Route Description (v3.46)
27th to 29th May 2017
AH – Ahead / BL – Bear Left / BR – Bear Right / BW – BridlewayCB –. Compass Bearing / CP – Checkpoint / C2C – Coast to Coast / CW – Centenary Way
DMG – Double Metal Gate / DWG – Double Wooden Gate / EVW – Esk Valley Walk / EW – Ebor Way
FLD – Field / FP – Footpath / FPS – Footpath Sign / JCT – Junction
FB – Footbridge / L – Left / LHS – Left hand Side / LMG – Large Metal Gate
KG – Kissing Gate / R – Right / RD – Road / RH – R Hand
LWG – Large Wooden Gate / RHS – R Hand Side / SMG – Small Metal Gate / SP – Signpost
ST – Stile / SWG – Small Wooden Gate / THW – Tabular Hills Walk / TK – Track
TL – Turn Left / TR – Turn Right / VH – Village Hall / WM – Waymark
WMS – Waymarker Sign / X – Cross / km – kilometers / m – meters
– Cold Drinks Only / – Hot & Cold Drinks / – Cold Food Only / – Hot & Cold Food
All distances and ascents are taken from Memory Map which has been used to record the route. Other electronic mapping software or GPS devices may vary.
All distances and ascents have been measured in metric units, converted and rounded to imperial values.
All stage distances have been rounded to the near 100m (or tenth of a mile) and ascents have been rounded to the nearest 10 feet.
All compass bearings are magnetic.
This route description should be used in conjunction with Ordnance Survey Explorer Maps 300, OL26 & OL27 required for the route.Note: that some of the moorland tracks differ on the ground from the rights of way marked on the map.
Please make sure all gates are closedto avoid livestock from escaping. Remember the NYM 100 passes through rural farm land and this land is someone’s livelihood!
Take Care on Roads! The NYM100 route crosses numerous minor roads, and the occasional major road, and there are some stretches that involve walking along minor roads for short distances. Please take care, and watch out for traffic when walking on or crossing roads at all times, and, if at night, ensure you have your torches on.
START & FINISHMalton School. Middlecave Road, Malton YO17 7NH and adjoining Malton Community Sports Centre Broughton Rd, Malton, North Yorkshire YO17 7BP (Parking at school only not the Sports Centre).
Stage 1. Malton to Easthorpe – 4.5 miles (7.3km), ascent: 520ft, descent: 340ft.
Note: some of this section is on private land and can only be used on the day of the event!
1.1 AH to the school gates and TL down Middlecave RD.X RD and TR into Middlecave Drive. After 100m TRinto Castle Howard Drive. BL and continue AH to eventually reach RD – Castle Howard RD (SE 777 717).
1.2 TR and AH (use FP and then grass verge on RHS on this very busy RD) for 1.5km (ignore all turn offs L and R)toeventually X RD (CARE) to DWGs(on LHS). AH on TK passing gallops / parade ring (on LHS) and continue down FLDedge (with hedge on RHS). In 420m arrive at short gallop rails.
1.3 BR to dip under rail (on RHS). AH (with fence on LHS and trees on RHS) and follow FP through woodland to eventually reach wider TK (ignore uphill TK on R just before wider TK) (SE 755 705).
1.4 TR and AH on TK for 700m to reach small meadow. AH, keepinghedge on LHS to reach LMG. Pass through and AH onto tarmac RD. BR twice around buildings (ignore gateways to L). TL and then continue uphill to TL at JCT.
1.5 AH on TK (ignore first TK to R) and in 200m BR at fork with WM post onto TK (under trees) (SE 747 710). AH at X TKs to reach telegraph pole. BR and in 300m BL (ignore path AH) to join chalk TK. TL and descend to gateway.
1.6 Go through gateway and immediately TR onto enclosed FP – SP (Braygate Street 1 mile on L). Drop down to pass rear of farm house/building. Continue on FP which soon becomes a TK with woodland on RHS (view of Castle Howard Mausoleum on skyline and Temple of Four Winds on hillside).
1.7 When TK bear L (SE 734 712) at SP (Park House ¼ miles – which is partially hidden in undergrowth on R) TR off main TK and follow FP through trees to soon ascend uphill towards telegraph pole. BR towards double telegraph pole and continue AH uphill to TL at seats. AH through trees to exit onto RD.
1.8 X RD to drivewayopposite – SP (Slingsby Bank). AH towards buildings and CP in car park (SE 733 716).
CP1 Easthorpe Business Park – Independent Crew– Opens Sat, 10.30 Hrs Closes Sat, 13.30 Hrs.
– Cold Drinks Only.
Total Mileage 4.5 miles (7.3km) Total Ascent 520ft.
Stage 2. Easthorpeto Hovingham– 5.7 miles (9.2km) ascent:370ft, descent:610ft.
2.1 Return to driveway and go through SWG in fence.Follow fence around to the R.Continue AH uphill to SWG by trees. AH on FP with trees on LHS / FLDs on RHS – fine views of North York Moors beyond. Pass through a small wood and continue AH, again with trees on LHS / FLDs on RHS.
2.2 At X TKs and SP (Slingsby Bank 1½ miles) continue AH to join TK through trees. Follow TK for 1.3km(ignore all turn offs L and R) – joining the CW at SP (Slingsby Bank).
2.3 Ina further 500m exit woodland through SWG (to L of LMG). Continue AH through FLDwith fence on R (look over your L shoulder to view Castle Howard) to reach SWG (to L of LMG) (SE 704 733).
2.4 X RD (CARE – blind summits) and continue AH on TK.In 220m pass L of LWG and continue AH to TK JCT– still continuing AH at SP (Hovingham 2¾ miles). X minor RD, passing metal barriers on either side of RD and continue AH in same direction at SP (Hovingham 2miles).
2.5 AH at X TKs– still on CW.Descend TK which gradually narrows to reach and X ST (to side of LMG). Bear ½L followingFPS to X small, but hidden, hump back bridge. Ignore TK to L and proceed AH through SWG immediately in front of you (SE 672 740).
2.6 Ascend FP (ignore TKs to L or R) to eventually reach major TK crossing. TRto leave CW and AH to soonjoin the EW at SP (Hovingham/EW).Continue AH atX TKs (SE 666 743).
2.7 TK soon leaves wooded area and ascends slightly between FLDs, then descends slightly to RD. BR and keep to RHS of RD until driveway on R, then X RD to FP opposite. Take narrow tarmacked FP on L down towards the main street of the village. X RD (CARE – now on RHS). AH passing Worsley Arms Hotel to reach CP in VHon R (SE 667 756).
CP2Hovingham Village Hall – NidderdaleLDWA – Opens Sat, 11.30 HrsCloses Sat, 15.00 Hrs.
– Hot & Cold Drinks – Cold Food Only.
Total Mileage 10.2miles(16.5km)Total Ascent890ft.
Stage 3. Hovinghamto Wombleton– 8.5 miles (13.7km)ascent:430ft, descent: 370ft.
3.1 Leave VH and return to RD. TR and AH passing The Malt Shovel and then Hovingham Stores on R. X RD and continue AH to Spa Tearoom and Hovingham Bakery. X FB andTL to follow RD (with stream on LHS). TRatSP (rights of way) andcontinue on RD to reach Brinkburn Barn (on RHS) (SE 666 759).
3.2 Take second L – SP (Cawton 1½ miles), passingthrough SWG to reach X TKsatSP (Stonegrave 1mile).TR and AH on TK between FLDs to X wooden sleeper bridge. TL–still on TKand then TR towards farm buildings.
3.3 Just before farm yard TL at WM post –do not enter farm yard. AH(FLD on LHS and hedge on RHS).In 170m TRat 3rdWM post. Continue AH to pass through gap in hedge at next WM post.AH on grass TK (hedge now on RHS) to TL at FLD corner. Follow TK alongside drainage ditch (on RHS).
3.4 After 190m look out for narrow FB over drainage ditch.X FB and TL.Continue AH to reach end of FLD. TR at WM post.Continue AH (with hedge on LHS) to reach and X ST (adjoining LMG). BL on TK to X ST onto RD.
3.5 TRonRD and AH over red brick bridgeto B1257 T-JCT at Stonegrave (SE 657 777).
3.6 TL at T-JCT (Helmsley 5½ miles) and stay on FP (on LHS). Shortly after TL down driveway (to farmhouse). Do not stay on main road – dangerous crossing. At bottom, TR by stone wall to enter narrow FP alongside garden of farmhouse (keeping to FP as this is someone’s garden). Dog-leg R as FP seems to come to an end (church on RHS behind stone wall),then TL (ignore steps to graveyard on R). AH (with wooden fence on your RHS) to pass through SWG. AH to X FLD. TR at small WMS and AH up FLD(with fence on LHS).Pass through KG and X RD (CARE) to TKon L– SP (Nunnington 1¼ miles) (SE 654 780).
3.7 Ascend TK (ignore gate on L) and continue AH uphill (with FLD edge on LHS and hedge on RHS).Continue AH to the top of the FLD(ignore TK size break in hedge on R) and BL at FLD corner. Continue AH (to next TK size break in hedge) and BR through gap. Continue AH (now with FLD on LHS and hedge on RHS)to descend to RD (SE 654 789).
3.8 TL and follow RD for 1.2km passing Ryedale Lodge and Jubilee Cottages (ignore all turnings L and R). When RD BL at chevron, TR–SP (Harome 2miles)and reach Self Clip A (SE 643 791).
3.9 AH down East Newton Hall farm driveway to eventually joinwide TK (ignoreTR to farm buildings). AH and soon BR passing large oak tree (on RHS) to reach WMS (on R). AH on TK (ignoreTL)to gap in trees (SE 643 800).
3.10 TL at WMS (just before reaching river)and follow FP(with river on RHS) to reach FB on R. X FB and immediately TL, initially following river andcontinue AH, as river BL, to reach LWG. Go through LWGand continue AH passing house and Railway Cottage (on LHS)–TK is now a single TKRD. Pass large barn/shed (on LHS) and continue AH towards Abbey Green farm. Continue AH(ignore RD to R)to X bridge and reach RD JCT(SE 647 815).
3.11 Continue AH(ignoreRD to L)to eventually pass houses (on LHS)and reach Orchard Cottage. Shortly after reach a Methodist Chapelnearthe T-JCTwithmain village street in Harome.
3.12 TR and immediately XRDto TL into Back Lane. As RD BL, go AH into caravan site and X STs into FLD. AH (with hedge on LHS). At top of FLD(and break in hedge) locate FB/ST in hedge on R. X ST and AH (with hedge on LHS) to reach and X ST at woodland. Follow FPthrough woods to emerge into FLD at WMS (SE 650 828).
3.13 TL and continue AH (with hedge on LHS). Soon BR withFP and reach SMG on LHS (SE 651 829). Go through and continue AH up FLD (hedge on RHS) to garden boundary FP at Shaw Moor Farm. Take SMG on R and follownarrow fenced FP to reach tarmac TK (SE 650 832).
3.14 TR and continue AH to reach RD. TL and in 300m TR into Sykehead LaneatFPS. Continue AH on RDto eventually reach farm on L,just after farm TL off RD. AH through KGs into larger FLD. DescendFLD diagonally (CB 40) to reach KG near single oak tree (approximately halfway down RHS of FLD). Pass through. AH with fence/wall on RHS to reach and X double ST/FB. X FLDdiagonally (CB 35)to pass through gap in hedge and over small FB. TL up FLD side, then BR (with hedge on LHS)to soon TL through SWG in gap between hedge/trees.
3.15 AH through small meadow and target ST in top R hand corner near small red farm building. X ST and TL on narrow FP. Continue AH over a second ST ontoTK (Back Lane–running behind houses) which soon becomes fully tarmac and BR to reach RD (SE 668 841). TR on village RD. X RD and TL into Page Lane by the Plough Inn. Continue on RD as it BR to reach CP in further 100m in VH on R (SE 670 840).
CP3Wombleton Village Hall– Kent / Northumbria LDWA – Opens Sat, 13.00 HrsCloses Sat, 17.30 Hrs.
– Hot & Cold Drinks – Cold Food Only.
Total Mileage 18.7miles(30.2km)Total Ascent 1,320ft.
Stage 4. Wombleton to Hutton-le-Hole – 6.3 miles (10.2km) ascent: 710ft, descent: 550ft.
4.1 From VH TL and retrace to pub car park. TR at Corner Cottage onto TK signed Sports Field. Go through LWG and immediately TR. AH (hedge on RHS) to go through gap in fence with ST. AH and X FLD passing large oak tree (on RHS). AH along a further FLD(hedge on LHS) to eventually reach gap within copse of trees (near telegraph pole on RHS). X ST. AH with wire fence on LHS to X ST (check for traffic before alighting ST).X RD to X ST opposite (SE 680 847).
4.2 AH at FPS (signed ½ R!) with metal fence on R. TL (ignore ST in corner of wood) to reach and X ST by LWG (on L). AH to RD. X RD and AH to X over stone ST built into wall. AH through FLDto X ST in hedge to reach RD (SE 680 851).
4.3 X RD (CARE – A170 busy road) to hidden ST opposite (in hedge) and AH (keeping wire fence/trees on RHS). In 475m reachsmall hump.BR to locate and X ST onto minor RD (close to entrance to St Gregory’s Minster) (SE 676 856).
4.4 TR and AH to X ford (if flooded use FB).AH uphill to reach X RDs. AH through KG (alongside LMG) (SE 682 857).
4.5 Keep L and follow FP (keeping wire fence on LHS) to reach KG. Pass through into woodland and immediately TR.Ascend to reach and pass through makeshift SWG.
4.6 AH in first FLD(with hedge on RHS). X second FLD diagonally (CB 45) to pass through LMG/SWGs in hedge. Continue generally AH through a number of smaller FLDsto X ST into tarmac FP (enclosed with hedges) coming out in small cul-de-sac of bungalows (SE 691 866).
4.7 AH in tiny cul-de-sac to reach RD. TL and AH passing Poplar Ave (on LHS) and Ash Grove (on RHS). Shortly after passing Willow Rise (on LHS), TL ontonarrow tarmac FP between bungalows63 and 50!BR with FP to come out in a parking area. TR and AH towards (initially hidden from view) 3x bollards painted yellow – Back Lane. Continue AH on enclosed tarmac FP to reach RD JCT. X over to cobbled area (SE 694 867).
4.8 TR on RD and X over toopposite side (now on LHS). AH and in 170m reach mini roundabout. TL into Castlegate.AH to Park Lane. TRand continue AHup lane passing converted chapel (on RHS) to single TK RD.AH on RD. In 500m BR at Low Park Farm (on LHS) andin a further 400m X cattle grid (SE 702 878).TR(ignore TK to L) – still on RDand shortly TL at green FPS (SE 703 875).
4.9 Descend enclosed narrow wooded FP – which soon becomes a wider TK.Ignoreprivate TKs to R L and continue to descend to eventually reach minor metalled RD (SE 707 876).
4.10 TL and descend on RD. In 200m BR andX FB (SE 706 877). Continue AHuphill to reach main RD (SE 707 884).
4.11 TL on RD (CARE– very busy tourist route) and soon X over cattle grid. Just before caravan park sign, X over RD to FPS (SE 707 888).AH to LWG in hedge. Pass through and in 50m TL off TK into wooded area (FPS hidden).Descend FP to valley bottom to reach FB (SE 708 890).
4.12 X FB and BR (initially CB 135) heading up towards the trees in middle of FLD. Continue upwards towards wooden fence with young trees behind (CB 35)toreach ST– which is 30m to R of end of fence (SE 709 890). X ST to pass through 20m of undergrowth andXfurther ST onto concrete TK (Oxclose Lane). TL and X cattle grid. Descend to X further cattle grid and AH to RD (SE 707 896). TR (signed to Car Park). AH to reach CP in VHon L (SE 706 899).
CP4Hutton-le-Hole Village Hall – Heart of England LDWA – Opens Sat, 15.00 HrsCloses Sat, 20.30 Hrs.
– Hot & Cold Drinks – Hot & Cold Food.
Total Mileage 25.0miles (40.4km)Total Ascent 2,030ft.
Stage 5. Hutton-le-Hole to Rosedale – 6.8miles(11.0km)ascent:840ft, descent:710ft.
5.1 Leave VH and X RD to FP opposite (slightly to R). Go through SWG and follow FP round rear of houses (church on LHS / bowlinggreen on RHS). Pass through SWG into FLD. AH (with fence on LHS) passing through 2 x LWGs, 1 x KG to reach second KG leading into woodland.
5.2 X over FB and ascend FP through woods to reach LWG. AH on FP (with fence on RHS) to reach RD (SE714 904).
5.3 TR and after 750m (shortly after farmhouse on R, but before road bridge) arrive at TK on L (SE 721 904).
5.4 TL up TK with fence/hedge on RHS to pass through LWG. Continue AH and then BR (ignore FP to L) with wall, then fence on RHS. In 370m BL at FPS towards large trees – farmhouse 100m on RHS. In 130m reach wall corner. AH following wall on R. In a further 100m, keeping close to wall, descend and X stream. Ascend hill opposite and when FP splits, BR alongside wall toreach summit at X TKs near wooden seat and stone monument (AD654-2000) (SE 729 909).
5.5 IGNORE FP signed to Rosedale (as this crosses land we have been asked to avoid) instead follow SP to Hartoft on TK with wall/fence/trees on RHS. In 175m,as TKBL,keep AH (CB 90) on less defined TK with wall/fence/trees(on RHS) – becomes more defined. Keep to high ground with fence on RHS(CB 130) – eventually with stream/valley on LHS. In 1km, BL with TK to descend and X stream (SE 740 907).
5.6 Ascend towards large tree/wall corner on skyline and follow TK with wall/fence on RHS. On reaching next wall corner proceed AH and in 15m TL on grass TK. Follow TK (bends a little) to soon TR at grassy TK JCT. AH and in 150m reach metalled RD (SE 743 910). TL on RD.Descend to reach cattle grid at entrance to farm and Self Clip B(SE 743 912).
5.7 BL (do not X cattle grid to farm) and follow BW (with fence/wall on RHS). Follow well defined, but sometimes undulating TK, for 5.5km to White Horse Farm Inn– in 2.2km pass Spaunton Estate plaque (on LHS) celebrating past industries (glass) and then in a further 1.8km reach farm TK at SP (BW) (SE 733 943). TL and follow TK passing Holly Cottage, Woodend Holiday Property to eventually arrive at White Horse Farm Hotel in 1.5km(SE724 955).
5.8 TR down RD to X river bridge and arrive at X RDs. TL (ignore entrance into caravan site) and follow RD to reach CP in Rosedale School House – this is the left most cottage in the row of cottages in front of you(SE 724 959). Note: This checkpoint is quite small and we are hopping to operate a one-way system through the school playground at the rear of the bunkhouse. Please follow the direction signage.
CP5Rosedale School House– Beds Bucks & NorthantsLDWA– Opens Sat, 16.00HrsCloses Sat, 23.30 Hrs.
– Hot & Cold Drinks – Cold Food and Soup.
Total Mileage 31.8miles(51.4km) Total Ascent 2,870ft.
Stage 6. Rosedale toBotton Village– 8.0 miles (12.9km)ascent: 1,380ft, descent: 1,130ft.
6.1 From CP,BR into RDto soonTL through KG opposite Church and Abbey (ruin).Follow SP (Dunn Carr Bridge / The Inn Way) to RD in caravan site(Please pass quietly through caravan site). TR and follow RD (passing play area on LHS) into static caravan park. TR at Mill Dam and Meadow sign. AH on RD.BR off RD at SP (Dunn Carr Bridge) to reach KG (alongside LMG). AH on FP through 2 x FLDs with hedge on LHS (and caravan park beyond).
6.2 The second FLD descends to a small open meadow (on LHS)– FP continues AH alongside woodland and wire fence (on RHS) to reach SWG. Go through and enter woods. In 30m arrive at first TK JCT and TL (SHARP – almost back on self) to descend andX FB with metal handrails (CARE – there is a second L turning and FBwithin 5m of this turning). TR and pass through 2 stone columns. AH to pass through SWG. X FLD to reach and pass through SWG onto minor RD (SE 714 964).
6.3 TR and follow RD for 900m to reach Thorgill Village. The RD changes to stony TK as last house on LHS is reached. AH for 500m to reach LWG, proceed through and BR (ignore TK on L to Poplar Farm – named Medd’s farm on OS map).
6.4 Continue AH and descend on TK for 340m to pass caravans (on RHS). In a further 650m reach LWGjust before High House farm (unnamed). Continue AH towards farm andjust before,BR onto TK at arrow on rock on ground (on LHS).AH on TK passing stone barns (on LHS)to pass through LWG (ignore prior LWG on RHS leading into FLD).
6.5 AH on TK to pass conifer wood (on LHS– ignore TL into woods) and wall (on RHS). In a further 100m continue AH through centre of 3 gateways toBR,as FP forks, to lower edge of trees.Follow TK to reach and pass through LWG. AH for 900m with tree line/wall to LHS and FLD to RHS,then enclosed both sides with wall,passing through LWG into FLD and then AH in same direction through 3 xLWG todogleg L R andpass through 4thLWG to reach RD (SE 693 989).