Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children (OBHC) is a not-for-profit Christian children's home serving over 200 at-risk youth and families at our four campus locations. Additionally, our five Hope Pregnancy Centers (HPC) offer caring, non-judgmentalsupport to those who find themselves in an unplanned pregnancy.

OBHC Mission Statement: The mission of Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children is to demonstrate God’s love by providing hope through empowering children and their families to follow Christ.

Executive Assistant to the President

Job Description Summary: The Executive Assistant to the President will be responsible for the performance of his or her duties and will be appraised by implementation, consistency, quality and performance of his or her assigned duties toward empowering children and their families to follow Christ.

This position is full-time. The employee is expected to work full-time hours per week and will receive hourly compensation based on those hours. Oklahoma Baptist Homes for Children offers a competitive salary and compensation package which includes health insurance, life insurance, health reimbursement account, retirement and much more.

Location: Home Office, Oklahoma City

Reports to: The executive assistant to the president is responsible to and under the supervision of the president of OBHC.

Supervises:The executive assistant to the president supervises any receptionist (where applicable) and volunteers of the Home Office.

Requirements: “For an overseer, as God's steward, must be above reproach.” Titus 1:7a, ESV

  1. Profess that Jesus Christ is Lord and that Jesus is only one true God, acknowledging that there is no salvation from sins apart from Jesus’ death, burial, and resurrection (Jn. 14:6).
  2. Believe the Bible is the only, inspired, and inerrant Word of God (2 Tim. 3:16).
  3. Mature, Christian person that is actively involved in a Southern Baptist Church or a similar evangelical church (Heb. 10:25).
  4. Believe and follow the 2000 Baptist Faith and Message as summarized in the OBHC Statement of Belief.
  5. A firm commitment to the sanctity of human life (Ps. 139:13,14) and biblical sexual purity in all circumstances (1 Cor. 7).
  6. Concern for God’s kingdom (Mt. 6:33), love for those served (Mt. 22:37-39, and a calling to OBHC (Ps. 90:16, 17).

Educational/Job Skill Requirements: “Do you see a man skilled in his work? He will stand in the presence of kings. He will not stand in the presence of unknown men.” Proverbs 22:29, HCSB

  1. Bachelor’s degree in business or a related field preferred.
  2. At least (3) years of experience directly related to duties and responsibilities specified.
  3. Proficient mastery of a personal computer and associated software applications.
  4. Management experience preferred.

We are a religious employer and we reserve the right to discriminate based upon religion pursuant to Section 702 of Title VII Civil Rights Act 1964.

Job Responsibilities:“Whatever you do, do it enthusiastically, as something done for the Lord and not for men” Colossians 3:23, HCSB

  1. The Executive Assistant to the President Will Be Responsible to the President for Administrative Management of the Home Office Executive Team. “shepherd God’s flock among you, not overseeing out of compulsion but freely, according to God’s will; not for the money but eagerly; not lording it over those entrusted you, but being examples to the flock.” 1 Peter 5:2-3, HCSB
  2. Coordinate with OBHC’s Human Resources department regarding prospective employees.
  3. Assist in the implementation of performance appraisal for supervised staff. Provide the president, vice president of operations, and the HR department with remedial plans, goals, and identification of strengths for all employees directly supervised.
  4. Works with HR department to keep accurate and complete documentation of each employee’s progress, strengths, weaknesses, and responses to remedial and action plans.
  5. Assists the president and vice president of operations in identifying areas of weakness, strengths, and level of overall competency to determine merit adjustments for each supervised employee.
  6. When appropriate, assist president and vice president of operations in termination process for supervised employees, in accordance with the policies and procedures of OBHC.
  7. Work with Human Resources on supplying any documentation of vacation time or sick leave for anyone supervised by the President.
  8. Ability to achieve high performance goals and meet deadlines in a fast paced environment.
  9. Forward looking and thinker who actively seeks opportunities and purposes solutions.
  10. Be available on a 24-hour-day basis in emergency or crisis situation.
  11. Strong organizational skills that reflect ability to perform and prioritize multiple tasks with excellent attention to detail.
  1. Encourage, and Support the Executive Team in a Christ-Like Manner. “But you should select from all the people able men, God-fearing, trustworthy, and hating bribes. Place them over the people as commanders of thousands, hundreds, fifties, and tens.” Exodus 18:21, HCSB
  2. Foster an appropriate Christian environment in the Home Office (Prov. 17:22).
  3. Provide direct support of the Executive Team as directed by the President.
  4. Encourage and support the Home Office staff, part-time personnel, interns, and volunteers through direct personal contact, counseling, timely communication, and commitment to excellence (1 Thess. 5:9-11).
  5. Support the Home Office staff by providing: spiritual growth and development opportunities (Col. 1:9-10), appropriate work schedules (Gen. 1:31), appropriate accommodation of emergency, special, or unscheduled events/situations that affect the established work schedule (Jas. 4:13-17), training opportunities, available resources for personal and family counseling when appropriate.
  6. Foster an emotionally stable environment for the Home Office through fairness (Ps. 106:3) and consistency of staff (1 Cor. 15:58).
  1. Responsible for Reporting to the President with Christ-Like Submission. “Everyone must submit to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except from God, and those that exist with instituted by God.” Romans 13:1, HCSB
  2. The executive assistant to the president is responsible to and under the supervision of the president for the general operation, activities, and projects of the organization.
  3. In the absence of the president, the executive assistant to the president is responsible to the vice president of operations for pertinent information concerning general Home Office operations, serious incidents, and other factors and circumstances that involve the safety and well-being of the staff members and children in care.
  1. Assist the President in the Overall Coordination and Implementation of the Executive Team Program and Services of OBHC. “Whatever your hands find to do, do with all your strength, because there is no work, planning, knowledge or wisdom in Sheol where you are going.” Ecclesiastes 9:10, HCSB
  2. Assist the President in development, implementation, and review of Executive Team procedures.
  3. Work cooperatively with the President to insure the implementation of all OBHC policies and procedures of DHS, Health Department and Fire Marshall licensing requirements.
  1. Provide Assistance to the President with General Secretarial Responsibilities. “Therefore, my dear brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always excelling in the Lord’s work, knowing that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.” 1 Cor.15:58, HCSB
  2. Insure confidentiality at all times.
  3. Prepare correspondence as needed.
  4. Act as receptionist to president.
  5. Schedule appointments for president
  6. Maintain president’s calendar.
  7. Receive visitors in a hospitable environment.
  8. Prepare documents requiring president’s signature.
  9. Shred sensitive paperwork after it has been processed.
  10. Assist with research of donors in Raiser’s Edge.
  11. Take dictation from president.
  12. Provide appropriate acknowledgments to individuals, churches, and supporters.
  13. Reconcile president’s credit card account monthly statement.
  14. Proof read drafts and galleys for printed materials.
  15. Assist in scheduling monthly Cabinet meetings and serve as Meeting Manager.
  16. Work on special projects as requested.
  17. Arranges complex and detailed travel plans, itineraries, and agendas; compiling documents for travel-related meetings.
  18. Serve as a “gate keeper” to the President and communicates with others on behalf of the President.
  1. Preparation of Assigned Legal and Accounting Documents and Correspondence. “Complete your outdoor work, and prepare your field; afterward, build your house.” Proverbs 24:27, HCSB
  2. Prepare acknowledgement letters to family for estate or trust gifts.
  3. Keep Notary seal up-to-date and notarize legal documents.
  4. Maintain all legal corporate documents relating to OBHC.
  1. Maintain Assigned Files. “But everything must be done decently and in order.” 1 Corinthians 14:40, HCSB
  2. Maintain vacation time and sick leave for selected office staff.
  3. Document training for Home Office staff.
  4. Maintain files for correspondence and assigned material.
  5. Maintain database of president’s special donors and friends.
  6. Maintain master list of legal documents, blue prints, plats and historical documents for all OBHC facilities.
  1. Serve As Corporate Secretary to the Board of Trustees.

“The one who works his land will have plenty of food, but whoever chases fantasies lacks sense.” Proverbs 12:11, HCSB

  1. Develop and maintain all Board of Trustee printed materials.
  2. Provide information for coding new Trustees for Raiser’s Edge.
  3. Make arrangements for Board of Trustee meetings.
  4. Work with each Trustee showing hospitality, compassion, integrity and warmth.
  5. Develop periodic correspondence to Board of Trustees.
  6. Prepare and maintain minutes of the meetings of the Board of Trustees.
  7. Prepare and maintain minutes of the Executive Committee of the Board of Trustees.
  8. Maintain minutes of the Board of Trustees Committee meetings.
  9. Prepare and maintain minutes taken during Executive Session and send a copy to the OBHC attorney when needed.
  10. Maintain discretion and confidentiality with all Trustees.
  1. Demonstrates Christ-like Interpersonal Skills

“Just one thing: Live your life in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ. Then, whether I come and see you or am absent, I will hear about you that you are standing firm in one spirit, with one mind,working side by side for the faith that comes from the gospel” Philippians 1:27, HCSB

  1. Models Christ-like behavior in word and deed in relationships with staff, donors, Board members, volunteers, men, women, children, and families (1 Tim. 4:12).
  2. Responsible for exercising Christ-like confrontational skills (as they arise) while engaging in interpersonal relationships, beginning with one-on-one confrontation (Mt. 18:15-17).
  3. Recognize and respond humbly to the differences in learning and communication styles, as well as cultural and philosophical perspectives of residents, families and staff (Gal. 3:28).
  4. Demonstrate biblical conflict resolution skills with residents, staff and family members, beginning with confession of personal responsibility in the conflict being addressed (1 Jn. 1:9).
  5. Actively pursues opportunities for fellowship, friendship and community-building with other staff members, remembering that each staff person is a brother or sister in Christ (Heb. 10:24).
  6. Recognize the emotional needs, family dynamics and other personal difficulties of the other staff members and respond with love and prayer (Jn. 15:12-14).
  1. Honor God’s Provision by Keeping OBHC Property Clean and Well Maintained“Honor the Lord with your possessions” Proverbs 3:9a, HCSB
  2. Follow campus/office procedures in regard to maintenance, cleanliness and general upkeep of ministry assets, treating each item as a gift from the Lord (Jas. 1:17).
  3. Display biblical characteristics of truthfulness and integrity by reporting all damage and accidents to property as per office procedures to the president. (Prov. 28:18).
  4. Demonstrate and teach stewardship and ownership on campus/in the office by keeping allotted office space, office equipment, grounds, facilities, buildings, and other resources/areas clean and picked up(Gal. 6:4, 5).
  1. Be proficient and use integrity in use of computer and other office equipment

(1 Cor. 15:58).

  1. Additional Responsibilities

And whatever you do, in word or in deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.” Colossians 3:17, HCSB

  1. Maintains appropriate attire as dictated by: biblical commitment to modesty

(1 Tim. 2:9, 10), specific circumstances, activities, and office procedures.

  1. Out of respect for the Lord and OBHC, maintain punctuality to office hours as scheduled by the President (Phil. 2:3).
  2. Time off for personal needs or requests of any type of leave must be arranged in advance with the President, demonstrating Christ-like respect for authority (1 Pet. 2:17).
  3. Be available to represent OBHC in public meetings as per request. (1 Cor. 14:40).
  4. Seeks proper administrative approval on all VISA and charge accounts when purchasing items needed. (Rom. 12:10).
  5. Make prayerful and wise financial decisions on purchases.For example, purchase items on sale, in proper quantity, and only necessary items (Prov. 21:20).
  6. Upon receiving OBHC employee VISA statement, compile all receipts, documentation and information to submit within time designated by the President
  7. Be able to meet all the qualifications and expectations as outlined in OBHC Policies section (VI., L, M, pages 10-12) unless otherwise specified by the qualifications listed in this job description (Prov. 18:9).
  8. Complete appropriate tasks as assigned by the President. (Phil. 4:13).

Overtime: In the event that the employee qualifies for overtime, he or she must have those hours approved by his or her supervisor before working those hours. Those hours will be submitted after the supervisor’s approval.

Updated 20171