Pipeline Mentoring Institute

student national medical association

The U.S. healthcare system is in crisis: uninsured and underinsured individuals and families are hurting, both physically and financially from limited or lack of access to healthcare. To address these issues, the three-part mission of the Student National Medical Association commits our organization to providing services to underserved communities, increasing the number of culturally competent physicians that will work with these communities, and addressing the needs and concerns of medical students of color. The Pipeline Mentoring Institute (PMI) is the collection of SNMA-supported program that addresses the educational pipeline of youth from elementary to college, with the ultimate goal of igniting an interest in health and science, distributing science and healthcare-related tools supportive to their education, and providing pre-medical students with mentors and guidance to assist their entry into and matriculation into medical school.

PMI goals are addressed on the local levels, with individual chapters conducting YSEP, HPREP, or MAPS programming in their local communities. Goals are monitored and recorded by the Dines Fellow for PMI, who assists chapters in structuring their program; oversees the development of solicitation procedures for mentees, parents, and funding sources; and ensures visibility of individual programs to the members of the SNMA.

The goals of the Pipeline Mentoring Institute are to:

  • Increase the visibility of already-established and effective PMI programming on the national level.
  • Increase visibility of the PMI opportunities for local SNMA chapters.
  • Increase the feasibility of chapters to take on the responsibility of the PMI through the pursuit of increased funding, development of program evaluations, and expansion of the resources available through the PMI protocol manual.

Funded by the National Library of Medicine, the SNMA Pipeline Mentoring Institute seeks to fund pipeline mentoring program in local SNMA communities. The SNMA Pipeline Mentoring Institute is accepting applications for the 2012-2013 PMI Grant Program. Local SNMA chapters have the opportunity to submit applications for current pipeline programs they plan to continue supporting in the 2012-2013 organizational year. Application Deadline: March 18, 2012

Please complete application and e-mail to .

pipeline mentoring institute

2012-2013 grant cycle

PMI Grant Details

  • The grant will provide funds for local pipeline programs that will be executed between June 1, 2012 and June 1, 2013. Chapters are encouraged to submit established and recurring programs for funding consideration.
  • Chapter grant recipients will be responsible for recordkeeping and reporting to the national leadership of the Student National Medical Association. Mid-cycle reports will be due by November 1, 2012, and end of the year reports will be due by May 1, 2013.
  • Chapter grant recipients are responsible for submitting information, photographs, and images for article inclusion in the JSNMA and for recognition at the 2013 Annual Medical Education Conference of the SNMA.
  • Maximum Amount of Grant Request: $3,000 (Funds will be distributed after successful reporting of chapter program execution in a mid-cycle report.

Grant Cycle Application Timeline:

Application Deadline: March 18, 2012 (e-mail to )

Grant Recipients Selected: April 1, 2012

Mid-Cycle Reports Deadline: November 1, 2012

Mid-cycle reports are required for distribution of funds.

2013 Annual Medical Education Conference: March 27-23, 2013

End of Year Reports Deadline: May 1, 2013


Applications should include the following:

  • Application: Essential information about your chapter and program should be included, such as contact information, project summary, and budget request amount.
  • Proposal (3-4 pages): The proposal should state the goals, objectives, intended outcomes, and past achievements of your program. Below are some areas of focus each proposal should include for consideration, though your proposal may be more detailed and include additional information.
  • Goals: Include how the intended goals of the chapter’s program match the vision and mission of the SNMA.
  • Objectives: State the objectives your chapter has designed to achieve the above goals. Include the issue/need the program addresses, your target audience (include expected number of participants), how each objective will meet your goal(s), timeline for each objective, and important resources necessary for achieving this goal. Statistics for your local community are helpful for assessing why your objectives may be helpful in your community.
  • Intended Outcome: State the intended outcomes of the program, your timeline for these achievements, and how the chapter will evaluate the your program. Consider the impact your program will have in your local community and/or within the SNMA.
  • Past Achievements: Include details about the length of time the program has been implemented in your community, as well as any recognition obtained, improvements made, or evaluations performed.
  • Distinctiveness/Creativity: Indicate how your program is a distinctive one within your community and/or the SNMA. This area may include any unique resources/partnerships, workshops, goals, or objectives of your program, as well as indicate how your chapter is poised to address the issue your program targets.
  • If collaborating with other organizations/chapters, indicate with whom, for what purpose, and for how long the collaboration has existed.
  • A Successful Application Should:
  • Demonstrate your organization’s commitment to the issue being addressed and the program you implemented.
  • Be thorough, clear, and concise
  • If similar programs already exist in your community, indicate any past partnerships or resources utilized, as well as how your chapter is well suited to meet the community’s needs.
  • Budget Request (up to 2 pages): Provide a financial request for the grant, and include a detailed budget for past (2011-2012 values will suffice) and future (2012-2013) program implementation. Maximum funding request: $3,000
  • Itemized Budgets:
  • Provide a detailed, itemized budget (including accurate expenditures) from previous execution of this program (2011-2012 budget may be used). Funds may not be used for refreshments.
  • Provide an itemized budget for the 2012-2013 execution of this project.
  • Note: Funds will be distributed to winning chapters mid-year, following submission of PMI Grant Mid-Cycle Report (due Dec 1, 2012) and at least 2 Chapter Report Forms.
  • Role of the SNMA: Indicate how specific funds from the SNMA will be utilized and how they will assist in the successful continuation of your program for the 2012-2013 year (i.e. expansion of target audience, inclusion of additional resources, declines in past resources, etc).
  • Indicate the source of funds already obtained and what goals/evaluations/deadlines you must meet for receipt of those funds.
  • Supporting Documents (optional):
  • Schedule/deadline dates for 2012-2013 program
  • Flyers, solicitation letters for participants/target audience, etc.


  1. Project Title:


  1. Chapter Name:

Mailing Address:


Chapter Name on Bank Account:

  1. Project Leaders
  2. Chapter President





  1. Project Coordinator





  1. Faculty Coordinator (REQUIRED)







  1. Project Description & Abstract

Project description (1000 words or less describing your program)

IV. Project Details

A. Title:

B. Number of proposed local chapter participants:

C. Describe your target audience (including expected number of attendees)

D. Goal of project (50 words or less; separate page)

V. Resources (Please describe any non-monetary support you anticipate receiving)

A. University:

B. Community:

C. Other SNMA chapters:

D. Other student groups:

E. Other health professionals:

F. Other: ______

VI. Finance & Budget

Requested Amount:

2012-2013 Itemized Budget:

Please date this application, print and sign your full name

Project Coordinator ______

Signature ______Date ______

Chapter President ______

Signature ______Date ______

Faculty Sponsor ______

Signature ______Date ______

E-mail completed application to by March 18, 2012