RERC Planner: January Primary: 1

Month/Season: January Class:Primary 1Level:Early

Strands of Faith : Experiences and Outcomes / Core Learning / Learning & Teaching
Class/School/Home/Parish / Resources / Assessment
Mystery Of God
RERC 0‐01a
I explore God's natural world and I am beginning to see the wonder and awe of this gift in the world around me.
HWB 0-50a
I am learning about where living things come
from and about how they grow, develop and
are nurtured. / GLP
I can explore God’s natural world through my five senses, and I can enjoy and delight in the gift of creation.
I understand that the gift of the seasons, the weather, and the life of plants, animals and people, including myself, are a sign of God’s love for me.
I know that people who loved God praised him for his creation by making and singing prayer songs called psalms.
I can praise God for the wonder of creation by praying a simple version of a psalm e.g.
Psalm 148- Cosmic Hymn of Praise
Psalm 150- A final chorus of praise
I can also sing my own songs to praise God and show my love for Him. / Class:- Teacher explains to the children that God made us and he loves us very much. God also created a world for us to live in and to enjoy. Discuss with the class the natural world that God has created e.g. animals, seasons, fish, and stars. Explain to the class that God has given us five senses to help us to explore and enjoy the gift of creation. Teacher discusses with the children the five senses – sight, hearing, touch, taste and smell. Children complete the Five Senses Worksheet.
Class:-Teacher explains to the class that when we love someone we often give them gifts e.g. Birthday, Christmas to show our love for them. God loves us and has given us the gifts of:
  • The Seasons
  • The Weather
  • The Life of Plants
  • Animals
  • People
Teacher discusses with the children the wonder of creation and how much God must love us to give us such a wonderful gift. Children complete Creation is a Gift from God Worksheet.
(Note to Teacher: Much of the Core Learning identified in January for p1 encompasses that identified in the draft CEC document for Relationships and Moral Education (“God’s Loving Plan”) issued for comment and consultation in November 2012. Some H&W Es & Os are also incorporated into this learning.)
Class:-Teacher explains to the children that people who loved God praised him for his creation by saying prayers and singing hymns. Discuss with the children the names of any prayers or hymns that they know. Explain that there are special prayer songs called psalms that praise God for the wonder of creation. They are called prayer songs because as you are singing you are praying and praising God.
Class:-Teacher discusses with the children the concept of praise and how we all like to be told that we have done something well.Teacher explains to the children the bible contains lots of psalms that praise God.Teacher reads from the bible Psalm 148 and/or Psalm 150 and discusses with the children how the psalms praise God and what we can praise him with.Teacher displays on whiteboard extracts from Psalm 148 and/or Psalm 150 and the children participate in praying a simple version of the psalm. The children could play percussion instruments as they pray the psalm.
Class:-As a class activity, teacher assists the children in making a simple song of praise to God to show their love for him. They could add percussion instruments as they sing their song of praise.
School:The children could sing their class song of praise at school assembly.
KEY VOCABULARY: God, natural world, senses, creation, seasons, weather, life, praise, psalm, wonder. / Five Senses Worksheet (attached to planner)
Creation is a Gift from God Worksheet
(attached to planner)
Science topics e.g.,
• Living Things: sorting living and non living things; planting
• growing and caring for plants;
• new birth in spring
• Nature walks
• My senses
Food, Health and Nutrition
• how food is produced, where it comes from
• how to preserve it.
Diocese of Motherwell Planning exemplars

Music of the seasons
Lanarkshire RSHP Pack Primary 1 page 23
Extract from Psalm 148 (attached to planner)
Extract from Psalm 150 (attached to planner)
Percussion Instruments / Children demonstrate awareness that God’s gift of the natural world is a sign of his love for us.
Children participate in praising God for the wonder of creation by praying a psalm.
Children demonstrate understanding ofbeginning to see the wonder and awe of thegift of creation in the world around them.


RERC Planner: January Primary: 1

Strands of Faith : Experiences and Outcomes / Core Learning / Learning & Teaching
Class/School/Home/Parish / Resources / Assessment
Revealed Truth Of God
RERC 0‐03a
I am aware of God's love for me and His call for me to be close to Him.
HWB 0-03a
I understand that there are people I can talk
to and that there are a number of ways in
which I can gain access to practical and
emotional support to help me and others in a
range of circumstances. / I know that God loves me because He has created a beautiful natural world for me to enjoy and care for.
I am aware of God’s love for me because he has given me people who can care for me and protect me.
I know that God loves me because he gave me his only son Jesus to be with me.
I know that God loves me because I have listened and responded to some scripture passages from the Word of God Strand that tell me about the love of God.
I recognise that a sign of God’s love for me is my uniqueness and I am able to share, with the help of my teacher, the wonder of my being.
I have listened to my teacher share his/her experience of God’s love and his/her wonder and awe at God’s creation.
I can praise and thank God for the love he has shown me through creation, through Jesus his Son, and through the people who care for me.*
I can respond to God’s call to be close to him by deepening my relationship through prayer and praise.*
*This links to Core Learning in “Hours of God” under RERC 0-14a (See attached sheet) / Class: - Teacher reminds children that God loves us and created a beautiful world for us to enjoy and care for. Teacher explains that because he loves us so much he has given us people to care for us and to protect us. Teacher discusses with the children people who care for them and protect them e.g. parents, teachers, nurses, doctors. Teacher displays on the whiteboard the People who Help Us Poster and discusses with the children how these people care for and protect us.
Class: - Teacher reminds the Children about the story of Christmas andthe birth of baby Jesus. Teacher explains to the children that God loves us somuch that he gave us his only son Jesus to be with us on earth. Children read and colour God Loves Us Worksheet.
Class: -Teacher explains to the children that the bible is a special book that contains wonderful stories about God’s love for us. Teacher asks the children to tell the class the names of any stories that they have heard from the bible e.g. Noah’s Ark, Christmas story. Teacher explains that at Mass the priest reads stories from his bible and we call stories from the bible scriptures. Teacher selects and reads a story from the bible to the children.
Note: “Word of God” suggests Genesis 1 (Creation), Genesis 6 (the Flood) and Luke 10:29-37 (The Good Samaritan) as p1 texts. These might be usefully chosen here. The Good Samaritan is identified as a text relevant to the learning in “God’s Loving Plan” under the proposed theme: “God Delights in Me”.
Class: - Teacher explains to the class that God loves each individual so much that he has made us unique. Discuss with the children their different physical attributes, talents, personalities etc. Teacher explains that we are all special to God and he loves each and everyone for just being themselves. Children complete the I am Special Worksheet.
Class: - Teacher shares with the children his/her experience of God’s love and his/her wonder and awe at God’s creation. Teacher could tell the children about a time when he/she felt the power of God’s love and could show the children pictures from the natural world that means something special to him/her.
Class: -Teacher explains to the children that each child is going to write a short prayer thanking God for the love he has shown to us. The children will be able to thank God for the love he has shown through one of the following:
  • Creation
  • Jesus his Son
  • People who care for us
The teacher could put a word bank on the wall or whiteboard to help the children complete a short prayer in the A Thank You Prayer Worksheet.
School: - The children could read out their prayers at school assembly.
Class: -Teacher revises with the children the psalms of praise they learned earlier in the month.
KEY VOCABULARY: natural world, Jesus, scripture, wonder, awe, God’s call, Prayer, praise / Whiteboard
People who Help Us Poster (attached to planner)
Bounceback Unit 8 - Bullying
Including anti bullying approaches – people to talk to when
others are being unfriendly; people who can help when one is
feeling unwell
Diocese of Motherwell Planning exemplars

God’s Loving Plan CD, Primary 1, Worksheet 3
Glasgow SHRE Programme, P1 Lesson 4 (My Life, My Special
God Loves Us Worksheet Poster (attached to planner)
I am Special Worksheet (attached to planner)
Word Bank
A Thank You Prayer Worksheet (attached to planner) / Children demonstrate an understanding that God loves us because has given us a beautiful, natural world, people to care for us and His only son.
Children show awareness that they are unique.
Children experience becoming closer to God through prayer and praise.


RERC Planner: January Primary: 1

Strands of Faith : Experiences and Outcomes / Core Learning / Learning & Teaching
Class/School/Home/Parish / Resources / Assessment
Reign of God
RERC 0‐20a
I know that God invites us to show love to others
RERC 0‐21a
I can respond to stories that reflect Christian values. / I can name the people in my family who love me and to whom I show love.
I am beginning to understand that God loves everybody and wants me to show love to others.
I can show love by being kind and respectful to my friends and family.
I have experienced opportunities to listen to and share my responses to stories that reflect the Christian values of friendship, caring and love that God shows His people.
With the help of my teacher, I can identify times when these values have been shown in my playground, home and classroom interactions.
I know that, when I demonstrate these Christian values of friendship, caring and kindness, I am living as God wants me to. / Class: - Teacher explains to the children that we all belong to family and that families love one another. Teacher discusses with the children how families show their love for each other e.g. sharing, looking out for each other, visiting. Teacher asks the children to name close family and extended family members who love them e.g. mum, dad, granny and cousins and makes a word bank for the wall or the whiteboard. Children completeFamily Member Worksheet.
Class: - Teacher explains to the children that God loves everybody and he wants us to show love to others. Teacher discusses with the children that they can show love by being kind and showing respect to their family and friends e.g. sharing their toys, helping out at home, taking care of other people’s property and having good manners. Children complete God Wants Me to Show Love to Others Worksheet.
KEY VOCABULARY: Family, love, respect, friends
Class:-Teacher reminds children about the Christian values that they heard about during Advent. Teachers revises with the children that whenChristians show friendship, caring and kindness they are living as God wants them to live. Teacher asks the children if anybody received a certificate during Advent for demonstrating these Christian Values. Teacher explains that they can earn a certificate again if any member of staff spots them showing the values of friendship, care, kindness and love. This will be awarded at a ceremony at the end of a given time.
KEY VOCABULARY: Christian values, friendship, care, kindness, love. / Word Bank
Family Member Worksheet (attached to planner)
Wants me to Show Love to Others Worksheet (attached to planner)
Christian Values Certificates (attached to planner) / Children demonstrate an understanding thatthat God invites us to show love to others.
Children demonstrate by their actions that they have some understanding of the
Christian values of friendship, care, kindness and love


RERC Planner: January Primary: 1


Our Five Senses

Draw a line to match the sense to the correct picture.


RERC Planner: January Primary: 1


Creation is a Gift from God


RERC Planner: January Primary: 1

Psalm 148(Verses7-10)

Praise the LORD from the earth,

Sea–monsters and all ocean depths;

Lightning and hail, snow and clouds,

Strong winds that obey his command.

Praise him, hills and mountains,

Fruit trees and forests;

All animals, tame and wild,

Reptiles and birds.


RERC Planner: January Primary: 1

Psalm 150(Verses3-6)

Praise him with trumpets.

Praise him with harps and lyres.

Praise him with drums and dancing.

Praise him with harps and flutes.

Praise him with cymbals.

Praise him with loud cymbals.

Praise the Lord, all living creatures!

Praise the Lord!


RERC Planner: January Primary: 1


RERC Planner: January Primary: 1


God loves us so much that he gave us his only son Jesus.


RERC Planner: January Primary: 1

My Name is……………………………………………………………..


RERC Planner: January Primary 1


A Thank You Prayer

Dear God

Thank you for loving me and giving me



RERC Planner: January Primary 1

I belong to the……………………………………………family.

Write the names ofyour family members inside the house.


RERC Planner: January Primary 1



RERC Planner: January Primary 1

Christian Value Certificate

This is to certify that:

has shown the Christian value of


Signed Date

Congratulations for living as God wants us to live.