Albert Schweitzer Animal Welfare Fund (ASAWF)

Grant Application

Organization Name Date


Contact Person Title

Phone Email

Name of person completing the application (if different)

Phone Email

Number of Employees Number of Volunteers

Annual Operating Budget

Specific issue this grant proposal is addressing

Title of the Grant Proposal Amount Requested

Grant Proposal Narrative

On a separate piece of paper (no more than three pages) describe the issue you are addressing and your specific grant request. Please see the Grant Application Instructions for a detailed list of the information that must be submitted.

Organization Information

Animal Shelters, foster care programs and other organizations performing hands-onanimal work must complete this section. Provide your statistics for either the last calendar or fiscal year.

In Stray / In Owned / Adopted / Adopted & S/N / Released / Returned to Owner / Euthanized

(If you specialize in handling another species, please provide appropriate statistics.)

Provide the number of animals on hand at any given time?

Dogs: Pups: Cats: Kittens: Other:

Describe your admission procedures:

Which most closely describes your facility’s admission policy?

Open admission Restricted or limited admission

How long is the average waiting period for admission?

If you do not accept all animals, describe howyou determine animal admission. Please be specific.

Average length of stay for Dogs: Cats: Other:

Briefly describe you adoption policy.

What is your spay/neuter policy?

Do you spay/neuter prior to adoption?

Are you performing early age spay/neuter?

If you do not spay/neuter prior to adoption, how do you follow-up to insure adopted animals are neutered?

What percent of adopted animals are confirmed as being spayed or neutered?

Describe your euthanasia procedure. Include information on the method of euthanasia, staff training and certification and the animal selection process. Please be specific.

Do you have facilities to house livestock? Wildlife?

Briefly describe

What other services do you provide for animals in your community?

Organizational Information

Mission statement:

Are you involved in community education?

How many programs do you present per year?

Who is you audience?

Do you provide any other services or specialized programs to your community?

If yes, please briefly describe:

Do you investigate reports of animal cruelty, abuse or neglect?

If yes, # of full time investigators

If yes, from where do you derive your authority?

If you investigate animal cruelty, please provide the following information for either the last calendar or fiscal year.

Number of complaintsreceived

Average response time on a complaint

Number of investigations conducted

Number of cases closed without prosecution (situation corrected)

Number of cases successfully prosecuted

Number of animals seized

Average holding period for seized animals

If you do not investigate reports of animal cruelty or abuse, please explain why?

When do you recall first hearing about Albert Schweitzer?

What impact has Albert Schweitzer had on you or your organization?

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