Team Meeting Notes / Date: July 15, 2008
Time: 2:30 – 4:30 pm
Location of Meeting: Vasona
Meeting called by: /

Tamia Brown

/ Type of meeting: / Bi - Weekly Meeting
Facilitator: / Ken Shieck / Note taker: / Meredith Studebaker
Timekeeper: N/A
Attendees: / Ken Schieck, Tamia Brown, Kandy Aglony, Meredith Studebaker, and Blanca Pico
Absent: / Mariah Artley, Angela Cipperly, and Fran Vader
----- Agenda Items-----
1.  Attendance Update
2.  Notes from Last Meeting
3.  2nd Quarter Comment Card Review
4.  Official Process for New Comment Cards
------Notes ------
Agenda Item 1: / Attendance Update
·  Ken informed us that Blanca will be out on leave until at least September.
·  The question was raised about where we were in the process for new membership. It was agreed upon to wait for the next meeting to ask Tamia.
Agenda Item 2: / Notes from Last Meeting
·  Reviewed notes from last meeting.
·  Ken gave updates on the status of a couple items.
·  Ken will be resuming the research on the bike racks from VTA for the Campbell One Stop.
·  Discussion about the process for comment cards was re-opened.
Agenda Item 3: / 2nd Quarter Comment Card Review
·  Ken mentioned that questions 2, 5, 7, and 8 looked like trouble spots for the quarter.
·  Angela reminded the team that we no longer do business in the same way because of Integration.
Agenda Item 4: / Official Process for New Comment Cards
·  Discussion about the new Comment Cards arose from the previous item.
·  Meredith will check with Tamia after the meeting regarding the “Official” process being in writing to the Design Team.
·  Prior to typing the notes, Meredith spoke with Tamia and the following are the results: There has been no formal Memo presented to the Design Team. The CQI Team have discussed a process, but nothing was put before the Design Team. It will be placed on the Agenda for the next meeting.
------Adjourn ------
Next Meeting: / Location: / San Jose One Stop
July 29, 2008 / Vasona

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