q YYV (1) ADAMSON, Joy; The peoples of Kenya.
London, Collins & Harvill Press, 1967. Donation
YZ.6 (22) ANSELL, W.F.H. & Dowsett, R.J.; Mammals of Malawi: an annotated check list and atlas.
St. Ives, Trendrine Press, 1988. Donation
YD (9) ARMATI, Patricia, Dickman, Chris and Hume, Ian Editors; Marsupials.
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2006. Donation
YGU (12) BARBIER, Edward B. et al; Elephants, economics and ivory.
London, Earthscan Publications, 1990. Donation
GGW (184) BELL, R.H.V. & McShane-Caluzi, E. Editors; Conservation and wildlife management in Africa. The proceedings of a workshop organized by the U.S. Peace Corps at Kasungu National Park, Malawi, October 1984.
Malawi, Office of Training & Program Support, Forestry & Natural Resources Sector, U.S. Peace Corps, 1986. Donation
YZ.6 (23) BERE, R.M.; Mammals of East and Central Africa.
London, Longman, 1975. Donation
q GGP (4) BERTRAM, Brian C.R.; Studying predators. 2nd rev. ed.
Nairobi, African Wildlife Leadership Foundation, 1979. Donation
q GGW (85) BINDERNAGEL, J.A.; Game cropping in Tanzania.
Tanzania?, 197?
q GGW (79) BONIFICA IRITECNA. GRUPPO IRI; Initial measures for the conservation of the Kalahari ecosystem. Final report.
Rome?, Bonifica Iritecna. Gruppo IRI, 1992?. Donation
q GGW (80) BOURN, David Editor; Livestock and wildlife co-existence in East Africa? Summary of workshop proceedings.
Oxford?, ERGO, 1998. Donation
GGW (182) BROCKINGTON, Dan; Fortress conservation: the preservation of the Mkomazi Game Rserve, Tanzania.
Oxford, The International African Institute, 2002. Donation
K.8 (61) BROWN, L.H. & Britton, P.L.; The breeding seasons of East African birds.
Nairobi, The East Africa Natural History Society, 1980. Donation
KJ (21) BROWN, Leslie; African birds of prey.
London, Collins, 1970. Donation
KJ (20) BROWN, Leslie; The African fish eagle.
Folkestone, Bailey Bros. and Swinfen Ltd., 1980. Donation
YOT (3) BUELER, Lois E.; Wild dogs of the world.
London, Constable, 1974. Donation
q GHO (2) BURGIS, M.J. & Symoens, J.J. Editors; African wetlands and shallow water bodies / Zones humides et lacs peu profonds d’Afrique.
Paris, Orstom, 1987. Donation
q YGU (4) BUSS, Irven O.; Elephant life: fifteen years of high population density.
Ames IA, Iowa State University Press, 1990. Donation
QN (34) CARCASSON, R.H.; Collins handguide to the butterflies of Africa.
London, Collins, 1980.
q GHM (16) CARNELLEY, Mervyn; Lake Naivasha: an extended history.
Naivasha, [?], 1976. Donation
q FY (5) COE, Malcolm; Islands in the bush: a natural history of the Kora National Reserve, Kenya.
London, George Philip, 1985. Donation
FA (51) COE, Malcolm & Beentje, Henk; A field guide to the acacias of Kenya.
Oxford, Oxford University Press, 1991. Donation
GGW (197) COE, Malcolm & Collins, N. Mark Editors; Kora: an ecological inventory of the Kora National Reserve, Kenya.
London, Royal Geographical Society, 1986. Donation
EBB (76) COLLINSON, R.F.H.; Selecting wildlife census techniques.
Pietermaritzburg, Institute of Natural Resources University of Natal, 1985. Donation
FA (47) DALE, Ivan R. & Greenway, P.J.; Kenya trees & shrubs.
Nairobi, Buchanan’s Kenya Estates Limited, 1961. Donation
GGW (186) DE BIE, S.; Wildlife resources of the West African Savanna.
Wageningen, Agricultural University Wageningen, 1991. Donation
YZ.6 (24) DELANY, M.J. & Happold, D.C.D.; Ecology of African mammals.
London, Longman, 1979. Donation
KE (1) DIN, N.A.; Ecology of pelicans in the Rwenzorie National Park, Uganda.
Tucson AZ, Starling Press, 1979. Donation
q GGW (73) DOUGLAS-HAMILTON, I.; The African elephant action plan.
[?], [?], 1979. Donation
q GGW (72) DOUGLAS-HAMILTON, I.; African elephant ivory trade study: final report.
[?], [?], 1979. Donation
q YPV.7 (2) DUFFIELD, Yvonne; Study of lions – Panthera leo: why lions are social cats and live in groups.
Cambridge, Wolfson College, 1995. Donation
GGW (192) DUPUY, André R.; Le Niokolo-Koba premier grand Parc national de la République du Sénégal.
Dakar, G.I.A. Dakar, 1971. Donation
q YJQ (3) EAST, Rod & IUCN/SSC Antelope Specialist Group Compilers; African antelope database 1998.
Gland Switzerland, IUCN, 1999. Donation
YZ.6 (28) ELLERMAN, J.R., Morrison-Scott, T.C.S. and Hayman, R.W.; Southern African mammals 1758 to 1951: a reclassification.
London, British Museum (Natural History), 1953. Donation
YW (36) ELSE, James G. & Lee, Phyllis C. Editors; Primate ecology and conservation.
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1986. Donation
q GGW (84) ELTRINGHAM, S.K.; Recommendations for a comprehensive wildlife research programme, Tanzania.
Gland, Switzerland, IUCN, 1980. Donation
q GGW (86) ELTRINGHAM, S.K. & Malpas, R.C.; The conservation status of Uganda’s game and forest reserves in 1982 and 1983.
Uganda?, 1983? Donation
q GGW (74) FERRAR, A.A. Editor; Guidelines for the management of large mammals in African conservation areas.
Pretoria, Cooperative Scientific Programmes, 1983. Donation
q GGW (71) FOSTER, Derek; The conservation and management of African wildlife.
Cambridge, Wolfson College, 1989. Donation
YG (71,2) GEIST, V. & Walther, F. Editors; The behaviour of ungulates and its relation to management. Volumes 1 & 2.
Morges, IUCN, 1974. Donation
GH (37) GEORGE, Wilma & Lavocat, René Editors; The Africa-South America connection.
Oxford, Clarendon Press, 1993. Donation
VZ.6 (24) GREENWOOD, P.H.; The fishes of Uganda.
Kampala, The Uganda Society, 1966. Donation
q GG (14) GRIMSDELL, J.J.R.; Ecological monitoring.
Nairobi, African Wildlife Leadership Foundation, 1978. Donation
YZ.6 (21) HALTENORTH, Theodor & Diller, Helmut; A field guide to the mammals of Africa including Madagascar.
London, Collins, 1980. Donation
FA (52) HAMILTON, Alan; A field guide to Uganda forest trees.
Lungujja?, ?, 1971. Donation
GGW (180) HAMILTON, C.A.; Deforestation in Uganda.
Nairobi, Oxford University Press, 1984. Donation
YGU (11) HANKS, John; A struggle for survival: the elephant problem.
London, Century Life Books, 1979. Donation
FA (49) HARGREAVES, Dorothy & Hargreaves, Bob; African blossoms.
Kailua HI, Hargreaves Company Inc., 1972. Donation
FG (3) HARGREAVES, Dorothy & Hargreaves, Bob; African trees.
Kailua HI, Hargreaves Company Inc., 1972. Donation
GHK (6) HARKER, K.W.; An illustrated guide to the grasses of Uganda.
Entebbe?, Uganda Protectorate?, 1960?. Donation
GHM (114) HARPER, David Editor; Studies on the Lake Naivasha ecosystem, 1982-4.
Leicester, University of Leicester, 1984?. Donation
YGU (9) HAYNES, Gary; Mammoths, mastodonts, and elephants: biology, behavior, and the fossil record.
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1991. Donation
GG (264) HERREL, Anthony, Speck, Thomas and Rowe, Nicholas P. Editors; Ecology and biomechanics: a mechanical approach to the ecology of animals and plants.
Boca Raton FL, CRC/Taylor & Francis, 2006. £72.14
q GGW (77) HOMEWOOD, Katherine, Kiwasila, Hilda and Brockington, Dan; Conservation with development in East African rangelands: the case of Mkomazi Game Reserve, Tanzania.
?, ?, 1997. Donation
GGW (190) HOMEWOOD, K.M. & Rodgers, W.A.; Maasailand ecology: pastoralist development and wildlife conservation in Ngorongoro, Tanzania.
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1991. Donation
GGW (200) HOWELL, Paul, Lock, Michael and Cobb, Stephen Editors; The Jonglei Canal: impact and opportunity.
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1988. Donation
q GGW (69) HUISH, S.A. & Campbell, K.L.I. Editors; Serengeti Wildlife Research Centre Biennial Report of Scientific Results for 1988 and 1989.
Arusha, Serengeti Wildlife Research Centre, 1990. Donation
GGW (188) INSKIPP, Tim & Wells, Sue; International trade in wildlife.
London, Earthscan, 1979. Donation
GGW (201) INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION FOR THE CONSERVATION OF GAME & International Council for Game & Wildlife Conservation; Wildlife management in Sub-Saharan Africa: sustainable economic benefits and contribution towards rural development.
Paris, I.G.F., 1987?. Donation
GGW (205) INTERNATIONAL UNION FOR CONSERVATION OF NATURE AND NATURAL RESOURCES & United Nations Environment Programme; IUCN directory of Afrotropical protected areas.
Gland, IUCN, 1987. Donation
Gland, IUCN, 1986. Donation
GGW (187) IUCN; 1990 IUCN Red List of Threatened Animals.
Cambridge, IUCN, 1990. Donation
GGW (181) IUCN; Actions trategy for protected areas in the Afrotropical Realm.
Gland, IUCN, 1987. Donation
GG (263) JAMES, Valentine Udoh; Africa’s ecology: sustaining the biological and environmental diversity of a continent.
Jefferson NC, McFarland & Company, 1993. Donation
GGW (199) JENKINS, M.D. Editor; Madagascar: an environmental profile.
Gland, IUCN, 1987. Donation
GGW (206) JOSS, P.J., Lynch, P.W. and Williams, O.B. Editors; Rangelands: a resource under siege.
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1986. Donation
YHW (4) JOUBERT, Eugène; On the clover trail: the plight of the world’s rhinos.
Windhoek, Gamsberg Macmillan Publishers (Pty) Ltd., 1996. Donation
q GGW (61) KAYANJA, Frederick I.B. & Edroma, Eric L. Editors; African wildlife: research and management.
Paris, ICSU Press, 1991. Donation
q YGU (10) KEIGWIN, Michael; Elephants, crops and people: Queen Elizabeth National Park, Uganda.
Masham, Elephants, crops and people, 1998. Donation
q GGW (63) KISS, Agnes Editor; Living with wildlife: wildlife resource management with local participation in Africa.
Washington DC, The World Bank, 1990. Donation
GG (262) LANGDALE-BROWN, I., Osmaston, H.A. and Wilson, J.G.; The vegetation of Uganda and its bearing on land-use.
London, The Government of Uganda, 1964. Donation
KZ.6 (70) LANGRAND, Olivier; Guide to the birds of Madagascar.
New Haven CT, Yale University Press, 1990. Donation
FA (47) LIND, E.M. & Tallantire, A.C.; Some common flowering plants of Uganda.
London, Oxford University Press, 1962. Donation
YZ.6 (27) MERZ, Günter; A field guide to footprints of mammals of East Africa and Southern Sudan.
Nairobi, [?], 1985. Donation
q GGW (83) MKOMAZI RESEARCH PROGRAMME; Progress Report – July 1995.
Dar es Salaam?, Mkomazi Research Programme, 1995. Donation
YJT (3) MLOSZEWSKI, Mark J.; The behavior and ecology of the African buffalo.
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1983. Donation
GGW (198) MOYO, Sam, O’Keefe, Phil and Sill, Michael; The Southern African environment: profiles of the SADC countries.
London, Earthscan Publications, 1993. Donation
q KJ (7) MUNDY, Peter et al; The vultures of Africa.
London, Academic Press, 1992. Donation
GHI (7) MYERS, Norman; Conversion of tropical moist forests.
Washington DC, National Academy of Sciences, 1980. Donation
q EBB (7) NORTON-GRIFFITHS, M.; Counting animals.
Nairobi, African Wildlife Leadership Foundation, 1975. Donation
q FY (6) OBERLÉ, Philippe Editor; Madagascar: un sanctuaire de la nature.
Ankorondrano, Societe Malgache d’Edition, 1981. Donation
FA (53) OBOT, E.A. & Ayeni, J.S.O.; A handbook of common aquatic plants of the Kainji Lake Basin, Nigeria.
New Bussa, National Institute for Freshwater Fisheries Research, 1987. Donation
FY (47c) OLIVER, Roland & Atmore, Anthony; Africa since 1800. 3rd ed.
Cambridg, Cambridge University Press, 1981. Donation
FY (45) OLIVER, Roland & Atmore, Anthony; The African Middle Ages 1400-1800.
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1981. Donation
FY (46) OLIVER, Roland & Fagan, Brian M.; Africa in the Iron Age c. 500 B.C. to A.D. 1400.
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1975. Donation
q GGW (76) OLIVIER, Robert; The Kidepo Valley National Park: management plan 1992-1997.
Kampala, Uganda National Parks, 1992. Donation
q GGW (75) OLIVIER, Robert; The Murchison Falls National Park: management plan 1992-1997.
Kampala, Uganda National Parks, 1992. Donation
q GGW (64) OLIVIER, Robert; The Queen Elizabeth National Park: management plan 1990-1995.
Kampala, Uganda National Parks, 1990. Donation
GGW (203) ONEKA, Michael; On park design: looking beyond the wars.
Wageningen, Wageningen Agricultural University, 1996. Donation
YZ.6 (26) ONO, Yuiti & Doi, Teruo Editors; Socio-ecological studies on Ethiopian mammals.
Fukuoka, Research Group on Ethiopian Mammals, 1983. Donation
q GGW (60) OVERSEAS DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION; African wildlife policy consultation: final report of the consultation.
London, Overseas Development Administration, 1996. Donation
YZ.6 (25) OWEN-SMITH, R. Norman Editor; Management of large mammals in African conservation areas.
Pretoria, HAUM, 1983. Donation
GEM (37) PERRY, J.S. & Rowlands, I.W. Editors; Biology of reproduction in mammals.
Oxford, Blackwell Scientific Publications, 1969. Donation
q YJL (1) POLAND, Marguerite & Hammond-Tooke, David; The abundant herds: a celebration of the cattle of the Zulu people.
Vlaeberg SA, Fernwood Press, 2003. Donation
GGW (185) PRATT, D.J. & Gwynne, M.D. Editors; Rangeland management and ecology in East Africa.
London, Hodder and Stoughton, 1977. Donation
YJL (9) PRICE, Mark R. Stanley; Animal re-introductions: the Arabian oryx in Oman.
Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 1989. Donation
YJL (8) PRINS, H.H.T.; Ecology and behaviour of the African buffalo: social inequality and decision making.
London, Chapman & Hall, 1996. Donation
GHY (10) PROCTOR, J. Editor; Mineral nutrients in tropical forest and savanna ecosystems.
Oxford, Blackwell Scientific Publications, 1989. Donation
q YGU (9) REDMOND, Ian; The elephant book: for the Elefriends campaign.
London, Walker Books, 1990. Donation
GGW (191) ROBINSON, John G. & Redford, Kent H. Editors; Neotropical wildlife use and conservation.
Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 1991. Donation
q YGU (6) RODEN, Alison; The elephant problem.
Cambridge, Wolfson College, 2000. Donation
D.11 (51g) ROSENTHAL, Eric; Encyclopaedia of Southern Africa. 7th ed.
Cape Town, Juta and Company Ltd., 1978. Donation
q YGU (8) ROSS, Doran H. Editor; Elephant: the animal and its ivory in African culture.
Los Angeles, Fowler Museum of Cultural History, 1992. Donation
FY (44) ROSS, Karen; Okavango: jewel of the Kalahari.
London, BBC Books, 1987. Donation
q YPV.7 (1) RUDNAI, Judith A.; The social life of the lion: a study of the behaviour of wild lions (Panthera leo massaica [Newmann]) in the Nairobi National Park, Kenya.
Lancaster, MTP Medical and Technical Publishing Co. Ltd., 1973. Donation
q YGU (7) SAID, M.Y. et al; African elephant database 1995.
Gland, IUCN, 1995. Donation
Arusha, Serengeti Research Institute, 1974. Donation
q GGW (67) SERENGETI RESEARCH INSTITUTE; Annual Report 1975-76.
Arusha, Serengeti Research Institute, 1976. Donation
q GGW (70) SERENGETI WILDLIFE RESEARCH CENTRE; Annual Report for 1986 and 1987. Scientific results.
Arusha, Serengeti Wildlife Research Institute, 1988. Donation
q GGW (68) SERENGETI WILDLIFE RESEARCH CENTRE; Scientific Report 1990-1992.
Arusha, Serengeti Wildlife Research Centre, 1993. Donation
YOT (4) SHELDON, Jennifer W.; Wild dogs: the natural history of the nondomestic canidae.
San Diego, Academic Press, 1992. Donation
YGU (10) SILLAR, F.C. & Meyler, R.M.; Elephants ancient and modern.
New York, The Viking Press, 1968. Donation
q GGP (5) SINCLAIR, A.R.E. & Grimsdell, J.J.R.; Population dynamics of large mammals.