IGHMS 8th grade choir Expectations

Mrs. Serres – Director

What we do in choir:

·  Develop good singing habits both individually and as a group

·  Expand students vocal abilities and range

·  Improve music reading skills and knowledge of musical terms

·  Have fun singing!


·  Be respectful to everyone and all materials in the classroom.

·  Come to class on time and prepared to sing everyday.

·  Have a positive attitude and an open mind everyday.

·  You must actively participate in all singing activities everyday.

·  Do not chew gum in class!

·  Attend all performances during the school year

What you’ll Need Everyday in Class:

·  PLANNER – no planner, no pass, no exceptions!

·  Your choir folder (you can keep this in the folio cabinet in the room)



Concert attendance is required and is graded. Students must attend! All concerts are held in Simley Auditorium.

Thursday DECEMBER 10, 2009

Thursday MAY 13, 2010

Please put these dates on your family calendar now!! Because the concerts are part of the grade, only illness or family emergencies will be considered for excusal from attending. Parents, please contact me as soon as possible if your child is ill and will not be able to attend. Homework, not having a ride, babysitting, sports or other activities are NOT excused. Make arrangements in advance to reschedule other activities. Students with excused absences will be given a make-up assignment. Make-up assignments must be completed in a timely manner. There is no make-up assignment given for unexcused absences, students will receive a zero.

All students are required to dress-up for performances. Girls should wear a nice dress, skirt or dress pants and blouse and nice shoes (no flip-flops!). Boys should wear nice dress pants, a collared button-down shirt and tie with nice shoes. No sneakers or denim are allowed for both boys or girls and the school dress policies will be enforced.

Students must report to the High School Choir room by 6:30 p.m. SHARP on concert nights. You must be ready to sing.

Parents: All students have worked very hard to prepare for concerts. Choir students are required to stay for the entire concert. It is my hope that you would choose to support all the choir students and applaud their hard work just as you do your own student. Concerts will last no longer than one hour.


·  Daily Participation (55%) – Students will receive a zero for the day with expectations are not met (disruptive behavior, not singing, no following directions, etc.)

·  Assignments (20%)

·  Concert attendance/Tests (25%)

-  Concert attendance is worth 100 pts

A few extra thoughts:

·  The music you receive in class is your textbook. It stays in the room and you are to treat it with care.

·  There may occasionally be some extra credit given… take advantage of it!

·  Always remember to be polite, kind and respectful and we’ll have a great year!


Please read over the information and student expectations for 8th grade choir. Your support is appreciated and needed to maintain a successful choral program here at IGHMS. Please email or call me if you have any questions or concerns.

Jill Serres 651-306-7125

Please return the bottom portion by September 18th for 5 pts extra credit!

I have read and understand the expectations for 8th grade choir at IGHMS.

Student signature ______Date ______

I have read and understand what is expected of my IGHMS student in 8th grade choir. I know the concert dates of Dec. 10, 2009 & May 13, 2010 and understand the concert expectations for my student.

Parent Signature ______Date ______