E:\w\whit\Classes\613\HW\5_Transformations\transformations.doc p. 1 of 2
1. Show that the principal directions for stress and strain need not coincide for an anisotropic material.
2. Show that
3. Tensor strains (and stresses) can be transformed using the formula .
Using contracted notation we can express this as i' = Tijj.
Derive the matrix Tij for 3D analysis. (Order of strains for this HW = 11 22 33 12 23 13)
Derivation using Maple
4. Write computer subroutines to calculate i', i', Cij' given i, i, cij and the angle between the xi and xi' axes. (2D only) Use engineering shear strain.
Plane stress constitutive matrix
saved as Qmat := map(unapply,C,E11,E22,G12,v21,theta);
> save( Qmat, "qmat.maple");
Maple derivationof 2Dtransformation
5. Use the 2D subroutines from (4) to obtain the following plots: *Also, tabulate for theta=0 to 90 for each 10 deg increment
(a) Given: 1, 2, 3 = 5, 7, -2
Plot: 3' versus 1' for theta = 1-> 180
(b) Given 1, 2, 3 = .01, -.06, .02
Plot: 3' versus 1' for theta = 1-> 180
(c) Given the following properties for graphite/epoxy:
E11 = 30e6,E22 = .75e6,12 = .25, G12 = .375e6
Plot:Q'11, Q'22, Q'33 , Q'23 versus theta for theta = 1, 180
(this is plane stress)
Maple solution
6. Plot the effective engineering modulus Ex for a lamina orientation of 0 - 90 deg.
The material properties of the lamina in the material coordinate system are
E11 := 100: E22 := 10: E33:=10:
G12 :=5: G23 :=3.845: G13:=5:
v12:=.35: v23:=.3: v13:=.35:
Positive angle is taken to be counter-clockwise from the x-axis to the x1 axis (x1 = fiber direction). Calculate two ways:
(a) Constrained conditions (ie. zero shear strain during extension)
(b)Unconstrained conditions (ie. zero shear stress during extension)
7. Analysis of a flat tape laminate will involve a simple material transformation… a single rotation about one axis. If the laminate is not flat or if you are analyzing a textile composite, the orientation of the material might require a sequence of rotations. Assume that the material is subjected to a sequence of three rotations: first about the x1-axis (alpha), then about the x2-axis (beta), and then about the x3-axis (theta). Each rotation follows the right hand rule for the sign convention. To perform the analysis, the constitutive matrix must be expressed in the original (unrotated) coordinate system. Derive the formula for the transformation.