Name: ______

Class: ______

Date: ______

Organ system: ______

Presentation date: ______

Human Systems Presentation- Biology 11

As we have studied in class, the human body is made up of many organ systems that work together in order for the body to properly function. In this project we will focus on the muscular/skeletal system, the circulatory system, the respiratory system, the digestive system, nervous system and the excretory system.

In groups of five (that will be selected by the teacher), you will teach a human organ system to the class. During the lesson, you will present the system in general and how it functions (including the organs that make it up), and how the system works with other systems in order to accomplish its purpose. You need to compare and contrast the organs in the human system with the organs found in the system of an earthworm and a frog. The presentation must include: at least 2 “Did You Know That…” (interesting facts relating to the system), a class handout, a reinforcement activity and 10 potential test questions and answers.

The lesson must take at least 10 minutes to a maximum of 15 minutes, you must use visual aids. One visual aid must be a PowerPoint presentation, with either a role play, a video, etc. If your group requires additional AV support (other than LCD projector and VCR) you must let your teacher know at least one day in advance. During the class, you must present the system and at least start the activity. You may give homework!

The handout must include all necessary information for the system and may include figures or drawings. The handout is due at least 1 day before your group is to present the lesson. You must cite any resources used for the handout. The handout is due on: ______

The type of reinforcement activity is up to the group, but must include all of the important information from the presentation. You can do a mini-lab, a worksheet, a small group activity, etc. Be as creative as possible!

The potential test questions can be any sort you wish (multiple choice, fill in the blanks, true/false, short answer, long answer, etc.), but they must include all of the important information presented in class. The answers must be given on a separate page.

You will be evaluated on: the presentation of the information, the handout, the reinforcement activity, the potential test questions and answers, your self evaluation and the evaluation given by your fellow group members. The group member evaluations will be greatly considered when giving individual marks. See the rubric below.

Your Textbook is a great reference OR Websites you may wish to visit:

World Book Encyclopedia Online: (user Id:______, password: ______)

EBSCO (online database of magazine articles): (user Id: ______, password: ______)

Group members:______

Biology 11

Rubric for the Human Organ System Presentation

Indicators of achievement:

9-10: the work is extraordinary. It exceeds the standard of achievement.

7-8: the work is excellent. It meets the standard of achievement.

5-6 : the work is satisfying. It approaches the standard of achievement.

3-4: the work is fair. It does not approach the standard of achievement.

0-2: the work is poor. It is missing many parts.

Evaluation criteria /

0 1 2

/ 3 4 / 5 6 / 7 8 / 9 10

The lesson:

Presentation of information / The presentation was missing most of the necessary information. / The presentation was missing some necessary information. / The presentation was good. / The presentation was detailed and creative. / The presentation was exceptionally detailed and creative.
No visual aids were used. / The visual aids show little thought or planning. / The visual aids were appropriate. / The visual aids were very well done and appropriate. / The visual aids were appropriate and super creative.
Only one member of the group was involved in the presentation. / The presentation was completed by one or two group members. / Most group members participated. / All group members participated in the presentation. / All group members were well informed and participated equally.
Handout / The handout was late. / The handout is missing much of the necessary information. / The handout contains most of the necessary information. / The handout contains all necessary information. / The handout contains all necessary information plus extra information.
No handout was given. / The handout has several errors. / The handout is well written and moderately organized. / The handout is very well written and well organized. / The handout is super well written and organized.
Reinforcement activity / The activity was incomplete or not done completely. / The activity lacked creativity and/or was poorly carried out. / The activity was good. / The activity was creative and well carried out. / The activity was super, interesting and creative
Potential test questions / The questions are not done. / The questions are done, but lack creativity. / The questions included most of the necessary information. / The questions included all necessary information and are creative. / The questions included all necessary information and are super creative.
Answers / .
The answers are not given / There are errors in the answers. / Most of the answers are correct / All answers are correct. / All answers are correct and well detailed.
Total: ______
Self evaluation: / I did not put forth a good effort to this project.
I put forth the necessary effort to this project.
I put forth a good effort to this project.
I put forth an excellent effort to this project.
I put forth the best effort possible to this project.
Group evaluation: / The student did not put forth a good effort to this project. / The student put forth the necessary effort to this project. / The student put forth a good effort to this project. / The student put forth an excellent effort to this project. / The student put forth the best effort possible to this project.