
Procedure number: / 29
Procedure title: / Taking in an Enquiry

Objective/ aim of procedure:

To ensure that all appropriate and relevant information is obtained, the correct question is answered and that the enquirersare encouraged to use the service again.


  1. Where possible, MI enquiries should be received by an appropriate individual who has been assessed to be competent to do so. Refer the enquiry unless you are sure it is within your competence.
  1. Telephones should be answered promptly and personal callers welcomed immediately. Always be friendly, confident and tactful. Refer to your local Welsh Language Scheme.
  1. If an enquiry is left on the answerphone, contact enquirer as soon as possible and within four working hoursto confirm details of enquiry before starting to answer enquiry.
  2. Record every enquiry on MiDatabank. This can be used as a prompt to ensure essential information is obtained.
  1. Obtain a complete history and background to allow interpretation of the enquiry. Inadequate information may result in the significance of the problem being missed or the wrong question being answered. Do not assume anything.
  1. Record:-

a)Who took the message.

b)The time and date.

c)Whether the enquiry is general or patient specific.

d)The patient name or hospital number (identifier).

e)Whether the enquiry is retrospective/prospective.

  1. Identify the enquirer:-


b)Job title, position, role or interest in the enquiry.

c)Where they are calling from.

d)Contact details i.e. telephone or bleep number or address.

Continued : ...

Date of Issue:Sept 2009Approved by: Fiona Woods, Director, WMIC

Review Date:Sept 2011

Version Number:v1.2

This procedure was produced by the Welsh Medicines Information Pharmacists Group


Procedure number: / 29
Procedure title: / Taking in an Enquiry

Continued : ...

  1. Obtain a full medication history, this may include:-

a)Current and previous therapy including OTCs and complementary medicines.

b)Drug names, doses and frequencies.

c)Duration of treatment.

d)When the drug was started or stopped.

  1. Consider clinical details as appropriate e.g.refer to UKMi quick question guide:-

a)Concurrent disease.

b)Patient age, sex, weight and height.

c)Test results.

d)Hepatic and renal function.



  1. Determine the purpose and depth of the information i.e. why they want to know.
  1. Agree a specific deadline for when the information is required.
  1. Check that you have all the necessary details to answer the enquiry.
  1. Repeat the question back to the enquirer to confirm that you have understood.
  1. If you do not understand the question fully, seek advice from a colleague.

Date of Issue:June 2008Approved by: Fiona Woods, Director, WMIC

Review Date:June 2010

Version Number:v1.1

This procedure was produced by the Welsh Medicines Information Pharmacists Group