PTO General Meeting- November 4, 2015
- Call Meeting to Order
- Minutes
- Treasurer’s report
- Principal’s report
- Teacher’s report
- Old Business
- Carnival
i. We made about $1,700 profit. Thank you very much to everyone who helped make this event a success
i. We made $12k+ profit!!! Way to go!
- Box Tops- We have our next submission date scheduled (February 19th) and classes have started trimming the box-tops and getting them ready!
- Parent’s Night Out
i. Get feedback regarding why a low interest. Was it the time of year? Too Expensive? Thoughts?
- New Business
- Spirit Wear- Orders should be arriving tomorrow. We made approx. $160 in profit
- School App- We are looking into it. Is there interest? Would you be more apt to using it to get information regarding the school. How many push notifications is too many? Things you like/don’t like about apps etc.
- Lego Club- Application went out this week. If more students apply than space, a lottery will be done. WE are expecting a high interest and look forward to welcoming back FRE alumni Andrew Fukui who is creator of this club
i. Committee met for the 1st time 1/12
ii. McBean Booked for March 4th
iii. Need to follow-up with vendors
- Rudy’s Hideaway-
- Meal would include Caesar Salad, Pasta, Rolls with butter and Fresh Crab from Washington or Oregon.
- Suzanne Fukui offered to chair the Raffle.
- 50/50 raffle
- Grade level themed baskets- Parents will be receiving more information regarding this by hopefully the end of the week.
- Any additional donations would be GREATLY appreciated!! Does anyone own their own business? Work for a company like Younique, Scentsy, Tastefully Simple Etc. Think BIG!!! Do you know anyone that has a timeshare they would be willing to donate? Know a travel agent that could give a trip somewhere? This is where we need to hit it HARDJ We have a donation letter!
- We will be selling crab kits with the presale tix and also have a few available at the event.
- Tickets and flyers to be completed soon. Thank you Michelle Salli-Brown for your help with this!
- Advertising through Gold Country Media, signs around Lincoln (working on the permit)
- Working on the ABC license and figuring out the best way to purchase beverages for the evening. It will be a no-host bar
- Tix will be $45 and event is for 21+.
- Key Club to help with serving- Thank you Kris Wyatt and Suzanne Fukui for helping coordinate that.
- Working on cute decorations for the event as well
- Should be FUN!
- Next Committee meeting is 1/26 3pm Mrs. Noriega’s room
- Anything Else???
- Minute to Win it- April 21st
- Open Forum
- Close Meeting