Friends of St Andrew's Park

Minutes of Committee Meeting held on 8th July 2014.

Those present: John Mayne [ Chair]; Paul Bullivant; David Cemlyn; Sarah Cemlyn; Martin Weitz, Jenny Morris (Minute secretary for this meeting); Elaine Hicks; Sarah McMurchie; Nigel Morris; Martin Fodor (Councillor); Doug Reid; Joanna Towner;

1. Chair’s welcome to all.

2. Apologies Fi Hance; Gus Hoyt; Simon Randolph. Jo Corke; Kerry Macleod; Fay Aldridge; Steve Perry [Treasurer]; Jon Gulson & Rob Telford.

3. Minutes of previous meeting [28th May 2014]. Accepted and agreed.

4. Matters Arising from the minutes

4.1 Leopold Road boundary hedge fence and proposed signs (MW/SP)

John Mayne fed back a report from Steve Perry that he has logged 27 email reports from Leopold Rd Residents received between 30th March to 6th July 2014, 21 of which related to urinating in or close to the Yew Trees and 6 to drunken, noise from those sitting in the Trees. Steve will continue to monitor until the autumn.

David Cemlyn had prepared 10 temporary toilet signs as requested at the May meeting. Martin suggested more needed to be strategically placed. Fi Hance had taken up the question of signs with Miles Harris, however it is unclear who will now take this forward within the Council.

4.2 Community flower project

Martin said feedback is positive. The flowers have been well protected by the fencing and are doing well. There are signs that the beds are putting off gatherings around the Leopold Road side of the park, although this will of course continued to be monitored over the summer. Jenny confirmed the flower beds had the desired effect of moving the gatherings to other areas in the Park She had noticed a significant increase in the families and parties on the slope opposite her house. The exuberance of the children had been especially noisy but soon quietens and on the whole prevalence of the large family type gatherings are well behaved; they tended to leave at reasonable times. Situated close to the toilets, she had not noticed any significant increase in urinating in the bushes opposite her house.

4.3. Proposed action against dog faeces

Whilst running Sarah Cemlyn had, as requested at the last meeting, taken note of the amount of dog faeces in the Park. Since February Sarah recorded usually 1 or 2 new ones a day. Sarah agreed to continue to record how the Park is becoming polluted to gather facts to report to the Dog Warden. She would also research who the Warden was and what was required by the Warden to support positive action that could be taken to address the issue. Dogs continue to roam the children’s play area, Jenny said this could be explained by the fact that the gate to the Play Area, by the Wellington Memorial, was left open more times than she had seen it closed.

It was noted that some responsible dog owners clear up other dog mess and there are dogs just left to roam on their own. Discussion on the best way forward agreed Sarah to continue to log findings to cover a 6 months period to support a report from the FoSAP to the Dog Warden. Mindful of the sensitive nature of the issues and that FoSAP committee wishes to work in partnership with all users of the Park, Jenny suggested that heightening awareness of the issue amongst the responsible dog owners may help and to ask if they could help with self-policing. They should also be made aware that if the problem persists a report to the Dog Warden will be made. Paul will highlight as a special issue for the September meeting with an invite to FoSAP dog owners to attend. Martin referred to the Friends of Horfield Common web site for action they take and that they only allow dogs to be walked on leads.

4.4. Funding of repairs for paddling pool.

Fi Hance, Sarah Cemlyn and John Knowlson, Head of BCC Play Department, recently had a useful discussion. A full survey of the pool is to be carried out to establish its current state to identify the extent of the refurbishment or if a full refit is required. We really do not wish to lose the pool if repairs were no longer viable and so the best option needs to be considered very carefully. John Knowlson is to make further enquiries on the options.

4.5. Leaflet reprint and holder installation

Kerry kindly arranged printing of 3,000 leaflets and for 500 to be sent out with Bishopston Matters to St Andrews residents. Paul and John reattached the holders to most of the Information Boards. John asked us to keep an eye on them to report any damage and to take a small supply to refill empty holders.

It was agreed a vote of thanks to be given to Kerry for her financial support in the production and distribution.

Martin said there is no FoSAP membership subscription and so we rely on social events to raise funds. Martin suggested that to help fund future communication costs and promotion of the FoSAP, members to be asked for donations of say £5. Martin agreed to initiate the idea in September/ October with an explanation and a request in the autumn newsletter and on the web site. John Mayne will ask Steve to make an entry in the Treasurer’s account to record donations.

4.6. Spring newsletter

Kerry has produced the newsletter and distributed it. Anyone is invited to email Kerry with any news to go in the autumn newsletter. Paul to contact Jo for the latest list of all FoSAP registered members. Ways to ensure all members receive news and information are to be reviewed.

4.7. Proposed byelaws update

Martin Fodor confirmed that these had been withdrawn for further consideration by the Council’s sub- committee. They are very much still under review and will be re-presented to Cabinet for a decision on their adoption. All Parties want a set of Bye-Laws as a means to restrict anti- social behaviour. Nigel asked about enforcement and was told that PCSOs will be able to enforce Bye-Laws and that they will also allow Council Officers recourse to take relevant action.

4.8 Work to Wild Life Pond – update

John Mayne reported that since all work has stopped he is trying to liaise to have the agreed funding of £3,260 released. It appears the Council’s budget block has effectively affected the release. John will continue to follow up.

5. Chair's report.

The Park’s Department is currently experiencing great movement and change in staff roles. John spoke of the lack of contacts now within the Parks Dept. Our previous main contacts, Pete Clark as overall Parks Dept Manager and Chris Hammond, the North Bristol Parks Manager had both taken early retirement at the end of March. At the same time, our Community Park Officer, Miles Harris, had been redeployed elsewhere with BCC. At the last Bristol Parks Forum meeting John had asked Tracey Morgan, the BCC Service Director for Environment and Leisure, who she recommend as a contact. She suggests Andrew McGrath and Richard Fletcher. John knows both these officers and they have been very helpful in the past, but his recent efforts at contact with them has been unsuccessful, presumably because they are so busy subsequent to the reductions in BCC staffing levels.On our behalf Councillors Martin Fodor and Fi Hance are available to help us with issues.

6. Treasurers Report.

On behalf of Steve Perry, John Mayne reported:

The uncommitted funds at the last meeting in May:


-£52 for cleaning material removal of graffiti on loos.

-£20 for July’s meeting room hire

Leaving £508 uncommitted funds at 28th July 2014

7. Secretary’s report

Nothing further to report.

8. Convenors reports

1.Anti -Social Behaviour [ Convenor: Sarah McMurchie]. There does seem to be an alteration in behaviour since the flower beds installed. Without bye-laws there is a sense of lack of responsibility between Police /Council. Martin Fodor re-iterated there is a will to get the bye-laws sorted and back to Cabinet. Re the Leopold Rd issue update, see 4.1 above.

2. Appearance and Restoration [Convenor: Jenny Morris]. No meeting held but she hoped the group could meet in the Park for a walk about to identify areas of concern and what was working well. Jenny had spotted a recently planted tree that appeared to have died and she will speak to Micky.

3. Bristol Parks Forum [Meeting reps: John Mayne, Jo Corke and Steve Perry]

John Mayne attended the Forum on 28th June. It was announced that the Parks maintenance will revert to In-House from March 2015 for 2 years when the English Landscape contract ends. Council direct labour will be used, contrary to recent press reports, there is no plan for volunteers to cut the grass. Paul’s impression from Micky is that he will continue as an In-House employee. All communications from the Parks Forum is available on the FOSAP website.

4. Graffiti [ Convenor: Doug Reid]. The graffiti on the toilet block has been removed with the help of Liz Kew’s advice and material. Thanks to Micky, John Mayne and Simon Randolph for their time and efforts. Their work proved the anti-graffiti coating worked.

5.Play Area [ Convenors: David and Sarah Cemlyn]. Sarah and David met with Fi Hance and John Knowlson to discuss repairs, the surface condition and the state of the rubber matting. Estimate for the repairs is about £5100. Surfaces under the swings is poor and John Knowlson is seeking a further estimate. Fi Hance had suggested that a Neighbourhood Partnership Fund Grant may help. David heard of a proposed government funding for Parks and is researching the idea.

6.Social/ Arts [ Convenor: Alex Mills]. Paul said the summer picnic on 6th July was well supported and enjoyed with music provided by “Gone with the Wind”. The ceilidh is planned for Friday 7th November and Alex is to be contacted to confirm progress with the arrangements.

7. Publicity.[ Convenor: Martin Weitz]. Sue Mountstevens is to view the Flower Meadows Thursday on 25th July between 5pm to 6pm. She wishes to meet the local residents and FoSAP. Martin issued a press release. Points West filmed the area and gave good coverage last week.

8. Recycling and litter [ Convenor: Jon Gulson]. Jon Gulson and John Mayne had designed some posters for the green bins to encourage people to recycle their rubbish. Martin offered to laminate them.

9. Wildlife [Convenors Simon Randolph and Jo Corke]. No report.

9. Neighbourhood Partnership.

Martin floated the idea of an exercise route around the perimeter to encourage more exercise there may be funding available from the Green Capital budget. Some years ago there was exercise stations around the Park but these fell into disuse and dis- repair eventually removed. The consensus was not to pursue the proposal.

10. A.O.B.

John Mayne said the Green Capital Partnership had invited expressions of interest from groups to install drinking fountains in open spaces/parks. John had responded and received the application form from Patrick Bulmer of Wessex Water. It was agreed John would make the application. It was suggested that a suitable place for it would be near to the Café, Paul will supply photos of the area.

No other business the meeting closed at about 9.10pm.

11. Dates of forthcoming meetings up to the 2015 AGM:

The meeting dates alternate between Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Please note that the names which follow the dates are of those who have agreed to take minutes at that meeting. The interval between meetings is 6 - 8 weeks.

Wed 03.09.14 - Jon Gulson

Tues 14.10.14 - Jo Corke

Weds 03.12.14 Christmas social - Paul Bullivant [NOTE – NOT 02.12.14]

Tues 13.01.15 - Simon Randolph

Weds 25.02.15 – Martin Weitz

Tues 14.04.15 AGM and committee meeting – Steve Perry

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