1. Funding Status to Date - Grant / Equity / Other, specify Amount and Source (this information will NOT be published) 1 of 100 words


2. Have you been accepted as a presenter at any other Investor Forums? (Yes / No). If so please list forums. 1 of 50 words


·  2011 The 7th Annual Conference on Clean Energy: Financing and Partnering for Emerging Businesses – The Massachusetts Technology Transfer Center

·  2011Smart Grid Investor Showcase – Institute for Energy and Sustainability

3. Elevator Pitch - Should include your mission for the company, market size and pain, competitive advantage, team, and goals associated with funding – in other words, a distillation of the following Technology Profile. 1 of 200 words

4. Product / Technology - description of your product/technology in layman’s terms. Identify what unique problems or needs your product/ technology addresses (don't submit proprietary information). 1 of 200 words

Millennial Net is manufacturer of wireless digital programmable pneumatic thermostat Wi-StatIIIp-S. It is really unique solution for pneumatically controlled HVAC systems, as it is fully functional Direct Digital Controls (DDC) thermostat that replaces most of the existing thermostats on the market and easily retrofits existing pneumatic HVAC infrastructures. Unlike conventional bi-metal pneumatic (mechanical) thermostats, the Wi-Stat IIIp-S has no mechanical parts. Instead it uses solid state technology valve operating on totally different principles that enable unmatched reliability, longevity and flexibility. This improves control quality and responsiveness. It also reduces the cost and frequency of unit replacement and maintenance. In fact, routine maintenance and recalibration are eliminated. With the Wi-Stat IIIp-S, time and cost of installation are reduced as there are no wires, no adjustment screws and no need for calibration.

Wi-Stat IIIp-S can be used as stand-alone programmable thermostat, or as part of an overall Building Automation System (BMS)– it is equipped with radio and can communicate with central building controller wirelessly through the Millennial Net gateway. The wireless communication also does not require additional configuration - mesh network forms itself as devices join network automatically. Data communication enables remote monitoring, control and trending to ensure long term performance. Devices are immediately accessible bi-directionally via BMS software and become part of overall system.

5. Market and Application and Commercial Opportunity - description of the addressable market. Include the current and/or potential size of the market. Describe your target customers and how you plan to market to them. 1 of 100 words

Need to add details we heard from JCI and Viconics about pneumatic building numbers.

Millennial Net is trying to become digital pneumatic thermostat OEM to largest HVAC equipment manufacturers. We are already in communication with two of the three major companies that supply pneumatic equipment.

6. Competitive Advantage – description of existing and emerging competing technologies or companies in terms of your sustainable competitive advantage. 1 of 100 words

There are only two companies offering digital pneumatic thermostats in the market today - Millennial Net (Wi-Stat IIIp-S) and Cypress Envirosystems (WPT).

Wi-Stat IIIp-S advantages vs. WPT:

·  Technical:

1.  Pneumatic settings (gain, setpoint PSI, unoccupied PSI, proportional/throttling range) can be configured locally in the field or remotely from the software

2.  Configurable action direction (local or remote) – no need to stock different/additional equipment

3.  Includes fan switching relay (optically isolated) or dry contact motion sensor input

4.  Adjustable sampling (reporting) interval

5.  Longer battery life

6.  Longer wireless range indoors (typically 50-250 feet depending on building material)

7.  Automatic Main/Branch line leak detection and status notification

·  Ease of installation and use:

1.  No reoccurring maintenance/manual valve calibration – mechanical parts replaced with new Piezo valve technology

2.  No wireless network settings programming required on site - self recognizing wireless network protocol

3.  Significantly lighter and smaller device

7. Future Financial Plans - a description of your funding goals. Describe your anticipated use of the funds, including value-added milestones that will be achieved as a result.

Millennial Net expects to raise up to $5,000,000.