes were made.
  • What were the main findings and recommendations from the previous year’s evaluation? How have you addressed any recommendations?

II.A. Evaluation Methods

Describe your program evaluation, including:

  • Who conducted the evaluation?
  • Questions that guided the evaluation.
  • Logic model, if available.
  • Data collection methods: A list of the data used for this report, and a description of how and when they were collected. You may include any instruments unique to your program as an appendix to your report.

III. Program Implementation

This section provides descriptions and data on your program through the current year. Describe the participants you served, when services were offered, your staffing, and governance.

III.A. Students Served

Recruitment and Retention of Students

Describe how students are identified and selected for participating in your program.

  • How is the selection process coordinated with the school(s) served?
  • What steps are you taking to ensure that students with the greatest needs are targeted?
  • Describe your program’sretention strategies.

Student Enrollment by Site

The data in this section include Student Enrollment by Site over the year(s) of your program. If you completed one year of the program, your chart includes data for year one. After completing year two, you will have two columns of enrollments.

Provide a table for each site in your program. If you have a school year and a summer program, complete three tables: Students Served Only in School Year, Students Served Only in Summer, and Students Served in Both Summer and School Year.

Enrollment By Site

Site Name: / Year 1 / Year 2 / Year 3 / Year 4 / Year 5
Total Unduplicated Enrollment
a) Number of students attending less than 30 days
b) Number of students attending 30-59 days
c) Number of students attending 60-89 days
d) Number of students attending 90+ days

Demographic Characteristics of Your Students

Providedata for the years of your program by site. You should complete the table for each site in two ways: Students attending less than 30 days and students attending 30 days or more.

Demographics of students attending less than or more than 30 days, by site

Site Name:
EXAMPLE: Students Attending 30 or More Days / Year 1 / Year 2 / Year 3 / Year 4 / Year 5
Total Unduplicated Enrollment
Racial/Ethnic Group
American Indian/Alaska Native
Asian/Pacific Islander
Black or African American
Hispanic or Latino
Do Not Know
Limited English Proficient Students
Students with Disability (Not LEP)
Students Receiving Free or Reduced Lunch

Average Daily Attendance

For each site, include data on average daily attendance.

Average daily attendance, by site

Site Name: / Year 1 / Year 2 / Year 3 / Year 4 / Year 5
Overall Average Daily Attendance (ADA)
a) ADA for Summer Program
b) ADA for Afterschool Program
c) ADA for Before School Program
d) ADA for weekend/holiday Program

Family Participation

Describe the family programming provided with 21st CCLC funds. Do not include activities funded through other sources. How many families participated in each activity? If possible, provide information about the percentage of students’ parents/caregivers participating in program activities. Example: 35% of students in our program had one or more family members participate in family programming.


  • Data: What do your data tell you about your program? Are your strategies for recruitment and retention of students and families leading to the desired results?
  • Challenges: What internal and external factors are likely to have contributed to these results?
  • Program Improvement:What challenges or issues with respect to recruitment and retention does your program plan to address in the coming year? Whatprogram changes or additional strategies, if any, do you expect to implement in the year ahead?

III.B. Program Operations

Program Hours

For each site, provide trend data for each year of your program on hours of operation in summer and during the school year.

Program Hours by Site

Site Name:
Example: Hours of Operation – School Year / Year 1 / Year 2 / Year 3 / Year 4 / Year 5
Total Number of Weeks Site is Open
Typical Number of Days per Week
Typical Number of Hours per Week


Describe your overall staffing structure:

  • How many full and part time staff support your program? What is the ratio of staff to students?
  • What is your staffing pattern? Does your staff include teachers, paraprofessionals, volunteers?
  • Has there been staff turnover in the past year? How many staff, and in what positions?

Staff Training

Describe the professional developmentprovided to staff during the past year. Include by site, who (use job titles) completed what training, the length of training, and the provider.

Topic / Duration (hours) / # Staff Attending / Provider
[Identify training opportunity]
[Identify training opportunity]

Program Governance

Describe the governance structure of your organization/program. Is there an advisory group? Who constitutes the leadership team? Are all constituents represented?


Data:What do your data about staffing tell you about your program?
Challenges:What internal and external factors are likely to have influenced your program’s staffing and staff training this year?
Program Improvement:What challenges, if any, do you plan to address in the coming year? What changes in staffing or staff training do you anticipate that may address these challenges?

IV. Progress toward Objectives

You create a section for each Illinoisobjective (Appendix A) and any local objective not covered by a state objective. You will have a minimum of 7 sections under IV.As a reminder, the objectives are listed below.

Objective #1 / Participants in the program will demonstrate increased academic achievement.
Objective #2 / Participants will demonstrate an increased involvement in school activities and will have opportunities in other subject areas such as technology, arts, music, theater, and sports and other recreation activities.
Objective #3 / Participants in the program will demonstrate social benefits and exhibit positive behavioral changes.
Objective #4 / The 21st CCLC programs will provide opportunities for the community to be involved and will increase family involvement of the participating children.
Objective #5 / Programs will provide opportunities, with priority given to all students who are lowest performing and in the greatest need of academic assistance.
Objective #6 / Professional development will be offered by the programs and ISBE to meet the needs of the program, staff, and students.
Objective #7 / Projects will create sustainability plans to continue the programs beyond the federal funding period.

Objectives 1 through 6:

  • Activities:Describe briefly the activities you implemented to address this objective.
  • Assessments, Data Collection, and Analysis:Provide a detailed description of the measures used, the data, and your analysis. Appendix A lists indicators by objective. For example, you should include the results of the Teacher Survey, Student Grades, and Student Assessment Data in addressing Objective 1.You may also refer to data included in the previous sections of the report, such as family participation when addressing Objective 4. Multiple measures (triangulation of data) should be used in assessing the objective if at all possible. Your evidence should include more than perceptual data.
  • Limitations of Data:In a review of the data, do methodological, instrument, response rate, or other challenges need to be addressed before collecting another group of data for this objective? You should address any bias of samples, low response rates, or deviations from research standards. If any groups were not represented in your data, explain why and how this impacts your analysis.
  • Challenges: What internal and external factors are likely to have contributed to these results? What challenges did your program encounter that influenced progress toward this objective?
  • Summary and Recommendations:What do these data tell you about your program? What progress are you making toward meeting the objective? What recommendations do you have for the improvement of operations based on the data?How were these data and findings disseminated and used to inform program activities and program improvement?

Objective 7:

Objective Seven should include a discussion on the progress made on the sustainability of your project during the past year.

2013 Cohort Grantees:

Provide include the following information:

  • A summary of how much of your program was sustainable at the end of the 5-year grant, prior to receiving renewed 21st CCLC funding.
  • A description of the major elements of program sustainability (such as partners, other funding sources, etc).

2015 Cohort Grantees:

Please include information about the following:

  • A summary of how sustainable the various components of your program are at this time.
  • A listing of all partners, their contributions, their estimated monetary contribution, and how you determined this value.
  • Describe and explain any changes to the partners and their roles over the years of the grant. What worked and didn’t work in nurturing the partnerships?
  • If you have an advisory group or strategies you are using to help ensure sustainability, describe and critique their effect.

Other Objectives/Findings:

Ifyou have additional data and findings to report, include them here. For example, you might provide data on a special aspect of your program or provide testimonial data.

V. Overall Recommendations, Action Plans, and Tracking of Improvements

2013 Cohort Grantees:

Based on the data presented, provide an overall evaluation of the program, its strengths, and challenges, including:

  • A summary of the extent you were able to meet your program’s goals over the course of the grant.
  • A summary of lessons learned over the course of the grant.
  • Recommendations based on the evaluation data for future program activities. Include any information about how recommendations will be implemented and tracked during the next year.

2015 Cohort Grantees:

Based on the data presented, provide an overall evaluation of the program, its strengths, and challenges, including:

  • A summary of progress made toward meeting your program’s goals.
  • Reflection on progress made from the previous year’s evaluation, if applicable.
  • A summary ofthe recommendations from the previous sections. Include an action plan on how the recommendations will be implemented and tracked during the next year.

VI. Dissemination of Evaluation

Describe how the evaluation will be disseminated, to whom, and how it will be used.

ISBE 21st CCLC Program: Local Evaluation Template1

Appendix A: ISBE 21st CCLCObjectives,Indicators, and Data Sources

Objective / Performance Indicator / Measurements / Sources / Intervals
Objective 1. Participants in the program will demonstrate increased academic achievement. / Performance Indicator 1a. The state assessment scores of the participants will show an increase in performance. Participants will show progress in reading and mathematics scores on the state assessment. / Measurement 2a. The individual students’ scores on the state assessment and other tests, Teacher Survey on student achievement. / ISAT/PSAE
Other Tests
Teacher Survey / End of Year
Pre-post scores
Performance Indicator 1b. Participants will show improvement in academic achievement. / Measurement 2b. Individual students grades. Retention rate and/or promotion of participants. / Report Card / By Term
End of Year
Objective 2.Participants will demonstrate an increased involvement in school activities and will have opportunities in other subject areas such as technology, arts, music, theater, and sports and other recreation activities. / Performance Indicator 2a. Students participating in the program will have a higher attendance rate and changes in their attitudes toward school. / Measurement 1a: Attendance rates, student survey, parent survey / Report Card
Parent Survey
Student Survey / By Term
Performance Indicator 2b. Students participating in the program will graduate from school. / Measurement 1b. Dropout rates/graduation rate, parent survey, student survey / Report Card
Parent Survey (student attendance and attitudes) Student Survey (student attendance and attitudes) / End of Year
Objective 3. Participants in the program will demonstrate social benefits and exhibit positive behavioral changes. / Performance Indicator 3a. Students in the program will show improvements in measures such as increase in attendance, decrease in disciplinary actions, less violence, and a decrease in other adverse behaviors. / Measurement 3. Number of instances of student violence and suspensions; the number of students using drugs and alcohol; and teacher, parent, and student surveys. / Report Card
Teacher Survey
Parent Survey
Student Survey / By Term
Pre and post year
Objective 4. The 21st CCLC programs will provide opportunities for the community to be involved and will increase family involvement of the participating children. / Performance Indicator 4a. The grantees will offer enrichment and other support services for families of participants. / Measurement 4a. Activities offered / Description of activities
Attendance/participation / By term
Performance Indicator 4b. All families of participants will have opportunities to be more involved in their children’s education and increase their children’s learning opportunities. / Measurement 4b. The type and extent of collaborations and parent/adult satisfaction survey. / Description of collaborations
Parent/adult satisfaction survey / By term
Pre and post
Objective 5. Programs will provide opportunities, with priority given to all students who are lowest performing and in the greatest need of academic assistance. / Performance Indicator 5. Majority of grants will be awarded in high-poverty communities. / Measurement 5. Free and reduced lunch eligibility of participants and participants’ test scores, grades, and promotion rates. / Enrollment forms
Report card
School test data for child / Beginning of year
Objective 6. Professional development will be offered by the programs and ISBE to meet the needs of the program, staff, and students. / Performance Indicator 6. All centers’ staff will participate in a variety of training/workshops provided to improve and maintain the quality of the program. / Measurement 6. Number of workshops and topics addressed by each, attendance at workshops, and evaluation of workshops’ effectiveness. / Logs of workshops (topics, attendance)
Staff surveys of satisfaction / Ongoing
Objective 7. Projects will create sustainability plans to continue the programs beyond the federal funding period. / Performance Indicator 7. All grantees will provide the detail plan of coordination and collaboration efforts. / Measurement 7. List of coordinating/ collaborating agencies and types of services. / Lists and Letters / Annual

ISBE 21st CCLC Program: Local Evaluation Template1