Year 9 Italian Exam

Autumn 2014

Reading Specimen Paper

Answer all questions in English in the space provided.

  1. Future Jobs

/ B
/ C
/ D

/ F
/ G
/ H

Match the jobs to the pictures. Write the correct letter in each box.

Example: / Dentista / F
1 (a) / giocatore di calcio / (1 mark)
1 (b) / professore / (1 mark)
1 (c) / cameriere / (1 mark)
1 (d) / poliziotto / (1 mark)
Total: /4

2. School subjects

Choose the correct picture for the sentence. Write the letter in the space provided.

Example: Mi piacciono le scienze soprattutto la chimica

A / B / C
Answer: / B

2 (a) Non mi piace l’arte perché è noiosa

A / B / C
Answer: / (1 mark)

2 (b) Non mi piace il professore d’inglese perché è severo

A / B / C
Answer: / (1 mark)

2 (c) Non mi piace la matematica perché vado male.

A / B / C
Answer: / (1 mark)

Total /3

3. Talking about school

What is Maria’s opinion of each of the following?

Write P if you think she has a positive opinion.

Write N if you think she has a negative opinion.

Write P/N if you think she has both positive and negative opinions.

Example: / School in general / P/N
3 (a) / ICT / (1 mark)
3 (b) / music / (1 mark)
3 (c) / Teachers / (1 mark)
3 (d) / The food / (1 mark)
Total: /4

4. Job adverts

Which of these statements are true? Write three letters in the boxes.

A / All jobs insist on previous experience.
B / The restaurant is looking for someone to work at weekends
C / The supermarket needs someone to work with a team
D / The garage is looking for a receptionist
E / The supermarket job is part-time
F / The garage is looking for someone who is organised
4. / (3 marks) / Total /3

5. School timetable

What is Richard doing tomorrow? Write three letters in the boxes.

A / Going to Emilia’s house
B / Doing two hours of maths
C / Doing two lessons of RE
D / Playing a football match after school
E / Eight hours of homework
F / Getting home late
5. / (3 marks) / Total /3

6. Future plans

/ Voglio fare come mia madre. Lei è professore di francese in Marocco e anche a me piacciono le lingue. Per di più penso che sono brava! Emilia
/ Mi piacciono molto le scienze. Vorrei essere medico e lavorare qui in Italia. Cecilia
/ Mi piace lavorare in un ufficio e mi piace studiare la matematica. Vorrei diventare contabile. Vorrei lavorare per una grande impresa. Armando
/ Io vorrei diventare astronauta perché vorrei guadagnare molti soldi e mi piace il pericolo. La mia ambizione e lavorare per NASA. Samir

What job do these people want to do? Why?

Give the name of the job in English and one reason in English.

Name / Job / Reason
Example / Emilie / French teacher / She’s good at languages
6 (a) / Cecilia / (2 marks)
6 (b) / Armando / (2 marks)
6 (c) / Samir / (2 marks)
Total /6

7. Which items of clothing are mentioned in the uniform list?

Write four letters in the boxes.

A / Black shoes
B / Black socks
C / A white shirt
D / A red tie
E / A grey or black skirt
F / Grey or black trousers
G / A green jumper
H / A green hat
7. / (4 marks) / Total /4

8. Read the following sentences about education. Which word best completes the sentence? Write the correct letter on the line.

Example: Mi piace la mia B , che si chiama UCC.
8 (a) / Dopo gli esami vado in ______/ (1 mark)
8 (b) / Non mi piacciono le mie lezione d’ ______/ (1 mark)
8 (c) / Vorrei diventare giocatore di calcio perché sono ______. / (1 mark)
8 (d) / Ieri ho ______une pizza alla mensa / (1 mark)
8 (e) / In futuro______guadagnare molti soldi / (1 mark)
Total: /5
A / soggiorno / E / vacanza
B / scuola / F / mangiato
C / sportivo / G / compiti
D / vorrei / H / inglese

Total for paper/32


1 (a) = H

1 (b) = C

1 (c) = D

1 (d) = B

2 (a) = A

2 (b) = A

2 (c) = A

3 (a) = P

3 (b) = N

3 (c) = P

3 (d) = N

4 = C, E, F

5 = B, D, F

Name / Job / Reason
6 (a) / Cecilia / Doctor / Likes science / wants to work in Italy
6 (b) / Armando / Accountant / Likes working in an office / likes maths / would like to work for big business
6 (c) / Samir / Astronaut / Wants to be rich / likes danger /wants to work for NASA

7 = B, C, D, G

8 (a) = E

8 (b) = H

8 (c) = C

8 (d) = F

e (e) = D