The Community Foundation for Calderdale has allocated up to £170k to fund projects that will tackle the problems of isolation of older people in our District.
Initially £150k available will be allocated along these lines:
i.An allocation for Community Transport and access initiatives (to include costs of care workers and Personal Assistants to accompany people on activates etc) of £40k over the two-year period.
ii.Develop existing and new be-friending/good neighbour’s schemes £40k over the two-year period.
iii.Micro-commissioning fund £50k over two years: three area-based user led groups (Halifax; Upper Valley; Lower Valley).
iv.Network and Partnership support £20k over two years This is to include a)facilitating micro-commissioning; b) Developing/supporting new and existing networks for organisations involved in this field; c) facilitating a Partnership approach to this programme.
There will be further funding available of £20k plus for a third year of aspects of the programme, to be confirmed.
Applicants can apply for 1 or more of these pots in one application. Applicants have to complete an online application form and this supplementary form, making clear where appropriate which pots they are applying for.
Lead Organisation name ......
Project name ......
- The £150k available will be allocated in 4 pots, as described below. Please indicate which of these pots you are applying for and describe the project you intend the grant to be used for
- An allocation for Community Transport and access initiatives (to include costs of care workers and Personal Assistants to accompany people on activates etc) of £40k over the two-year period.
- Develop existing and new be-friending/good neighbour’s schemes £40k over the two-year period.
- Micro-commissioning fund £50k over two years: three area-based user led groups (Halifax; Upper Valley; Lower Valley).
- Network and Partnership support £20k over two years (a) facilitating micro-commissioning; b) Developing/supporting new and existing networks for organisations involved in this field; c) facilitating a Partnership approach to this programme).
- How will you project target services, activities etc at Older People in the following categories? If you are applying for more than pot describe how each pot will contribute.
People living in deprived communities
People living in rural and isolated areas
People living in Care homes and supported accommodation
People from BME communities
People with long term/multiple health issues
People who are otherwise isolated
NB the projects must benefit older people, for the purposes of this fund defined as people over 55
- Partnership Working: If you are working in partnership with other organisations please provide details below of your partners, partner roles in delivery (especially where you are applying for more than one pot), and whether you have a partnership agreement in place or need assistance to develop a partnership agreement.
Who are your partners?
Are they public, private or voluntary sector organisations?
Please describe the role of the partners in management and delivery of your project
Do you have a partnership agreement in place? Do you need assistance in drawing up an agreement?
- What sort of project activities will be part of the delivery of your project and how will you ensure this?If you are applying for more than pot describe how each pot will contribute.
- Befriending schemes
- Good Neighbours Schemes
- Community Transport schemes
- Projects which improve older peoples access to mainstream services e.g. via digital access etc
- Intergenerational activities
- Networking, partnership and collaborative activities
- Social activities
- Volunteering activities
- Nutrition activities
- Arts and Cultural activities
- Other activities which can be shown to tackle isolation etc
- Please show how you meet the following organisational criteria:
If you are applying for more than pot describe how each pot will contribute.
- Partnerships: please describe how your project involves partnership working
- Experience: Calderdale based organisations with a demonstrable track record of success in the field.
- Grassroots: projects involving organisations who are local community based and service user led
- Sustainability: how will you work to achieve an element of sustainability in terms of the impact and activities of the project after the funding has ceased.
- CFFC criteria: organisations must meet other CFFC eligibility requirements. See below
- CFFC is keen to ensure that the funding makes a demonstrable difference.
Projects will be asked to provide evidence that they have in place a robust performance management system.
Please show how you will contribute to one or more of the following outcomes.
If you are applying for more than pot describe how each pot will contribute.
Provide people with opportunities to achieve greater social justice to reduce isolation, exclusion and disadvantage and access local services- Reduce isolation
- Promote human rights and equality
- Support vulnerable and disadvantaged people
- Improved community facilities
Advance people`s physical and mental health, wellbeing and safety.
- Reduce crime, violence and anti-social behaviour
- Promote safer communities
- Increase access to sport, exercise and leisure activities
- Reduce substance misuse and addictions
- Improve health (physical/mental/emotional)
Maximise people`s ability to strengthen community cohesion and build social capacity
- Improve community cohesion
- Improved community facilities
- Improve the community working together
- Support vulnerable and disadvantaged people
- Strengthen organisations
- CFFC General Eligibility Criteria
Who Can Apply?
- Constituted voluntary, community and faith groups run for and by local people (Note: Individuals cannot apply)
- Registered charities and groups with charitable purposes working in Calderdale
- Community Interest Companies (CICs) who do not, and cannot, pay dividends
What We Cannot Fund
•General appeals
•Retrospective applications (i.e. the funding of activities that have already taken place or the repayment of money that has already been spent)
•Projects that would normally have been funded from statutory sources (e.g. Calderdale CMBC, the local Education Authority, Social Services or Central Government).
•Religious activities or projects that promote religion, although we may fund activities carried out by faith groups for wider community benefit.
•Political activities.
•Projects where the main beneficiaries are animals.
Documentation needed:
•Constitution or set of rules/Governing Documents
•Safeguarding policies (vulnerable adults/children) if appropriate
•Copy of audited/inspected Accounts
•Bank statements
•Committee members contact list
•Conditions of grant aid signed
This Supplementary Application Form needs to be completed and returned along with the online form and all required documentation by 12 noon 30th June 2017.
For further information
•please see the Community Foundation for Calderdale website
•Contact the grants team: , or
•Telephone 01422 349700
Please return to the Completed form to:
Community Foundation for CalderdaleFirst Floor, 1855 Building
Discovery Road Halifax HX1 2NG