Drugs Policy

St Mary’s College - Drugs Policy

What is a drug?

The definition of a drug for the purposes of this policy is a substance which, when taken into the body, changes the way we feel, the way we see things and the way the body works. This policy covers a range of drugs including medicines, tobacco, alcohol, solvents and illegal drugs.


Current research indicates that drug use both legal and illegal is rising amongst young people. As part of the school’s care and welfare of its pupils, we believe we have a duty to inform and educate young people about drug use. Drugs are a reality in young peoples’ lives and schools share responsibility with parents and the community to educate pupils bout the risks and consequences of drug use and misuse and to encourage then to make healthy, informed choices by increasing knowledge, challenging attitudes and practising skills. Fundamental to the school’s values and practice is the principle of sharing the responsibility for the education of young people with parents, keeping them informed and involved at all times. Effective communication and co-operation is essential to the successful implementation of this policy.

The school is committed to the health and safety of everyone here and we will work together with parents and the local community to enable pupils to make healthy, informed choices and discourage the misuse of drugs.

Educational aims and objectives

To develop a whole school approach to drug education in the context of the curriculum, with particular reference to Science, HE, RE and PHSE.

To provide accurate information about a range of drugs, including medicines, alcohol and tobacco.

To explore attitudes and develop skills in making decisions about drugs.

To have a clear and agreed understanding among everyone in the school community about the implications and possible consequences of drug use / misuse.

To ensure the school is free from the misuse of any drugs.

To clarify appropriate procedures in the management of drug related incidents.

To respond to any individual within the school community in need of support.

To enable pupils to identify sources of confidential advice and support, as school staff are unable to guarantee absolute confidentiality in serious cases of drug misuse.

Policy formulation and consultation process.

Policy was drawn up in draft form in consultation with WELB, following guidelines from DENI – Circular 2004/09, with reference to CCEA “Drugs Guidance for Schools in NI”. After consultation with all teaching staff and BOG, was then adopted in this final form.

Designated Officer for Drugs is Ms Flanagan. An updated Drugs Programme to be taught to all year groups in Form Period is in place. Monitoring will be the responsibility of the Designated Officer, with liaison with SMT. Evaluation will take place in June, where Form Teachers will be expected to feed back on teaching outcomes. This information will then be examined by Designated Officer, SMT and WELB Drugs Education Officer.

Drug Education

Drug education in the school aims to enable all our pupils to make healthy, informed choices by increasing their knowledge, exploring a range of attitudes about drug use and developing and practising their decision making skills. The programme we follow will be based on national guidelines provided by the DfEE and be sensitive to the age and experience of our pupils. It will focus on the development of self-esteem and decision making skills. The programme can be obtained from the Designated Officer. Teaching will be based on an understanding that a variety of approaches should be used in order to meet the needs of all pupils. It will be delivered by Form Teachers, although Subject Teachers will address certain areas as dictated by their curriculum. All staff will have access to relevant training and resources. Outside agencies will be used at times to complement the programme, following the guidelines for working with outside agencies. Full details of outside agencies used can be obtained from Designated Officer.

Role of Staff

Form teachers will be responsible for delivering education relating to drug and alchohol awareness in line with the Personal Development programme of the school.

All other staff will be trained in responding to incidents of suspected drug use / misuse, and will be informed of agreed school procedures to be followed in the event of such incidents. If there are any suspicions of drug or alcohol use or misuse, all school staff should inform Ms Flanagan / Mrs Lawn.

At times, the Pastoral Care Coordinator may instruct Form Teachers to run classes on Drugs Education, based on individual classes and instances which may arise. Workshops may also be arranged.

The Caretaker will inspect school grounds regularly to ensure that grounds are free from drug related paraphernalia. This inspection of grounds will be reported on to Principal.


No medicines may be administered to pupils by any member of staff.

The Principal and Designated Officer must be informed in writing if any pupil has a

medical condition which necessitates their use of / possession of medicines while at

school, eg. inhalers.

All pupils will be informed of the rules regarding drugs.

Any pupils found to have misused a substance will be sent to the Accident and Emergency Department of the South West Acute Hospital, Enniskillen. An ambulance will be called and the pupil will be sent with the ambulance staff. Parents will be notified immediately and advised to go to the South West Acute Hospital.

If a controlled substance has been misused, the parent / guardian will be

contacted immediately. The PSNI’s neighbourhood team will be informed. Any illegal substance found will be passed on to the police. Should the case arise where prescription drugs have been misused, the Designated Teacher will inform Social Services, EWO, BOG, CCMS and WELB.

PSNI: Sergeant Scott Fallis 02866 322823

Social Services: Duty Social Worker 02866 344000

WELB: Godfrey Young – Child Protection: 02882 411 411

BOG: Father McGourty Contact through School

EWO: Arlene Wright 02866 343900

CCMS: Suzette Bracken 02866 322709

Any pupil who gives or sells drugs - as defined in this policy – to any other pupil,

will face discipline sanctions which could include suspension and exclusion. The agencies named above may also be informed, at the discretion of the Senior Management Team.

Suggested actions for schools to take over substance related incidents are attached

to the policy. Decisions will be taken by SMT, in consultation with BOG, following

guidelines from CCMS, WELB and DENI.

Advice and support for pupils

In the event of a drug related incident, information about local drug and support services will be provided for pupils and parents. Staff will liaise with the support agencies but will not give direct advice to pupils / parents about individual drug use.


This policy will be circulated among College staff by the Designated Teacher. Summaries will be provided as part of Parent Pastoral Packs to go out in August / September and full copies will be available, on request, from the Principal.

Revision of Policy

This policy is currently being revised to include or update:

·  responsibilities of parents, pupils, BOG.

·  The policy will have the education programme attached

·  Pro forma forms for reporting, monitoring and evaluating the policy

·  Training and information for staff

·  Procedures for the administration of prescribed medicine

·  A leaflet for parents

The envisaged completion date for the revision of policy is June 2015