School-Based Decision Making Council

Monthly Meeting of the

School-Based Decision Making Council

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

3:30 p.m. in the library

Mary Bowling, Chairperson Kandi Barnard, Teacher Member

Lee Ellen Hedrick, Parent Member Travis Cupp, Teacher Member

Carrie Smith, Parent Member Traci Rader, Teacher Member


1.  Opening Business

a.  Welcome members and guests – Council members present were Lee Ellen Hedrick, Kandi Barnard, Travis Cupp, and Traci Rader. Council vice-chair Travis Cupp chaired the meeting due to Mrs. Bowling’s absence to attend an ARC meeting. There were no guests in attendance.

b.  Approve agenda – Council members reviewed agenda. Lee Ellen Hedrick made a motion to approve the agenda; Kandi Barnard seconded the motion. The agenda was approved.

c.  Approve previous minutes – Council members reviewed minutes from July 29 and July 31 meetings. Kandi Barnard made a motion to approve the minutes; Lee Ellen Hedrick seconded the motion. The previous minutes were approved.

d.  Good News Report – Mr. Cupp reported that we received a parent nomination for PTO president from James Hoskins.

e.  Public Comment – no public comment

2.  Student Achievement

a.  MAP and DEA Assessment Schedule – Mr. Cupp reported that all DEA and MAP testing would be complete by Friday, September 5. The fall tests are used as a screener for students in need of intervention and will be used to identify students for TIES.

b.  KPREP data release date; September data analysis – KPREP scores will be released in mid to late September. Staff will analyze KPREP scores on Friday, September 26. Parent council members are invited to attend.

3.  School Improvement Planning

a.  New instructional resources to target math, reading, social studies – Mr. Cupp reported: the 5th grade social studies textbooks had arrived and students are very excited about them; Reading Common Core will be purchased for 4th and 5th grade classes; and Math Simple Solutions is being used for daily flashbacks in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades.

b.  TIES / i-Ready – Students identified for TIES will begin i-Ready the week of September 8. The i-Ready program is not ready for daily use by K and 1st grade students yet.

4.  Program Reviews

a.  World Language Program Review – Council members reviewed World Language Program Review information from KASC stating that elementary schools will answer in ASSIST this year, uploading of evidence will be optional, and it is not accountable this year. Accountability begins in elementary schools in the year 2015-2016.

5.  Budget Reports

a.  Monthly Budget Reports – Council members reviewed monthly budget reports for School Activity Funds, Section 5, ESS, PD, and Title I.

6.  Program Reports

a.  ESS Report – district changes to ESS program; program plans for the year – Council members brainstormed plans for possible changes to the ESS program for this school year: use of Title I money for daytime tutors; benefits of daytime vs after school ESS; possible hiring of new teachers instead of retired teachers – more familiar with common core and good to have potential classroom teachers working in our building. Mrs. Bowling has a principals meeting Thursday and hopes to have more information about the after school ESS program soon.

7.  Review

a.  By-Laws Review – Council members reviewed Council By-Laws. A question was raised from information received during the council training about the definition of majority for teacher member elections. Mrs. Bowling will check with the trainer to find out if a revision to the By-Laws is necessary.

8.  New Business

a.  Enrollment for 2014-2015 school year – Council members reviewed Student Enrollment Summary Report noting 14 students over capacity in kindergarten. There are 6 students who have not provided proof of residence yet and school staff are contacting these parents. Mr. Cupp reported that enrollment had to be 18 over to receive an allocated teacher. Council members discussed the possibility of hiring a K teacher with Title I funds if budget supports. Council members are pleased that enrollment is up from this time last year.

b.  PLCs for 2014-2015 – Council members reviewed PLCs. Traci Rader made a motion to approve PLCs for the 2014-2015 school year; Lee Ellen Hedrick seconded the motion. The PLCs were approved.

c.  Personnel: Consultation for the lunchroom monitor position – Mr. Cupp stated the need to go into closed session to discuss applicants and interviews. Lee Ellen Hedrick made a motion to convene in closed session; Kandi Barnard seconded the motion. The Council convened in closed session. After discussion, Kandi Barnard made a motion to return to open session; Traci Rader seconded the motion. The Council returned to open session. In open session, Mr. Cupp presented the interview committee’s recommendation of Jessica Hoskins for the lunchroom monitor position. Traci Rader made a motion to accept the recommendation; Lee Ellen Hedrick seconded the motion. Jessica Hoskins was approved for the lunchroom monitor position.

9.  On-Going Learning

a.  Assessment Updates – Council members reviewed information from the state on the science KPREP assessment for 2015. Information included: full implementation of new science standards this year; 4th graders will take a norm referenced test on KPREP and national percentile results will be reported; these scores will not be included in accountability; accountability weights for the 2015 KPREP are: reading, math, social studies and writing 25% each.

10.  Closing Business

a.  Set next meeting date; Council Meeting Dates for year – Council members received the meeting dates for the year to be placed in their binder. The next meeting is scheduled for September 30.

b.  Adjourn meeting – Lee Ellen Hedrick made a motion to adjourn the meeting; Kandi Barnard seconded the motion. The August monthly Council meeting was adjourned.