The Pit and The Pendulum Quiz

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Questions and Answers

1. What is the first line of the story?

o  A. There are few persons, even among the calmest thinkers...

o  B. I was sick-sick unto death with that long agony...

o  C. The sentence-the dread sentence of death...

o  D. During the fall of the year 1827...

2. What phenomenon does the narrator discuss in great detail?

o  A. The subconscious

o  B. Swooning

o  C. human suffering

o  D. painless death

3. When the narrator wakes up what does the narrator think he is in?

o  A. a tomb

o  B. A wooden box

o  C. A wall

o  D. The super bowl

4. What does the narrator try to take from his pocket?

·  A. Food

·  B. Handkerchief

·  C. Lock pick

·  D. Knife

5. After the narrator passes out for the first time what does he find on the ground?

·  A. His knife and some bread

·  B. A letter and a rope

·  C. A loaf of bread and water

·  D. A blanket and soup

6. The first chamber was 50 yards and couldn’t tell what shape it was.

·  A. True

·  B. False

7. The narrator trips and falls which makes him realize what?

·  A. his chin touches the floor, but his lips and upper head didn't touch solid surface

·  B. there is another man in the chamber with him

·  C. the room is actually 60 yards

·  D. his captors have left wine and bread in the middle of the room

8. The narrator becomes scared and decides to stay close to the walls from then on out.

·  A. True

·  B. False

9. Why does the narrator keep passing out?

·  A. He was tired

·  B. He just wanted to sleep

·  C. The waster was drugged

·  D. He didn't sleep again

10. What was the prison cell made out of?

·  A. Wood

·  B. Iron

·  C. Rock

·  D. Brick

11. When the narrator was bound to wood what body part(s) were still free?

·  A. head and left arm

·  B. his ankles

·  C. his arms

·  D. right arm and abdominal area

12. What animals started to gather around the narrator?

·  A. Lions

·  B. Rats

·  C. Deamons

·  D. Birds

13. What does the narrator notice is on theceiling?

·  A. More rats

·  B. Birds

·  C. A bell

·  D. A pendulum

14. Where was the pendulum going to cut?

·  A. The neck

·  B. The stomach

·  C. The heart

·  D. The legs

15. Moments before the pendulum was to hit him what did the narrator do that he didn't in a long time?

·  A. Pray

·  B. Think

·  C. Cry

·  D. Smile

16. The narrator frees himself by using the pendulum to cut the ropes.

·  A. True

·  B. False

17. Was he stillimprisonedafter he escaped the pendulum?

·  A. Yes

·  B. No

18. What shape did the chamber walls change into?

·  A. Square

·  B. Circle

·  C. Dodecahedron

·  D. Diamond

19. The story takes place AFTER the inquisition?

·  A. True

·  B. False

20. Is the narrator killed?

·  A. Yes

·  B. No

21. Who saves the narrator?

·  A. The French army

·  B. The British army

·  C. The English army

·  D. The starfleer

22. The story takes places in Spain

·  A. True

·  B. False

· 23. What would you have done if you were strapped to the wood and there was a pendulum about to cut through you?

· 24. Do you think you would stay calm and think like the narrator or just freak out and panic?

· 25. Why do you think the narrator is so calm when he was under pressure?