Northborough Youth Basketball Association

Travel Basketball Board Policy

Updated 9/13/2018

Program Description
For those players in Grades 4th-8th interested in playing more competitive basketball, the NYBA reserves the right to provide Travel teams for play in a competitive Winter Travel League such as the Metro West League (MW).

Each Travel Team is a select team. Players must tryout each year to earn a position on the Team. Players and Parents need to understand the commitment, competition and cost will be far greater than the Recreation program.
Travel teams are competitive. This does NOT mean we have a win-at-all-costs attitude. However, we expect a commitment from our players to come to all practices and games. This includes 2 practices per week along with Sunday games.


Registration for travel is separate from recreation, although, players must also pay and register for recreational basketball first. Recreational winter basketball is optional for kids, however, we encourage players to play both recreational and travel.

The NYBA Travel Basketball program is primarily for children living in the town of Northborough and/or going to school in the town. However, there are some exceptions for kids. These exceptions need to be cleared through the league we play in, i.e. MW.


  1. The exceptions need to be communicated to the NYBA board of directors before tryouts start. A vote can be taken, if there are any issues with accepting a child. Also, a team vote can be taken if there are any issues with allowing someone
  2. The Travel League also needs to accept the player so once approved by the NYBA, we will forward to the league.
  3. An exception can be granted for a child that started a season playing in the NYBA Travel Program, but has since moved out of town. That player is allowed to finish that season with the NYBA team.
  4. An exception can be made for a child that goes to school in Northborough, but does not live here, i.e. Saint Bernadette’s School.
  5. If we are short players at any grade level, the NYBA can allow surrounding towns to participate in the travel program for that season.

The exceptions are meant to allow some flexibility for the NYBA, but also to protect children that are subject to external changes not within their control.

Post Tryout Exceptions:

If a player, drops out of the program or gets hurt for the year, the team is allowed to pick up another player. The process to pick up another player will consist of a new tryout during the team’s practice time.

  • If there is an A and B team then the A team will pick someone from the B team after the tryout.
  • For the B or C, team, anyone who originally registered to tryout will be allowed to tryout again for the B team.
  • Any player who did not register originally can tryout, however this exception needs to be approved by the board. The reasons for a child that missed the original tryout can be many and might be out of the child’s control so is typically the reason we allow this exception.

Tryout Process and Information
Tryouts for all travel teams will start in the fall. Please register your child separately for the travel team tryout. The schedules will be communicated in late September and will be located on the Document section.
The objective of the Travel Team Tryouts is to give each player as much opportunity as possible at a fair, impartial and open chance to compete equally for a position on a Travel Team. All players are put through basic basketball drills (shooting, passing, dribbling, rebounding and defense), as well as, compete in competitive Basketball situations (1-on-1, 2-on-2, 5-on-5, etc.) Players will be judged by the coaches AND independent evaluators (including members of the NYBA Board) to be as fair as possible. Players will be judged on the basics (shooting, dribbling, rebounding, and defense) as well as their understanding of the game, their coach-ability and their overall attitude. Times and Locations are posted on the website in August/September. There will typically be a minimum of two tryouts dates per grade/gender.

There will be at least 2 Evaluators and can be up to 5 Evaluators. The NYBA board will try to have as many independent evaluators that do not have children in the tryout. The board can have the potential coach involved in the tryout, but the coach cannot dictate the direction of the tryout of players.

The Evaluators will put all players in order by ranking. The coach must select the first7 players. The next 3 to 5 players ranked8 to 14 can be selected by the coach. The coach needs to let the travel coordinator know who they picked and why, i.e. need more size or guards, etc.

Tryout Notes:
All tryouts are closed. Only players, evaluators and members of the NYBA Board of Directors are permitted in the gym to view the tryouts. In some cases, coach applicants can be invited to help with tryouts. This will be determined by the board and based on tryout numbers/participation, etc.
No parents, relatives or friends will be allowed to remain in the school during tryouts.
NYBA Board member(s) will be present at all tryouts. Emeritus board members can also be present at tryouts.
Standardized tryout form to be used.
Medical Exemptions for Tryouts
Northborough Youth Basketball players need to declare an injury in writing prior to travel team tryouts. This confidential letter must include a note from the player’s physician stating his/her inability to participate in a tryout. The player is not required to provide the specific nature of the injury/illness only that a doctor has limited/prohibited his/her participation in the tryout process. This letter should also include, if possible, the players anticipated return to full participation in activities. This letter should be presented to the NYBA Travel Team coordinator. The NYBA Board of Directors will then review each case individually. The NYBA board will then determine the selection criteria for this player after consulting with the coach of the team and reviewing previous evaluations if available.

Number of Teams
The NYBA will determine the number of travel teams per grade based on the demographics of the tryouts. Team sizes will vary but will require a minimum of 10 players on each team and no less than 8, if that is all that comes to tryouts. The teams will typically practice one time during the week and on Saturday’s. Games will be played mostly on Sunday, but can have a game on Saturday.
Additional Cost of Participating
Along with the additional time commitment there is also an additional financial commitment to playing travel basketball. The cost of participating in the NYBA Travel Program will vary by team (depending on uniform costs and the number of additional tournaments in which the team participates).

Fees are: Winter Recreation will be $60 (1st & 2nd) or $110 (3rd to 8th grade) and Travel Onlywill be $225, if the player makes the team(s). If a Player plays both Recreation and Travel then a $50 discount will be credited to their account so the total for both Rec & Travelis $285.

Additional fees may range from uniform costs of $55 and additional,tournaments ($25), and team approved events.

Playing Time
It is important to realize that playing time is never equal on Travel Teams. Travel team players do NOT have guaranteed equal playing time like the recreation leagues. The recommended minimum playing time is “3 minutes per half” for regular season and playoffs. Coaches should play players at least 3 minutes per half unless the player misses practices or has other issues at practice or in games such as poor sportsmanship, etc.

The NYBA promotes the “life lessons” in sports so positive participation, team work, commitment, timeliness, and other factors are important to learn at a young age. These should be rewarded with playing time, especially at the younger ages.

These Factors, such as practice attendance, cooperation and attitude at practice, number of players kept for the team and game situations will all come into play affecting playing time.

Coaches should understand that they are developing a team of players at a young age. Players develop at different rates and players change year to year. Your worst player can become your best player so at young ages it is recommended for all players to play a good amount of time and not the minimum. As players get older we should continue this as much as possible.

Travel Team Coaches
All coaches apply every year for the travel team coach positions. The NYBA board will choose the best applicant for the position. All coaches must fill out a CORI form during the application process. All head and assistant coaches must fill out a CORI form a week before starting a NYBA travel practice. All Head coaches must ensure that their assistant coaches or parent helpers also have filled out a CORI form.

The coach selection process will be as such:

  1. All Head Coaches must fill out and send their Applications to the Travel League Manager/Coordinator and President. The coordinator will confirm receipt.
  2. The Travel coordinator will present the recommendations for all coaches to the board in early September before tryouts. The board can decide if there are any grades that need a board vote for a coach. This will allow for fair and proper selection of coaching candidates.
  3. Coach Selection:
  4. Parents, who have a player at the appropriate grade level, will have their applications for the Head coaching position reviewed first for selection. If a parent is qualified then they will be selected.
  5. Travel Coach Survey will be used as part of the coaching selection process for returning coaches.
  6. If there are no parent applications in the summer, the travel coordinator will start a recruiting process for potential parents that could coach. The potential parents would have a child that is travel ready.
  7. If there is not a parent qualified, selected by the NYBA board, or parents do not apply, the NYBA board can either get an independent coach or not have a team. The decision will be based on grade level and history of grade, i.e. we could wait a year for 4th grade teams, or older grades that have already had travel teams in the past should continue to offer the opportunity for kids to play travel regardless of parent involvement.
  8. For the Travel Coach selection process:
  9. A parent will be given first priority to be selected by the NYBA for the Travel Coach position for their grade
  10. Second priority will be for the NYBA to select an Independent coach whowill be selected by the NYBA. The Selection of an independent coach will be:
  11. NYBA board members and Emeritus group should be looked at first for selection.
  12. Local Professional coaches
  13. Financing will need to be discussed and payments to any independent coach will be processed for time already spent coaching. Payments will not be made in advance
  14. It is recommended to have up to 4 coaches on each travel team. Head coach will use all assistant coaches to help with the skills during practices. This will ensure more players are getting the attention needed to develop.
  15. Travel coordinators and board should always have a backup coach in case something happens to the Head coach, i.e. moves away, etc.

Travel League Games and Playoffs
Coaches will have a scorebook keeper for all games. The NYBA will provide a scorekeeper and monitors for home games. The coach will also need to ensure any games that have to be canceled due to player participation will be done 2 weeks prior to the game time. The league assesses penalties for last minute cancellations.

All teams in Metrowest make the playoffs. For playoffs, coaches need to check game times and locations frequently since these can change due to last minute cancellations by schools, etc. offering gym times.

Code of Conduct
“Coaches, parents and players” (participants), must take responsibility to ensure the gym and surrounding school area that they are practicing or playing a game at is kept orderly on a best efforts basis. Any participant that defaces, vandalizes, or is causing any disruptions in the school area can be subject to disciplinary action by the NYBA as well as the Northborough schools.

The ability to use the schools is a privilege and not one that the NYBA will lose from the actions of a few individuals.