CCSC Business Plan 2008/2009

Clinical Coding Steering Committee Business Plan



1.  Knowledge Codification

a.  Coding Manual:

Update Coding Manual with 2007 and 2008 changes, as posted by the Cooperating Parties for ICD-9-CM on the internet.

Revise Coding Manual to include CPT4 coding and IR DRG grouping sections.

Promote the use of the Coding Manual to all coders in the Abu Dhabi Emirate as published on the Wikki.

b.  Coding Processes and Procedures:

Further develop and expand on coding policies and procedures in the published Coding Manual for Hospitals and Other Healthcare Institutions.

Provide advocacy and advice to Medical Record Managers in healthcare organizations in the Abu Dhabi emirate, regarding development or refinement of coding processes, to include resource utilization and work process flow.

c.  Improve Coding Profile:

Investigate the mechanism for coders in the UAE to obtain their CCA and CCS certificates from AHIMA, and facilitate this with major employers such as SEHA.

Prepare a position paper from the CCSC regarding the grading and salaries of qualified coders in Abu Dhabi to improve their current status and employment package, as well as to attract future experienced and qualified coding applicants.

Prepare position paper from CCSC regarding the need for qualified coders to perform coding function, i.e. Coders versus Physician coding.

2.  Continuing Professional Development

a.  Education:

Facilitate training for CPT4 coding through resources such as 3M trainers and locally based trainers.

Educate Coders, Doctors, Finance staff and others in the healthcare community on the International Refined Diagnosis Related Grouping system.

Meet with representatives from the Higher College of Technology in Abu Dhabi Health Sciences program to discuss coding education for students.

b.  Establish Subcommittee for Education and Technical Issues

i.  Seminars:

Organize and facilitate a minimum of twelve coding seminars per year, on a rotating basis, at different locations throughout the Abu Dhabi emirate.

Reach out to private hospitals, insurance companies and Third Party Administrators (TPA) to attend and sponsor coding seminars.

Develop guidelines for selecting topics and sponsorship of coding seminars.

Develop procedure for coordinating coding seminars to include notification, registration, certificates, etc.

Post seminar information on the Wikki to include seminar schedules, announcements, slides, handouts and photos as appropriate.

Develop a “Town Hall” forum at coding seminars for Coders to ask questions and receive information about current events pertaining to coding in the Abu Dhabi Emirate, on a quarterly basis or more frequently as needed.

ii.  Technical Questions:

Provide mechanism for coders to submit questions and concerns regarding technical coding process and decisions, using the Wikki.

Review coding questions and publish decisions and advice on the Wikki, following established references and guidelines.

Provide process for complex coding questions and issues to be submitted to 3M coding experts for decisions and advice.

Recommend coding seminar topics pertinent to coding questions and issues submitted by coders in the community.

3.  Advocacy and Advice

a.  HAAD Data Standards Panel

Provide expertise to the HAAD in developing and maintaining health data standards for the required data submissions from healthcare organizations for the purpose of insurance and other data collection needs.

Chairman to represent the Clinical Coding Steering Committee by serving on the HAAD Data Standards Panel as a voting member.

b.  Coding and Health Data Advisory Role:

Provide advice to HAAD, SEHA, Daman, private hospitals and others on coding and health data issues such as occupational health coding and data collection.

4.  Executive Sub-committees

a.  Coding Audit:

Develop recommended methodologies for coding audit and coding quality improvement at facility level for organizations to perform self-audits.

Identify high-volume diagnoses or procedures to target for focused review, using the above, for across- facility audit.

Take recommendation to HAAD for focused coding audit for all major facilities performing coding function, to be used as learning and educational exercise only.

Provide support to the above exercise, once endorsed by HAAD.

Provide feedback to participating facilities of the outcomes of the audit.

b.  Coding Arbitration Board:

Establish a coding arbitration authority/sub-committee to review coding disputes between any and all organizations in Abu Dhabi and to provide the definitive decisions in this regard.