Greater Austin Council

Navy League of the United States

Officers and Directors Meeting

August 10, 2011

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at the Red Lobster Restaurant, S. Lamar Street by President Randy Patterson at 1300 hours. A quorum was present consisting of Randy Patterson, Brian Colfack, Jack Ritter, Tim Hunsberger, Max Miller, Jim Brotherton, LuAnn Reyes, Tom Griffy, Kathy Pillmore, Bruce Byran, and Jeanie Coffey.

Minutes: Corrected Minutes of the May 27, 2011 meeting were reviewed and approved upon motion by Tim Hunsbarger and second by Kathy Pillmore.

Treasurer’s Report: The Treasurer’s Report was presented by LuAnn Reyes. The report shows a balance of $4979.87 in the operating (checking) account which expended $500.00 for the 2010 tax return preparation to Weisch and Ward. The George T. Jones Scholarship Fund has a total balance of $21,538.26 with $5,727.13 in a CD at Frost Bank and $15,811.13 in a Frost savings account. The Income Statement for 2011 shows YTD income of $18,927.60 and expenses of $18,337.27 leaving a net income of $590.33. Upon motion by Kathy Pillmore and a second by Brian Colfack, the Treasurer’s Report was approved.

President’s Report: President Patterson reported that the Austin Woman’s Club has a new manager. The cost per person for our dinner meeting meals is now $23.60. He congratulated Kathy Pillmore as the Greater Austin Council newsletter has been selected the winner of the Navy League Mackie Award for a medium-size council. President Patterson has received a MWR request for support of an Afgan project. He is obtaining details. He has completed a draft letter for our annual funds solicitation mailing. There has not yet been a meeting of the Jones Scholarship Fund Committee. He is adding Peggy Jones and Sport (George T., Jr.) Jones to the committee. He reported that the date of Tim Hunsberger’s first presentation of the Navy League power point presentation has changed. President Patterson also reported that Lee Hagan has a color guard arranged for the September 1st meeting.

Officers and Director’s Reports:

Vice President ,Administration: Brue Byron reported that Max Miller will begin announcing new members and visitors at our dinner meetings. We now have 239 members, a decrease of 12. VP Byron discussed ways to improve membership. He and LuAnn Reyes suggested that we could use Paypal for payment of dues, donations, dinner reservations, etc. Upon motion by Jeanie Coffey and second by Bruce Byron, Treasurer LuAnn Reyes was given permission to establish such an account. He also reported that the 50th anniversary of the Greater Austin Council will occur in January 2012 (est. in January 1962) and we will need to recognize all original members.

Vice President, Communications: Kathy Pillmore reported that the newsletter deadline is next week.

Programs: Max Miller discussed potential future speakers with the group.

Vice President, Legislative Affairs: Jeanie Coffey announced that she, Jack Ritter, and Max Miller had a successful trip to Washington, DC. They visited 10 Congressmen/Congressional Offices and the Assistant Secretary of the Navy. Jack Ritter complimented Jeanie on her excellent manner in working with congressional staffers.

Annual Meeting: Jack Ritter announced the Navy League annual meeting in Chattanooga, TN on 26-29 October. All members are invited to attend.

Adjournment: There being no further business to conduct, the meeting was adjourned at 1312 hours.

Respectfully submitted: Approved:

Brian R. Colfack Randy Patterson

Secretary President