UNIT PLAN / Physh Ed National Fishing and Boating Education at HarnettCentralMiddle School
Objective: Students will experience fishing, conservation, and water safety.
Competency Goal 1: The learner will develop knowledge and skills to enhance mental and emotional well being.
Competency Goal 2; The learner will develop knowledge and skills to enhance personal and consumer health.
Competency Goal 3: The learner will develop healthy and effective interpersonal communication and relationship skills.
Competency Goal 4: The learner will apply knowledge and behavior self-management skills to areas of nutrition and physical activity for healthy growth, development, and maintenance.
Competency Goal 5: The learner will choose not to participate in substance abuse.
Competency Goal 6: The learner will demonstrate competency in a variety of movement forms and proficiency in a few to gain competence towards lifetime physical activities (NASPE Standard 1)
Competency Goal 7: Demonstrates understanding of movement concepts, principles, strategies, and tactics as they apply to the learning and performance of physical activities (NASPE Standard 2)
Competency Goal 8: the learner will exhibit a physically active lifestyle (NASPE Standard 3)
Competency Goal 9: The learner will show evidence of an acceptable level of health-related fitness and be familiar with factors that benefit performance (NASPE Standard 4)
Competency Goal 10: Exhibit responsible personal and social behavior that respects self and others at the same time as values physical activity for health, enjoyment, challenge, self-expression, and/or social interaction (NASPE Standard 5 & 6)
December 10, 2007 / MAY 2, 2008
1100 students in grades 6TH, 7TH, & 8TH
Each class is 40 minutes, for 21 days.
Day 1 / Facts about protecting and preserving the environment as it relates to fishing and boating.
Lesson Plan on Conservation "Who polluted the River?"
Fishing Terminology Names you need to know tips
Day 2 / Fishing Etiquette
Bag Limits, Slot Limits, Rules of Fishing, and obtaining a license for fishing in freshwater and saltwater.
Guest Speaker from Wildlife Association Game Warden David Banholzer 910-890-3713
Day 3 / Safe Boating, included the importance of wearing a PFD and why this device can save lives. (Demonstration of various types of PFD's)PURPOSE: An inherently buoyant life jacket, or personal floatation device (PFD), keeps you afloat, provides some warmth, and offers some protection against obstacles, such as rocks or pilings in the water.
Power Point Presentation
Day 4 / Skill: The student will be able to locate different parts & accessories of a vessel and what names are associated with them:(Port side, starboard side, bow & stern). **Assessment: Draw and label each part & accessory of a vessel.
Learn the importance of attaching a kill switch. The concept of rough water as it relates to boating safety, the meaning of small craft advisory. How to use different knots to dock a boat. Basic Boat Care and Maintenance tips.
Day 5 / How alcohol causes the most boating fatalities. Avoidance of alcohol when boating.
Guest Speaker
Day 6 / Learn the difference between spin castings and bait casting rods and reels, discussing different line weights and application (difference between 10 pound test line and 15 pound test line).
Master the Fisherman's knot, Palomar Knot, and join fishing line. Power Point Presentation of 22 different Knots.
Day 7 & Day 8 / Learn about terminal tackle, fishing lures including the entire water column. (Top water lures, crank baits, spinner baits, plastic worms, grubs, jigs, and live bait rigging) How to use leaders, swivels, and weights. Basics about using saltwater and freshwater lures. (Ex. Grubs for trout, sting silvers for bluefish, and bottom rigs for flounder and other bottom feeders in saltwater. Fresh water baits would focus on plastic worms, spinner baits, crank baits, and top water baits.)
Day 9 / Rigging Tackle, Learn how to put a reel on the rod, thread the line, and apply the necessary tackle. Apply knowledge on what tackle rigging technique matches which fish.
When to Fish tips
Day 10 /

Learn how to cast a bait caster and spinning outfit. This will include release, keeping the line from looping, and how to hold and retrieve a lure or rig. This will also include release and placement of lures and how to remove a line "over run"(normally used in Bass Fishing and some Saltwater fishing) Tips for casting:

Day 11 & Day 12 / Teach students the over hand cast and pendulum cast (flip cast). (All to a certain location) (Side Arm Cast) Student must demonstrate.
(Golf Fishing)
Day 13 / Teach students about how to hook bait, and basic freshwater baits. How to find backyard fishing bait.
Day 14 / Teach students how to read freshwater maps. Students will learn how to look at a lake map and find drop offs, creek channels, points, humps, and spawning areas. Includes direction, markers, and areas of a lake, peak seasons for fish species, and locations of the lake that holds fish at different times of the year.
Teach students how to read saltwater maps that include structure for fishing, and markers that help with navigation.
Day 15 / Teach the students about the relationship between water temperature, fishing, different fishing seasons, and boating safety.
Understanding and preventing the risk of cold water shock, hypothermia and hyperthermia are essential for students to paddle safely in a flat water environment
Day 16 / Students will learn at what times of the year a certain area of a lake might hold more fish. Students will learn the basics of filling a tackle box, this will include line, lures, terminal tackle, and first aid materials, and clippers.
Day 17 / Students will learn how to safely paddle and control a small boat or canoe. (on HCMS campus, DRY land) Canoe information presented be NC Wildlife and US Coast Guard
Day 18, 19, & 20
April 28,29,30, May 1,2 make-up days / Students will apply concepts learned. While fishing students will demonstrate proper techniques for choosing the correct lures/bait, casting, reeling, releasing and cleaning fish for consumption and .
Taking Kids Freshwater Fishing, What you need to know tips
Day 21 / Final Test: Option of portfolio or taking a final written exam at the end of the unit.(emphasis placed on portfolio)
Club / (Fishing and paddling trips will be by grade levels on different days.)
Visit from NC Wildlife Officer, Freshwater and Saltwater Fishing Professional
Journal from each student to represent communication skills, used also as an assessment tool.
Program extension expected to result in a fishing club that would meet and discuss techniques and strategies to catch more fish. The club(s) would schedule several fishing/boating experiences throughout the school year. The club(s) would share information on bodies of water that hold more fish, with emphasis on conservation and ethical behavior on behalf of all members.
Science / 6th Grade Competency Goal 7: The learner will conduct investigations and use technologies and information systems to build an understanding of population dynamics.
7.01 Describe ways in which organisms interact with each other and with nonliving parts of the environment.
7.02 Investigate factors that determine the growth and survival of organisms including: light, temperature range, mineral availability, soil/rock type, water, and energy.
7.03Explain how changes in habitat may affect organisms.
7.04 Evaluate data related to human population growth, along with problems and solutions
7.05 Examine evidence that overpopulation by any species impacts the environment
7.06 Investigate processes which, operating over long periods of time, have resulted in the diversity of plant and animal life present today.
Species of fish, fish habitat, and environmental protection, Watershed projects, Identify and label the anatomy of different species in the aquatic environment.
Skill: The student will be able to locate and explain different parts of the fish Activities  "Go Fish" with one half of a picture with the fish head- tail and having to match up the other half (Assessments  Checklist Indicating Mastery of the variety of fins on different species of fish)
Math / Competency Goal 2: The learner will select and use appropriate tools to measure two and three-dimensional figures
Estimate and measure length, perimeter, area, angles, weight and mass of LakeWheeler in Raleigh, N.C.
Career-Technical Education
Family & Consumer Sciences / Wellness & Nutrition LM09.01 Investigate factors that promote and harm physical wellness and good nutrition. Prepare a meal using fish as the meat.
Language Arts / Competency Goal 6 (6th, 7th, & 8th grades) The learner will apply conventions of grammar and language usage by:
Writing a fishing/boating topic paper to use during an oral presentation. (Paper to be included in fishing journal)
Assessment / Rubric to assess students skills of each objective
Written test to evaluate conservation, rules and regulations of fishing and safe boating
Practical test will be used to asses students application of fishing equipment, knot tying, presentation of lures and baits
Video taping, teachers have the option to video tape students practicing all hands on skills to use as an evaluation tool to assist students to see their mistakes in order to make correction.
Journal must include learning experiences, topic paper from language arts, and record of information.
Oral question/answers and observations

7 Knot Tying

Objective: The student will be able to understand what know should be tied to what tackle and be able to tie a variety of common knots.

Activity / Description of Activities and Setting / Materials and Supplies / Time
1. Focus
and Review / Quick view of power point of knots (22 different knots)
Skill: The student will be able to tie three common knots and terminal tackle needed to begin fishing / Plastic hooks, rope or monofilament fishing line, whistle / 5 min.
2. Statement
of Objectives / The student will be able to understand what knot should be tied to what tackle and be able to tie a variety of common knots. / Safety: Make sure each student pair maintains self control and keeps the plastic hook and monofilament or rope to themselves.
3. Teacher
Input / Discuss difference different line weights and application.
Step by Step instruction on how to tie each knot
Partner Students for knot tying. / 5 min
4. Guided
Practice / Each student will tie the knot three times whole other student holds the hook. Student partner will then tie the same knot three times as well / Sitting or Standing Space
x x x x x x
x x x x x x
x x x x x x
x x x x x x

Students / 15 min.
5. Independent
Practice / Check off each student knot; make sure all students can adequately tie at least 2 out of 3 knots. / 14 min.
6. Closure / Positive feedback for completing 2 out of 3 knots. / 1 min.

Polamar Knot

1. Double line on itself about 8-10 inches

2. Put through hole

3. Tie a loose overhand knot

4. Take loop end and place around swivel or lure

5. Tighten overhand knot

6. Trim loose end

7. Pull knot tight and trim ends.

You can also double or triple loop the original line through the swivel eye to make the double Polamar or the triple. This is a popular and easy to tie knot for small terminal tackle connections. It is one of the few recommended knots for use with braided lines.

Professional Fisherman Visitation

Objective: Students compare different fishermen (fresh-water, salt-water) and their professional supplies.

Activity / Description of Activities and Setting / Materials and Supplies / Time
1. Focus
and Review / We all make choices to pick lifetime activities. Today we will all be able to evaluate the activity of professional fish people. / 1 min.
2. Statement
of Objectives / Students will compare different fish people and their professional supplies in order to determine their opinion of the lifetime activity of professional fishing. / Professionals (men & women)
Fishing Supplies / 1 min.
3. Teacher
Input / Demonstration area set up with boats, fishing supplies, and fishing professionals. / Sound systems for each speaker.
Safety Cones for propellers on boat motors. Directional arrows for class transitions. / Set up before class starts
4. Guided
Practice / Rotate to each station as a group. / Rotation Schedule with time limits per station. / 9 min. per station
5. Independent
Practice / Students should ask questions based on fishing interest. / 30 sec. per station
6. Closure / Thank all participants and allow professionals to express the need for students to continue their education in order to allow lifetime activities to become reality. / 2 min.

12 Fish - 4 - Golf

Objective: The student will understand the transition from basic casting to finesse placement by demonstrating the ability to cast a lure over handed, underhanded, side armed, and flipped to a certain location integrating them into the game of golf. Students will be team players while learning rules, follow directional arrows, and keeping a score card.

Activity / Description of Activities and Setting / Materials and Supplies / Time
1. Focus
and Review / Review all ways to cast. / 9 Scorecards Below , 9 Pencils or pens 9 directional arrows
9 buckets ( or hula-hoops)
9 Rigged fishing poles with casting plug
9 Starting cones / 1 min
2. Statement
of Objectives / The student will understand the transition from basic casting to finesse placement by demonstrating the ability to cast a lure over handed, underhanded, side armed, and flipped to a certain location integrating them into the game of golf. Students will be team players while learning rules, follow directional arrows, and keeping a score card. / 1 min.
3. Teacher
Input / Organize teams, distribute score cards and pencils
Demonstrate how to get more distance with each cast and how to finesse the casting plug.
Tell them they will have to use both types of casts in order to play.
Explain every cast is worth a point and the person with the fewest points wins the match.
Teach everyone the tee is where you beginand the bucket is the end of that hole.
Everyone must follow the directional arrowsat all times.
This will keep the game on track and all teams
will travel to the next highest number from
which they came.
Walk through course with students 1stexplaining
how to play. / 8 min.
4. Guided
Practice / Play the game in groups making sure each player watches in different directions for others casting in their direction. / 15 min
5. Independent
Practice / Start
1st Tee


5th Tee
3rd Tee 6th



4th Tee 9th Tee / Groups Keep on score sheet to turn in. / 10 min
6. Closure / Total Scores: Team who received the lowest score is declared the winner. Take up score sheets. / 5 min

Visual Arts: Middle School Lesson Plan

Submitted by Stormy Ritchie

Lesson Title

Japanese Fish Kites

Grade Level


Time Allotment:

2 (40 minute) lessons for creating and interacting with kites

Targeted Goals and Objectives from the 2000 North Carolina Arts Education Standard Course of Study and Grade Level Competencies, K-12:

1.01 Plan and organize for creating art

2.01 Recognize the unique properties of various media.

2.02 Explore and identify the use of a variety of materials using proper vocabulary and terminology.

2.03 Differentiate among techniques and processes for working with each materials.

2.04 Discover the expressive potential of various media and techniques

3.02 Recognize and discuss the elements and principles of design in an aesthetic composition

4.02 Understand the use of life surroundings and personal experiences are used to express ideas and feelings visually.

5.01 Demonstrate an understanding that the visual arts have a history, purpose and function in all cultures.

5.02 Identify specific works of art as belonging to a particular culture, time and place.

6.01 Describe various purposes for creating works of visual art.

6.02 Describe how people's experiences influence the development of specific artworks

Lesson Objectives:

Students will learn about the Japanese culture and their celebration of children. They will learn about the importance of fish in their culture and traditions. Students will learn about the creation of fish kites for celebrations and parades. Students will learn how to create their own fish kite using tissue paper, markers, oil pastels, and glue.


2 x 18” poster strip oil pastels

glue neon bright jumbo yarn

various colors of tissue paper scissors

permanent black marker hole puncher

colored markers

Lesson Procedures:

  1. make a circle of poster strip and glue ends together.
  2. Fold tissue paper in half long ways.
  3. Open tissue paper and glue circular poster tube onto top and fold back tissue to enclose poster for mouth of fish.
  4. Cut out tail.
  5. Glue open ends shut.
  6. With perm. Marker add eye, gills, fin to front and back.
  7. Use colored markers to add color to both sides.
  8. Use oil pastels to enhance with color.
  9. Punch hole in center of mouth.
  10. Add yarn for handle
  11. Go outside and let the wind carry the fish up into the air.
