Thank you for your interest in being appointed as an authority school governor. Please read the information below before you fill in the attached form.
Appointment procedure
Authority governor appointments and re-appointments are made by the Director for Children’s Services on the recommendation of a Panel comprising a majority party councillor and a minority party councillor. The panel meets termly, and more often if needed.
Criteria for appointment
The City Council has agreed the following criteria for the appointment and conduct of authority governors:
· commitment to improving standards in schools and children’s well-being
· personal and professional qualities, experience and skills which could be of value to a governing body
· involvement in the wider community as a resident, in a voluntary capacity or through employment
· time to commit to the work of the governing body and to get to know the school
Once appointed, authority governors should be prepared to:
· attend governing body meetings regularly
· take an active part in the work of the governing body eg by participating in committees, taking responsibility for aspects of the governing body’s work etc
· attend the local authority governor induction course within a year of appointment and other appropriate training courses
· understand and respect the differing roles and responsibilities of the various partners in education and the relationships between them.
· work constructively with other governors and respect the principles of collective responsibility and accountability
· share skills and expertise as they relate to specific areas of governors’ work
· attend briefing sessions for authority governors in order to be aware of the policy of the local authority in relation to any significant local or national issue identified by the local authority
The following are not eligible as authority governors in Westminster schools (but could serve in other capacities and as associate members).
· an employee of Westminster Children Services Department
· an employee of the governing body of voluntary aided schools maintained by the City Council
· a close relative (mother, father, brother, sister, partner or child) of a member of staff at the school to which the appointment is to be made.
In extreme cases, in the event of significant breaches of the criteria or expectations the local authority could remove a governor through the Panel process.
Safeguarding children and young people
All new and re-appointed governors are expected to undergo List 99 and CRB (Criminal Records Bureau) clearance checks and to produce evidence of identity (eg a passport, photo driving licence). We will also follow up your references.
In addition certain people are disqualified from governorship. Please read the criteria attached to the application form and sign the form to confirm that you are not exempt.
Please return your form to:
Ann Foster
Governor Development Co-ordinator
School Effectiveness Team
215 Lisson Grove
London NW8 8LF
Tel: 020 7641 7881
Thank you for your interest. We look forward to hearing from you.
SCHOOL GOVERNOR application form
personal details
1. Name
2. Address
3. Tel. nos.
(daytime) (evening)
4. E-mail …………………………………………………………………
5. Occupation ………………………………………………………………………………… Please attach a CV if available
6. Do you have children of school age? YES NO
7. If YES, do they attend a City of Westminster School? YES NO
Please specify which one
8. Do you have any previous experience of being YES NO
a school governor? If YES please give details
9. Please outline your reasons for wishing to become a school governor
10. Please give details of any experience, skills, interests and qualifications that you
can bring to the work of a governing body. (Examples might be drawn from your
occupation and community or voluntary work) Attach a CV if available.
11. Please explain why you have selected the particular schools in which you are interested.
12. References
Please provide the name, address, telephone number and e-mail of two people who can be contacted for an endorsement of your application. Referees could be local councillors or someone with a professional background or voluntary involvement in Westminster education or community activity.
13. Declaration
Certain people are disqualified from holding office as a school governor (see Appendix B). Please sign to show that you are not disqualified as a school governor and that the information you give on this form can be used in accordance with the Data Protection Act (DPA). This protects the right to privacy of individuals whose personal data is held on a database.
I declare that all the information on this application form is true and correct, that none of the disqualifications shown on the attached sheet (Appendix B) apply to me and that I am willing to comply with the criteria for appointment of authority governors. For the purposes of the Data Protection Act (DPA) 1998 I consent to the information in this form being used in accordance with the DPA.Signed ………………………………………….. Dated ……………………
The City Council aims to reflect the diverse community we serve on governing bodies. The information you provide is maintained confidentially and will allow us to monitor the effectiveness of our policies and procedures.
What is your ethnic background?
Please tick one (or write in space if appropriate)
a) White b) Asian or Asian British
British British
Irish Pakistani
Other …………………………. Bangladeshi
Other ………………………….
b) Mixed d) Black or Black British
White and Black Caribbean Caribbean
White and Black African African
White and Asian Other ………………………….
Other ………………………….
c) Chinese f) Other ethnic group ………………
d) What is your gender
Female Male
e) Date of birth ………………………….
f) What is your first language? ……………………………………………………………..
g) Disability
Do you have a disability as outlined in the Disability Discrimination Act ie
“ A physical or mental impairment which has a substantial and long term adverse effect on a person’s ability to carry out normal day to day activities”
Yes No
Please give details of any access / special needs provision you would require
There are certain restrictions on becoming a school governor. Please sign and return this form to confirm that they do not apply to you
I confirm that …..
§ I am aged 18 or over at the date of this election or appointment;
§ I do not already hold a governorship of the same school;
§ I am not detained under the Mental Health Act 1983;
§ I am not bankrupt or subject to a disqualification order under the Company Directors
Disqualification Act 1986 or to an order made under section 429(2)(b) of the Insolvency Act 1986;
§ I have not been removed from the office of trustee for a charity by an order made by the Charity Commissioners or the High Court on the grounds of any misconduct or mismanagement or, under section 7 of the Law Reform (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Scotland) Act 1990, from being concerned in the management or control of any body;
§ I am not included in the list (List 99) of teachers and workers with children or young persons whose employment is prohibited or restricted;
§ I am not disqualified from being the proprietor of any independent school or for being a teacher or other employee in any school;
§ I have not, in the five years prior to becoming a governor, received a sentence of imprisonment, suspended or otherwise, for a period of three months or more without the option of a fine;
§ I have not, in the twenty years prior to becoming a governor received a sentence of imprisonment for a period of two and a half years or more;
§ I have not, at any time, had passed on me a sentence of imprisonment for a period of five years or more;
§ I have not been fined, in the five years prior to becoming a governor, for causing a nuisance or disturbance on education premises;
§ I am not subject to a disqualification order under the Criminal Justice and Court Services Act 2000.
§ I agree to an enhanced disclosure with the Criminal Records Bureau (CRB)
Parent governors: I am not employed at the school for more than 500 hours a year, nor an elected member of the Local Authority
Community governors: I am not an elected member of the Local Authority
Authority Governors: I am not
§ an employee of Westminster Council Children’s Services Department
§ employed by the governing body of voluntary aided schools maintained by the City Council
§ a close relative (mother, father, brother, sister, partner or child) of a member of staff at the school to which the appointment is to be made
Signature: ………………………………… Date: ……………………………………
School: …………………………………
List of schools in Westminster; please indicate which schools APPENDIX C
you are interested in by ticking the box (es)
NURSERY / PRIMARY1 / o / Dorothy Gardner
293 Shirland Rd W9 / 13 / o / All Souls CE
Foley Street W1 / 32 / o / St Clement Danes CE
Drury Lane WC2
2 / o / Mary Paterson
13 Riverton Close W9 / 14 / o / Barrow Hill Juniors
Bridgeman St NW8 / 33 / o / St Edwards RC
Lisson Grove NW1
3 / o / Tachbrook
Cockburn Hse SW1 / 15 / o / Burdett Coutts CE
Rochester St SW1 / 34 / o / St Gabriels CE
Churchill Gardens SW1
4 / o / Portman Early Childhood Centre
12-18 Salisbury St NW8 / 16 / o / Christ Church Bentinck CE
Cosway St NW1 / 35 / o / St Georges Hanover Sq CE
South St W1
SPECIAL / 17 / o / Churchill Gardens
Ranalagh Road SW1 / 36 / o / St James & St Michael CE
Craven Terrace W2
5 / o / College Park
Monmouth Rd W2 / 18 / o / Edward Wilson
Senior St W2 / 37 / o / St Joseph RC
Lanark Road W9
6 / o / Queen Elizabeth II
Kennett Rd W9 / 19 / o / Essendine
Essendine Road W9 / 38 / o / St Lukes CE
Fernhead Road W9
SECONDARY / 20 / o / Gateway Primary
Capland Street NW8 / 39 / o / St Mary’s Bryanston Sq CE
Enford St
7 / o / Quintin Kynaston
Marlborough Hill NW8 / 22 / o / George Eliot Junior
Marlborough Hill NW8 / 41 / o / St Mary of the Angels RC
Shrewsbury Road
8 / o / Grey Coat Hospital CE
Grey Coat Place SW1 / 23 / o / Hallfield Primary
Porchester Gardens W2 / 42 / o / St Matthews CE
16-18 Old Pye St SW1
10 / o / St Georges RC
Lanark Road W9 / 24 / o / Hampden Gurney CE
Harrowby St W1 / 43 / o / St Peters Eaton Sq CE
Lower Belgrave St SW1
11 / o / St Marylebone CE
64 Marylebone High St W1 / 25 / o / Millbank
Erasmus St W1 / 44 / o / St Saviours CE
Shirland Road W9
12 / o / Westminster City CE
55 Palace St SW1 / 26 / o / Our Lady of Dolours RC
19 Cirencester St W2 / 45 / o / St Stephens CE
Westbourne Park Rd W2
CE : Church of England
RC: Roman Catholic / 27 / o / Paddington Green
Park Place Villas W2 / 46 / o / St Vincents RC
14 Bandford St W1
28 / o / Queens Park
Droop Street W10 / 47 / o / St Vincent De Paul RC
Morpeth Terrace SW1
29 / o / Robinsfield Infants
Ordnance Hill NW8 / 48 / o / Soho Parish CE
23 Great Windmill St W1
30 / o / St Augustines CE
Kilburn Park Road NW6 / 49 / o / Westminster Cathedral RC
Bessborough Place SW1
31 / o / St Barnabas CE
St Barnabas St SW1 / 50 / o / Wilberforce Primary
Herries St W10
AF / 12.08.2010