The Graduate Student Affinity Group
of the Association of American Geographers
2010-2011 Report
I. Mission Statement:
Supporting the mission of the AAG by increasing participation of graduate students, voicing concerns/needs of graduate students, better preparing graduate students for careers in Geography and providing a forum for inter-university communication (both socially and professionally) among graduate student members of the AAG.
II. 2010 Dues:
The dues are currently $2.00
III. Board of Directors:
Chair: Christopher Riley, The Ohio State University
Vice Chair: Zoe Pearson, The Ohio State University
Secretary/Treasurer: Justine Law, The Ohio State University
Director: Emily Billo, Syracuse University
Director: James Baginski, The Ohio State University
Director: Nicholas Crane, The Ohio State University
Director: Luna Vives, University of British Columbia
Director: Sharon Wilcox Adams, University of Texas
IV. Accomplishments, Activities Scheduled, Future Plans and Directions
The GSAG has accomplished a great deal over the last year:
1) Awards and competitions: 2010 GSAG Student Paper Competition and 2010 GSAG Student Research Award
We plan to offer more than one award again in the coming year. Announcements will be distributed in early November 2010.
In total $ 1,500 was distributed to the three winners of the research award and $ 400 was distributed to the three winners of the paper competition. Winners of the research award competition include George Roedl (West Virginia University), Sharon Wilcox Adams (University of Texas), and Emma GaalaasMullaney (Penn State University). Winners of the paper competition include Natalie Koch (University of Colorado), Lauren Martin (University of Kentucky), and Oh Seok Kim (University of Southern California).
2) Business Meeting at the 2010 AAG Conference in Washington, D.C.
Our business meeting was held in conjunction with the 2010 Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers in the nation’s capital. One of the more significant discussion points in our meeting was the possibility of greater collaboration between AAG’s Enhancing Departments and Graduate Education project – including the proposed formation of a GSAG-EDGE liaison to be elected by GSAG’s membership (awaiting approval from Michael Solem). Second, GSAG is currently operating with a surplus of money from dues. Our membership elected to submit some money to the AAG’s “developing regions” program. Our officers are currently re-evaluating GSAG’s financial records to determine the appropriate amount of money to the program. Both collaboration with EDGE and participation in the “developing regions” program are responses to our member’s desires to become more involved and visible in AAG activity. Also notable: the business meeting provided a venue for the announcement of paper competition and research award results, a review of old business, and the announcement of new officers.
3) Communication with members
a) Website
The GSAG website has been transitioned to The site continues to evolve and better support the membership. Our webmaster is still Phil Birnie, who is in the process of updating the website.
b) Newsletter
The GSAG Newsletter is made available, one to two times per year, through the GSAG website and through the GSAG Google group.
c) Google group
During 2008-09, we established and maintained a Google group as part of an effort to streamline communication within the GSAG. The group continues to provide our primary means of communication.
4) 2010 Annual Meeting Plans for Washington, DC
The GSAG is sponsoring approximately ten sessions (so far) at this year’s annual meeting. Our visibility has greatly increased in this regard. At our business meeting, we will announce new officers, congratulate our competition award winners, review the year’s accomplishments, and provide our members an opportunity to meet and or reunite. We will also be discussing the 2011-2012 GSAG agenda.
V. Membership and Participation
The GSAG has quickly grown in membership over the last six years from twelve participants at the first meeting in Los Angeles to the 1586 members we have now.
VI. Financial Report
Balance, 08-31-10: $1908.19
VII. Special Requests or Questions for Council
None at this time.
Submitted by
Christopher Riley, Chair