US History

Topic 10 Study Guide – World War II and the Holocaust

Notes – The Coming of the Storm; Bushido: The Spirit Warriors; The Nation Mobilized; The Application of Force; The Final Solution; The Resistance

Reading – Hitler Changes the West (packet) Stimson’s justification for the use of the Atomic Bomb (packet); Revisionist Arguments Against the A-Bombs; “Hot” Historical Issues: A-Bomb; A Noiseless Flash (packet); The Holocaust (packet); Elie Wiesel’s Night

Names to Know

Benito Mussolini

Adolf Hitler

Neville Chamberlain

Winston Churchill

Joseph Stalin

Franklin D. Roosevelt

Harry S. Truman

Jeanette Rankin

General Erwin Rommel

General George S. Patton

General Dwight D. Eisenhower

General MacArthur

Admiral Nimitz

General Yamayoto

Eva Braun

Dr. J. Robert Oppenheimer

Col. Paul W. Tibbets

Emperor Hirohito

Dr. Josef Mengele

Henry S. Stimson

Joseph Goebbels

Heinrich Himmler

Bielski Brothers

Hannah Szenes

Elie Wiesel



Volk or Aryan









Third Reich







Yamato damashii



Hakku Ichiu






Concepts, Short Answer, & Multiple Choice

Kellogg-Briand Pact

characteristics of Fascism


ideas in Mein Kampf


Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Act

Operation Barbarossa

Japanese militarism, culture

rise of imperial Japan

Rape of Nanking

Pearl Harbor

kamikaze and kairyu

Anti-German vs. Anti-Japanese propaganda

Executive Order 9066

Japanese internment

Nisei vs. Isei

results of women’s mobilization into the workforce

publicity/propaganda campaign directed towards women

Native American “Code Talkers”

Reasons for “Germany first” war plans

distrust among the allies

Declaration of United Nations and the Atlantic Charter

Hitler’s “Fortress Europe” and the “Atlantic Wall”

Allied Offensives 

  • “Strategic” Bombing
  • North Africa
  • Italy
  • Normandy  why did it almost fail?

Doolittle Raids

“Leapfrogging” in the Pacific

Battle of Saipan

Bataan Death March

Iwo Jima and Okinawa

effectiveness of carpet bombing/firebombing in Japan

Manhattan Project

Potsdam Declaration

Enola Gay

Holocaust & genocide

Nuremberg Laws

Wannsee Conference

“Final Solution”

coping mechanisms of the perpetrators of the Holocaust  how/why could they kill people in this way?

Camp Darwin

American response to the Holocaust

Jewish Resistance movements

  • The White Rose
  • Jewish Brigade
  • Ghetto uprisings (Warsaw & Vilna)
  • Jewish Partisan fighters  Bielski Brothers