Post:TCV Natural Networks trainee: Community Networks Officer (Wild Ways to Wellbeing)


Location:Scottish Wildlife Trust, Cumbernauld, Scotland

Duration:12 MONTHS

Start date:25thJanuary 2016

Closing date for Applications:30thOctober 2015

Thank you for your interest in the TCV Natural Networks Training Programme. Natural Networks is a new project funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund. It will develop skills to facilitate the 'green network' of sites considered essential for the effective conservation of biodiversity, creating a UK wide web of expertise in managing and engaging people in ecological networks. The project will develop the skills of 32 trainees and hundreds of communities across the UK to understand, value, protect and increase the biodiversity of their local green places.

Project Background

As part of the Cumbernauld Living Landscape this role will build on work of previous TCV trainees to demonstrate how engagement with the towns Green Network can be used as a tool to improve health and wellbeing. Using the 5 Ways Well approach developed as part of TCV’s Wellbeing Comes Naturally project the trainee will undertake the following activities:

  • Identify groups engaged in the Living Landscape that would benefit the most from improved well being
  • Using a co-creation approach develop materials and a programme of workshops
  • Assist in the delivery events and workshops with the target groups
  • Evaluate the outcomes for natural heritage and people

Learning Outcomes

The Trainee will be supported to identify and achieve a range of learning outcomes, including filling skills gaps and opportunity to gain an accredited qualification. During the placement, the trainee will achieve a range of Green Network and Community Development learning outcomes, as follows.

Green Network Learning Outcomes

  • Developing and improving ecological networks:The trainee will work alongside the Cumbernauld Living Landscape Project Development Manager to identify gaps within the current networks. They will take part in the Natural Connections project to improve ecosystem health at three sites that are critical to the towns ecological networks.
  • Surveying, managing and improving local greenspace:The trainee will shadow the Scottish Wildlife Trust’s Reserves Manager to develop an understanding of woodland management in an urban area.With the Reserves Manager they will have first-hand experience of the management of the woodland network and effects this has on the communities that surround it.
  • Engaging and supporting local communities to understand and protect local green places: Working with the Community Engagement Officer and the Trust’s education team the trainee will attend events and workshops that improve environmental education. The trainee will assist in the organisation of the annual Living Landscape stakeholder event and working with local groups they will identify the barriers to accessing the green network.

Community Learning and Development Learning Outcomes

  • Enabling others to identify needs, plan and take action to protect and improve local green places:Using a co-creation approach the trainee will work with local people to identify the needs and create a plan of action to address this.
  • Enabling others to develop skills: Through the John Muir Award the trainee will work with local groups to attain a recognised award focused on the natural environment. They will be given the opportunity to create greenspace biodiversity surveys that develop volunteer’s skills. Working with Scottish Wildlife Trust and Living Landscape volunteers the trainee will be able to identify gaps in their knowledge and provide resources to support learning.
  • Working with individuals & communities to achieve change: By building relationships with community groups the trainee will work to help them achieve their aims. These aims could include change within themselves, the group or communities they work in.They will have the opportunity to assist groups affect change on the ground.

The trainee will also:

  • Identify underrepresented groups / communities that do not traditionally engage with the environment in Cumbernauld. Through engagement with community workers community, group leaders and individuals the trainee will identify opportunities to include these communities in participating in the project and improving their input to developing the biodiversity of the area.
  • Attend events throughout the summer both in Cumbernauld and more widely with the Scottish Wildlife Trust.

Person specification

Essential / Desirable
Candidates will need to possess at least a basic knowledge of the environment, conservation and biodiversity. /
  • Educated to secondary level, including qualifications in English and maths
  • A personal interest in natural history
  • Working with individuals and groups from a wide range of backgrounds and abilities
  • Some experience of natural history identification
  • Experience of working outdoors (e.g. on a nature conservation project)
Strong leadership skills
Public speaking experience
Excellent communication skills
Good numeracy and literacy skills, with NVQ 1 level (or equivalent) to demonstrate these skills
Basic competency in use of IT / Experience of working with volunteers and community groups
Experience delivering environmental education
  • A knowledge of health and safety issues relating to outdoor activities

Personal Qualities:
A motivated individual with a passion, commitment and enthusiasm for protecting and a commitment to conserving our natural environment
Applicants must have the dedication and drive to work on their own initiative with community groups, individuals and volunteers.
Self-confidence, reliability and the ability to work with minimal supervision. Applicants must be able to work on their own initiative or as part of a team / A willingness to learn and share what is learned
  • Organisational skills and excellent time management

An aptitude for engaging people and an interest in natural heritage are the most important qualities in a potential applicant.
A Standard Disclosure Check will be required
Some evening and / or weekend activitieswill be required /
  • Clean driving licence and 1 year’s (minimum) driving experience