Company Applying for Accession (Applicant):
  • Applicant’s Legal Name:
  • Applicant’s Registration Number:
  • Address of Applicant’s Registered Office (street, town, ZIP, country)

The Applicant hereby accepts and approves the Statutes and the Operating Procedures of the European Virtual Institute on Knowledge-based Multifunctional Materials AISBL (KMM-VIN) and applies for accession to the KMM-VIN AISBL in the capacity of (choose one):
Core Member
The Applicant hereby declares that its Membership Fee for KMM-VIN AISBL will comprise units of annual subscription (UAS) valid until further notice.
Therefore, under current provisions of the KMM-VIN AISBL Operating Procedures*, the Membership Fee of the Applicant will be equal to € per year.
* UAS = 200 €/year / Associate Member
Under current provisions of the KMM-VIN Operating Procedures the Membership Fee of the Applicant will be equal to: 500€ per year
Signed on behalf of the Applicant (person authorized to sign the Accession Form):
Position / capacity (e.g. Director):
Date and place: ,
Approved / Rejected** Reason:
Date and Venue of the General Assembly Meeting:
Signature of the Chairman of KMM-VIN GA:
**delete as appropriate

Extract from the KMM-VIN Operating Procedures

Core Members:

Minimum and maximum number of units of annual subscription

The minimum and maximum fees shall depend on the number of units of the annual subscription. For different categories of core members these shall be fixed by the General Assembly as:

Category / Minimum number of units / Maximum number of units
universities, research centres / 5 / 10
SME / 2 / 5
large companies, associations / 7 / 25
private persons / 1 / 2

The above limits can be negotiated or fixed otherwise by the KMM-VIN Board of Directors, but this has to be endorsed at one of the General Assembly meetings following such act of the Board of Directors.

The 2014annual membership fees for different categories of the core members are as follows:

Category of core members / Minimum fee / Maximum fee
universities and research centres*) / 1000€ / 2000 €
SME*) / 400€ / 1000 €
large companies*) / 1400€ / 5000 €
private persons / 200€ / 400€

*) in the cases of potential members coming from countries where the above fees are not reasonably affordable (say, as in some candidate States or former Soviet republics), the above fees may be negotiated on the case-by-case basis.

Associate Members:

The associate membership fee is assumed to vary ("flexible fee") depending on the type of member joining, extent of use of results, etc.

The associate membership (annual) fee shall be 500€ for legal entities public or private and 100€ for private persons. In future this fee shall be reconsidered by the General Assembly and may or may not change.