9thMay 2017
Alford Town Council

Tuesday 16th May 2017.

Upstairs meeting room, Alford Focal Point, South Market Place. (Library)

7.15pm Public participation session.


  1. To elect a Chairman/Mayor.
  2. To receive chairman’s Declaration of acceptance.
  3. To elect Vice-Chairman/ Deputy Mayor.
  4. Apologies

To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Town Clerk prior to the meeting.

  1. To receive newly co-opted councillors declaration of acceptance.
  2. To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests and any written requests for dispensation
  3. To approve as a correct record the notes of the meeting of the Council held on 19th April 2017 and to authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes.
  4. Clerk’s Report following that meeting.
  5. Table correspondence.
  6. To appoint representatives on Workgroups/Committees:
  7. Reports from outside bodies.
  8. Financial Matters:

a.)To authorise Chairman’s allowance as set in the budget.

b.)To authorise signatories for cheques.

c.)To receive internal auditors report

d.)To approve Annual Governance Statement be signed by the chairman.

e.)To approve Annual Return 16/17 year for signing by Chairman

f.)To approve accounts for payment.

g.)To consider request from Alford Memorial Park for grant towards cost of maintenance.

h.)To consider request for donation towards cost of the Great Alford Mouse Trail.

  1. Discuss plans for Christmas 2017.
  2. Update regarding Alford Neighbourhood Plan.
  3. Update on progress of allotments and sale of Cemetery Chapel.
  4. Consider request from resident to extend grass cutting on East Street.
  5. Planning and Development to be considered.

a.N/003/00644/17 Land off Tothby Lane, Alford - Outline erection of 7 dwellings (with means of access and layout to be considered)

b.N/003/00755/17 Drury Engineering, 8 Beechings Way, Alford - Extension to existing factory to provide additional floor space.

c.N/016/00776/17 Land at Ivy House Farm, Farlesthorpe Road, Bilsby. – Application to vary condition no.3 (existing poultry building) imposed on planning permission N/016/01524/13.

  1. Any Matters for general discussion or inclusion in next agenda.

Members of the public are welcome to attend but are only permitted to speak during the meeting at the discretion of the Chairman. Anyone wishing to attend who has difficulty accessing the meeting room should contact the clerk in advance of the meeting.