Tournament Rules

Senior Nationals 2018


Section A: Game Play and Structure



3.Group/ Round-robin Games:

4.Play-Off and Semi-Final Games:

5.Final Games:


7.Penalised Players:

8.Appeal after a Match:

Section B: Referee system

1.Water Referee System:

2.Chief Referee System:

3.Referee System after Group/ Round Robin Games:

4.Penalties to be Imposed for Infringements’:

Section C: Team Scoring and Log Standings

1.Team Scoring:

2.If a team forfeits a game:

3.If two teams gain the same number of points:

Section D: Team and Player Regulations

Section E: Gear and Markings

Section F: Presence of Coach and/or Assistant Coach in Water

Section G: Team Conduct

Section H: Participation Clause

Section I: General

Section J: Special Rules for the pool.

Appendix A: Formal Team Complaint Letter

Appendix B: Team Forfeit Document

Section A: Game Play and Structure

Tournament will be played according to the official C.M.A.S. rules for underwater hockey version 10.05.


1.1.Games will start and be played according to game program/schedule.

1.2.Black team will start on the side by the gym.

1.3.White team will start on the side by the courts.

1.4.Games may not be rescheduled by teams:

1.4.1.Games may only be rescheduled if program has been delayed, and only by the discretion of the organising committee and tournament officials.


2.1.Open League for Men and Ladies

2.1.1.No age restriction to participate in league.

3.Group/ Round-robin Games:

3.1.Each round-robin match will have two halves of 10 minutes each, with a 2-minute break in betweenhalves, and a 2-minute break in between games.

3.2.No time-outs during games.

3.3.No stoppages of the clock in the last 2 minutes of game play in each game.

3.4.Penalty shots will be awarded as penalty goals in the last 30 seconds of pool games.

3.5.Group games will run on central timing system.

4.Play-Off and Semi-Final Games:

4.1.Each game will start according to tournament program/ game schedule.

4.2.Each Play-Off and Semi-Final will have two halves of 10 minutes each; with a 2 minute break in between halves.

4.3.No time-outs during games.

4.4.No stoppages of the clock in the last 2 minutes of game play in each game.

4.5.Play-Off and Semi-Final games will run on independent timing systems.

4.6.Each penalty will be played and the clock will be stopped during play.

4.7.If the normal time ends in a draw.

4.7.1.The sides will swop ends.

4.7.2.Two minute break before start of extra time.

4.7.3.Play two, 5 minute halves with 1 minute break between halves.

4.7.4.If there is still a draw after extra time, there will be a 1 minute break, no changing of ends and golden goal will be played. will only end after goal has been scored. stoppage of play, unless penalty has been awarded. time-outs in golden goal period.

5.Final Games:

5.1.Two halves of 15 minutes each with a 3 minute break in between halves.

5.2.Time will stop in the last 2 minutes for any stoppages or infringements of normal or over-time play.

5.3.Each penalty will be played and the clock will be stopped during play.

5.4.One time out per team per half during the final games.

5.4.1.Time out for team will be 1 minute.

5.5.If the normal time ends in a draw.

5.5.1.The sides will swop ends.

5.5.2.Three minute break before start of extra time

5.5.3.Play two 5 minute halves with 1 minute break between halves.

5.5.4.If there is still a draw after extra time, there will be a 1 minute break, no changing of ends and golden goal will be played. will only end after goal has been scored. stoppage of play, unless penalty has been awarded. time-outs in golden goal period.


6.1.Pool A: Out-of-water-subbing.

6.2.Pool B: Out-of-water-subbing.

6.3.Please adhere to substitution rule stipulated in the C.M.A.S. rules for underwater hockey version 10.05.

7.Penalised Players:

7.1.Penalised players will be sitting at the penalty box appointed by the Chief Referee (next to the scoring table).

8.Appeal after a Match:

8.1.Only the team Captain or Team Representative may put forward a claim.

8.2.The claim must be announced to the Tournament Referee and Tournament Officer within 15 minutes of the end of the match.

8.3.Written appeal must be in English, and must be submitted within an hour of the end of the contested match.

8.4.Written claim must be accompanied by a deposit of R 1000 (thousand Rand) in cash.

8.5.If the above mentioned requirements are not fulfilled, the claim will not be accepted.

8.6.The sum of R 1000 (thousand Rand) will be refunded if the claim is considered valid.

8.7.A jury is chaired by Tournament Referee. Other Members include:

8.7.1.Tournament Officer for the provision of tournament options.

8.7.2.President of SAUWHF

8.7.3.Two level two referees chosen among the referees of the tournament. Referees to be nominated prior to start of tournament.

8.8.A meeting secretary will be appointed for the session. The position is administrative/ non-voting.

Section B: Referee System

Each team is required to fulfil their respective referee duties. If a team cannot fulfil duties they are liable to bring a qualified non-playing referee.

1.Water Referee System:

1.1.Water Referees need to be nominated by their team representative’s before the commencement of the tournament with a copy of proof of referee qualification.

1.2.Each water referee must have a Level 1 referee qualification, confirmed by SAUWHF.

1.3.For the game following their own:

1.3.1.Black Team will deliver two water referees.

1.3.2.White Team will deliver one water referee.

1.4.Water referees must sign score sheet after game.

1.5.In the event of a team not having a suitably qualified referee, the captain or team representative must make arrangements with the SAUWHF Tournament Referee at least 48 hours before the game(s).

1.6.Failure to fulfil duties will result in a portion or the whole of the refundable deposit being retained, and/or a deduction in tournament points. Penalties regarding referee infringements will be implemented as stated below.

2.Chief Referee System:

2.1.When a team referee is nominated to be Chief referee; the team must provide:

2.1.1.Chief referee, timekeeper and scorekeeper during the periods required indicated per the Chief Referee Roster.

2.1.2.Chief referee must have a Level 1 referee qualification, confirmed by SAUWHF.

2.2.It is the captain’s responsibility to check the roster regularly for changes.

2.3.Chief referees and water referees MUST sign the score sheets after each game.

2.4.In the event of a team not having a suitably qualified referee, the captain or team representative must make arrangements with the SAUWHF Tournament Referee at least 48 hours before the game(s).

2.5.Failure to fulfil duties will result in a portion or the whole of the refundable deposit being retained, and/or a deduction in tournament points. Penalties regarding referee infringements will be implemented as stated below.

3.Referee System after Group/ Round Robin Games:

3.1.Each team must nominate two qualified referees willing to fulfil referee duties.

3.1.1.Referees must be nominated before the start of Tournament, final confirmation at Team registration.

3.1.2.Each referee nominated must indicate referee qualification.

3.1.3.Each team is responsible to check referee duties.

3.1.4.Each team will be required to fulfil referee duties during Play-Off, Semi-Final, and Final Games.

3.2.Failure to fulfil duties will result in a portion or the whole of the refundable deposit being retained. Penalties regarding referee infringements will be implemented as stated below.

4.Penalties to be Imposed for Infringements:

4.1.If team does not bring or fulfil their referee duties during tournament:

1st Offence: Written warning of 1st Offence to team captain/ representative. (Tournament Officer and Tournament Referee to sign warning)

2nd Offence: Written warning of 2nd Offence to team captain/ representative, and a partial deduction of R500.

3rd Offence: Written warning of 3rd Offence to team captain/ representative, full deduction of team deposit, and team captain being liable for disciplinary hearing whereby decision will be made in regards to team disqualification or deduction of tournament points. Disciplinary procedure to be followed by SAUWHF officials.

4.2.An appeal may be handed in (in writing), before the end of day whereby penalty was given to team.

4.2.1.Tournament Officer, Tournament Referee, and President of SAUWHF will decide if penalty imposed will be withdrawn or not.

  1. If a team does not fulfil their referee duties; a team may complete the Team Complaint document informing Tournament Officials of infringement. {Appendix A}

Section C: Team Scoring and Log Standings

1.Team Scoring:

1.1.The winner of a game gets 3 points.

1.2.Loser gets 0 points.

1.3.If the result is equal, each team gets 1 point.

2.If a team forfeits a game:

2.1.Team which forfeits will be subtracted with 3 points.

2.2.A score of 6 goals against forfeiting team will be recorded.

2.3.It is required that the team that is forfeiting the specific game, fill in the required document {Appendix B}.

2.3.1.The document must have: indication which team is forfeiting game. for forfeit. playing Captain’s signatures. Referee’s signature. Officer’s signature. must be printed and completed. must be handed to Tournament Officer within two hours of game being forfeited.

3.If two teams gain the same number of points:

3.1.The ranking will be the result of the team who won most games will rank higher.

3.2.If still equal; highest total goal difference (number of goals for subtract number of goals against team) will be the deciding factor.

3.3.If still equal; match result between these two teams of last played group/round-robin game.

3.4.If still undecided the winner will be decided with a coin toss.

Section D: Team and Player Regulations

  1. Players will not be allowed to play for more than one team for the duration of the tournament.
  2. Unless player was in a lower league and is being promoted to the higher league.
  3. The player will not be able to move back to the initial team after being promoted.
  4. Players may not be moved from one team to another in the same league.
  5. Player can only be promoted within the same Club.
  6. Any player moving to a higher league must do so before Semi-Finals of the lower league being played.
  7. In the event of this occurring in any situation (from rule {1.1} – {1.5}), both teams may be disqualified. Tournament fees and expenses will not be refunded to team and/or team members.
  8. This does not apply where players are playing for the “SA Elite, Junior or Masters” sides or internationals for the purpose of trials.
  9. No male player may play in the Ladies league.
  10. In the event of this occurring, both teams may be disqualified. Tournament fees and expenses will not be refunded to team and/or team members.
  11. If a team is entered for the purpose of trials:
  12. The team will not be allowed to be placed in the medals, and will automatically be ranked last after round robin stage(s).
  13. The result(s) of the games played during group/round-robin games will still be used to determine ranking in league.
  14. Teams competing in same league may not appeal result(s) played against Team entered for the purpose of trials.
  15. The team is responsible for all referee duties and will be liable for any infringement(s).
  16. International Players in Resident Club:
  17. Only two international players may play for a South African Club during the tournament.
  18. The abovementioned is applicable to all leagues in the competition.

Section E: Gear and Markings

  1. All players are required to wear protective headgear.
  2. This must be light in colour (difference identifiable by referee)when the team is playing white sticks
  3. Dark in colour (difference identifiable by referee) when the team is playing black sticks.
  4. Alternatively, unique team caps may be allowed if there is absolutely no possibility of them being confused by the caps of the opposing team/referees.
  5. Each player must wear an identifiable number on protective headgear and there cannot be a conflicting number within a team.
  6. This will only apply to the Open League.
  7. In the case of such a dispute:
  8. Player must change cap, and ensure that infringement is corrected.
  9. Headgear must still adhere to above mentioned rules.
  10. A player will not be allowed to play until infringement has been resolved.
  11. Game time will not be stopped for player to correct infringement.
  12. The glove must be of a strongly contrasting colour to the stick.
  13. Player will not be allowed to play in game if there is an infringement of this rule.
  14. If there is a query about a player’s glove (before and during a game); it must be both brought to attention and approved by Tournament referee or Chief referee of game.
  15. Each captain and vice-captain will be indicated with a C and VC respectively on their shoulder (>7cm) in size for the entire duration of the tournament.
  16. If there are any queries regarding gear and markings, it must be made to SAUWHF Tournament Referee. This must be made before the commencement of the tournament.

Section F: Presence of Coach and/or Assistant Coach in Water

  1. The coach is allowed in the water during games.
  2. Coach/ assistant coach must wear a clearly identifiable coloured cap not to be confused with players or referees (i.e. Green).
  3. The presence of the coach should not touch, move, or block the view of the referee or camera.
  4. If coach is guilty, team will be liable for fine or risk losing team deposit.
  5. A coach may be in the water during other games; but must abide to above mentioned rules.

Section G: Team Conduct

  1. The team managers, coach, and/or Captain are responsible and can be held accountable for the behaviour of their team members.
  2. All behaviour should be aligned with SAUWHF Code of Conduct.
  3. If an individual or team does not play thetournament in a good manner or if aparty does not follow the SAUWHF Code of Conduct. TheIndividual or team can be liable for losing team deposit, suspension or have a disciplinary hearing regarding the issue.
  4. Neither player nor team will be allowed to enter final function or receive any prizes if they are acting in a disorderly manner or if they are under the influence.
  5. Any violation of above mentioned rule will result in a fine/ retention of team deposit/ suspension, and a disciplinary hearing to player(s) and team.
  6. A disciplinary committee will be convened to hear any disputes or incidents and shall comprise of:
  7. The Competitions Officer, the Tournament Referee, SAUWHF President, SAUWHF Men’s Representative, and SAUWHF Ladies Representative.
  8. One suitable qualified referee independent to any of the teams.
  9. The committee will be chaired by the Tournament Referee.
  10. The decision will be made by the committee but the deciding vote is with the President.
  11. The decision and penalty awarded by the committee is final.
  12. Representation for The team/individual that is implicated in the complaint:
  13. One person for representation.
  14. Given the nature of the offence/actions the inclusion of the legal representative for the South African Underwater Hockey Federation will be included in the committee as and when requested by the committee.
  15. Disciplinary Procedure for events outside of the pool.
  16. In the case of a complaint lodged during the duration of the tournament for actions, offences or irregularities outside the pool, pool area ,or at any of the tournament functions the procedure will be as follows:
  17. Complaint/incident to be reported to the Tournament Referee, and to Competitions Officer.
  18. Complaint or incident to reported in writing stating what has occurred.
  19. Given the nature and severity of the incident the SAUWHF President will with the assistance from the Federation Executive committee and legal representative decide on the a cause of action.
  20. Note that the SAUWHF cannot stand in for civil acts of disruption, damage to property or any other illegal offence. In this event the case will be handed over to appropriate authorities, e.g. South African Police.

Section H: Participation Clause

  1. Neither the SAUWHF, nor Tournament Officials can be held responsible for any harm to participants and/or loss or damage to their possessions during the tournament.
  2. Each individual is participating in the tournament at their own risk.

Section I: General

  1. In all cases not stipulated in C.M.A.S. ruling or tournament rules, the organising committee will decide.
  2. Failure to attend at registration, before commencement of tournament, will result in retention of deposit, and not being allowed to participate in tournament.
  3. If there is a change of rules, in agreement according to majority rule, then it will be implemented for the duration of the tournament.
  4. The change of rule(s) will replace/ terminate any standing rule within this document.
  5. Only team representatives’, tournament officer, tournament referee, and President of the SAUWHF may take part in voting process.
  6. No rule may be changed during the tournament.
  7. A violation of any rules of the tournament rules must be dealt with in accordance of the Disciplinary Procedure for the tournament.
  8. If there is any incident/ issue whereby Teams must make a collective decision:
  9. Only participating team captain’s or team representative may vote.
  10. Drinking on school grounds is strictly prohibited.
  11. If players are found guilty of contravention:
  12. Player and respective team will be disqualified with immediate effect.
  13. Contravening player(s) will be subject to a SAUWHF disciplinary hearing.
  14. Contravening player(s) will be subject to a fine, payable immediately.
  15. Will result in a loss of team deposit.

Section J: Special Rules for the pool.

  1. If the puck goes behind the goal:
  2. In regards to the DEFENDING team:
  3. If the referee(s) deems the defending team to havedeliberatelyflicked the puck behind the goal:
  4. Penalty will be awarded to the attacking team.
  5. Offending player will be thrown out for 1 minute.
  6. If the referee(s) deems the defending team to haveaccidentally flicked the puck behind the goal:
  7. Equal puck will be awarded.
  8. This should be opposite the corner of the goal closest to where the puck crossed the goal.
  9. In regards to the ATTACKING team:
  10. If the attacking team flicks the puck over/behind the goals then an equal puck will be awarded. Again the position should be at the edge of the tray.
  11. No player may deliberately wait in the area behind the goal tray and play an active part in the game from behind the goal tray.
  12. If a player was deemed to play an active part in the game behind the goal tray:
  13. Play may continue with the consideration of the advantage rule.
  14. Advantage puck will be awarded to the opposition if there is no advantage for attacking team.
  15. Swimming the puck on the slopedsidewall:
  16. Teams maynot playthe puck on the slope on the side wall.
  17. If the referee(s) deems a team to have gained advantage by using the slope:
  18. Advantage puck will be given to the opposing team.
    (Same sanctions as for a puck being flicked over the barrier line).
  19. Swimming the puck on the slopedbackwall:
  20. Teams maynot playthe puck on the slope on the back wall.
  21. If the referee(s) deems a team to have gained advantage by using the slope:
  22. Advantage puck will be given to the opposing team.

Appendix A: Formal Team Complaint Letter