Unit 04 Directed Number Diagnostic test Name......
1. Understand the concept of directed numbers / Write the numeral suggested by each of the following:a) 5 below zero ......
b) opposite of +3 ......
c) owing $7 ......
d) 9 floors up ......
e) water level has dropped by 3 m ......
2. Order directed numbers / a) Show the points 1, 0, -2, -4 on the number line
-4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
b) insert < or > to make the following correct:
(i) –6 ٱ –7 (ii) 3 ٱ –4
c) Arrange in ascending order 5, -2, 3, -6
3. Add and subtract directed numbers / a) 5 – 8 = ......
b) –2 + 7 = ......
c) 9 – 2 = ......
d) –15 + 7 = ......
e) –4 – 5 = ......
f) 16 + (-6) = ......
g) (-4) + (-7) = ......
h) –93 + 100 = ......
i) –24 – 9 = ......
j) –11 – 6 + 7 = ......
4. Subtract negative numbers / a) 5 – – 7 = ......
b) –3 – (-7) = ......
c) –10 – – 6 = ......
d) –4 + 2 – – 8 = ......
5. Multiply and divide by directed numbers / a) 4 -2 = ......
b) –7 -2 = ......
c) –12 3 = ......
d) –40 5 = ......
e) –32 (– 4) = ......
f) 45 – 9 = ......
g) (-4)2 = ......
6. Solve problems involving directed numbers / a) 3 – 4 5 = ......
b) fill in the missing number: 12 – ٱ = 14
c) insert brackets to make this true:
2 – 5 3 – 6 = –15
d) From the integers –3, -1, 2, 5, 7 find three integers whose sum is 1.
e) The temperature rose by 6 degrees over 3 hours. If the temperature at 10 am was 4 degrees, what was the temperature at 7 am?
(i) calculation: ......
(ii) answer: ......