/ Professional Development Seminar Series
Culminating Experience /

The purpose of the Culminating Experience is to provide faculty with opportunities to:

  • Demonstrate what they have learned during the Professional Development Seminar Series;
  • Practice presenting in English to a professional audience;
  • Consider future goals and objectives for enhancing their teaching;
  • Share and celebrate new skills and knowledge with colleagues; and
  • Receive formative assessment on their development progress.

Each faculty member will deliver a 15-minute oral presentation at the close of the Seminar Series. There are two options for this oral presentation. Both include the development of three items:

  1. Presentation slides in PowerPoint or other application
  2. Oral presentation of a segment of the lesson or overview of the professional development plan.
  3. Handout (see requirements)

The Culminating Experience will be assessed by one or more Seminar instructors using the appropriate checklist. The assessment will be confidential and shared only with the individual faculty member. The assessment is meant to be “formative” and should help the faculty member identify future goals and objectives for enhancing their teaching.

Faculty Professional Development Plan (PDP) Requirements

  • PDP Presentation Slides – format is chosen by faculty member and generally follow the template
  • PDP Oral Presentation - 15-minute presentation on Professional Development Plan; including demonstration of active learning activity related to goals and objectives identified on plan and sharing of draft of student support resource for a course project; colleagues engage in active learning as directed.
  • PDP Handout – Student support resource for course project

Lecture Presentation Revision (LPR) Requirements

  • LPR Presentation Slides – format is chosen by faculty member; no template is provided. The lecture should be designed for at least 50 minutes of instruction (or whatever is typical for course). Slides should include COPPAS strategies (captivate, organize, process, practice, assess, synthesize)
  • LPR Presentation – 15-minute presentation on a segment of the lecture that requires active learning/formative assessment; colleagues will serve as “students” and engage in active learning and formative assessments as directed.
  • LPR Handout – Guided notes or supporting document to support student understanding

Several sessions over the course of the Seminar Series will support faculty in successful completion of the Culminating Experience. These include:

  • Whole Group Culminating Experience Overview (Monday)
  • Small Group Meetings (Tuesday and Thursday)
  • Individual Faculty Meetings for Progress Review (Wednesday)
  • Whole Group Presentation Review/Practice Session with ELD Instructor (Friday)
  • Whole Group Culminating Experience Presentations (Friday afternoon)

Element / Criteria / Status / Improvements Needed
What was Learned / There are at least three different areas in which “what was learned” is summarized and demonstrated. / +  -
At least one area is related to lecture presentations. / +  -
At least one area is related to improving student success on assignments. / +  -
Goals / There are at least three professional development goals. / +  -
Goals are linked to content of the workshop. / +  -
Goals are appropriate for faculty member’s teaching responsibilities. / +  -
Objectives / Each goal has at least one objective. / +  -
Objective is observable and measurable. / +  -
Each objective indicates what will be evidence of success. / +  -
Timeline / Timeline is provided and is reasonable for achieving objectives. / +  -
Introduction / Introduction provides detailed and interesting information about faculty member. / +  -
Introduction includes name, rank, degree, education, research and teaching experience. / +  -
Slides / Slides include relevant images and graphics, and/or use of digital tools. / +  -
Format of slides is professional and visually appealing. / +  -
Slides include few errors in spelling or grammar. / +  -
A system (outline, font size, color, position) is used to convey structure of knowledge. Content is organized to support student understanding. / +  -
Oral Presentation / Presenter is relaxed, prepared, and makes eye contact with audience. / +  -
Active learning/formative assessment activity supports student learning. / +  -
Handout / Handout supports understanding and is visually appealing. / +  -
Element / Criteria / Status / Improvements Needed
Captivating Activities / Lecture begins with a hook that captures students’ attention and prepares them for learning. / +  -
Students have time to think about ideas and share with others. / +  -
Lecture provides bridges from previous learning to new content to be learned. / +  -
Organizing Activities / Information is organized for ease of recall via both linguistic and nonlinguistic ways. / +  -
Visual organizer is used effectively. / +  -
Process Activities / Images, visual aids, and physical aids are used to engage multiple senses. / +  -
Sufficient time is provided for students to process information. / +  -
Tone, humor, stories, examples, and elaboration and are used to deepen student engagement and understanding. / +  -
Practice Activities / Teacher questioning, student talk, and problem solving is used throughout lecture to allow students to practice what they have learned and check for understanding. / +  -
Synthesizing Activities / Students have opportunity to synthesize what they have learned and apply information and ideas / +  -
Slides / Slides include relevant images and graphics, and/or use of digital tools. / +  -
Format of slides is professional and visually appealing. / +  -
Slides include few errors in spelling or grammar. / +  -
A system (outline, font size, color, position) is used to convey structure of knowledge. Content is organized to support student understanding. / +  -
Oral Presentation / Presenter is relaxed, prepared, and makes eye contact with audience. / +  -
Active learning/formative assessment activity supports student learning. / +  -
Handout / Handout supports understanding and is visually appealing. / +  -