Suzuki Native Plants Sale

May 10, 2012

This Thursday, May 10, David Suzuki students will be holding a plant sale at lunch, here at David Suzuki Secondary School. These native plants were grown from seed and cared for by students in a variety of classes. All plants are attractive flowers that are tolerant of drought once established, will grow year after year and will add colour to your garden. Please read below to see which species might be right for your front or back yard.

These native plants are neat, attractive and hardy. And, as native plants, they will help protect Brampton’s ecosystem which sustains all life, ourselves included.

Our smaller plants will be sold for $1, medium sized plants for $2. Please consider sending your child with money to purchase a plant in our first ever sale. The medium sized plants may bloom this year if planted in optimal conditions. The smaller plants will likely not bloom until next year. Please read below for more information on each species!

These plants would make a great addition to a mother’s day gift. Furthermore, all proceeds will be returned to the David Suzuki environmental fund to continue creating more opportunities for students to learn while protecting their future.

Lanceleaf Coreopsis

Sun: Full Sun

Soil: Dry - Average

Attributes: Drought tolerant, Long blooming

Fauna of Interest: Attracts Butterflies, Goldfinches eat the seeds.

How to plant: Find an appropriate site in your garden and dig a hole the size of the provided newspaper or coir pot. Remove wrapping and place the pot and plant in the hole. If possible, sprinkle some bone meal or compost in the hole before filling the hole in around the pot. Pack the soil semi-firmly and then water. Water the plant at least twice weekly for the first month, and weekly for the rest of the summer, more often in a drought. Next summer the plant will be established and more drought resistant.

Lavendar Hyssop

Sun: Full Sun – Partial Shade

Soil: Dry – Moist

Attributes: Drought tolerant

Fauna of Interest: Attracts Hummingbirds, Attracts Butterflies.

How to plant: Find an appropriate site in your garden and dig a hole the size of the provided newspaper or coir pot. Remove wrapping and place the pot and plant in the hole. If possible, sprinkle some bone meal or compost in the hole before filling the hole in around the pot. Pack the soil semi-firmly and then water. Water the plant at least twice weekly for the first month, and weekly for the rest of the summer, more often in a drought. Next summer the plant will be established and more drought resistant.

Black Eyed Susan

Sun: Full Sun

Soil: Dry – Average

Attributes: Drought tolerant

Fauna of Interest: Attracts Songbirds, Attracts Butterflies.

How to plant: Find an appropriate site in your garden and dig a hole the size of the provided newspaper or coir pot. Remove wrapping and place the pot and plant in the hole. If possible, sprinkle some bone meal or compost in the hole before filling the hole in around the pot. Pack the soil semi-firmly and then water. Water the plant at least twice weekly for the first month, and weekly for the rest of the summer, more often in a drought. Next summer the plant will be established and more drought resistant.