(Note: this will be online form with approval routing to student’s advisor, department Director of Graduate Studies, to Registrar)

Application for Advanced Status

For students finishing dissertation or thesis

(Full-time status with one-credit registration)


Students who are making good progress toward their degrees may qualify to enroll for only one credit to maintain full-time status under one of the following conditions:

  • Doctoral students who have completed all of their coursework, been advanced to candidacy, and have completed 18 hours of dissertation (or equivalent)
  • Master’s students finishing a thesis who have completed all of their coursework and other requirements and have completed the required minimum thesis units

This form needs to be completed each semester the student wishes to maintain full-time status and must be received submitted to the Registrar by the first day of class.

Name ______

SID ______

Email ______

Major ______

Master’s ______or Doctoral ______

Term and year requested ______

I certify that

___ All my coursework is completed and grades posted

___ I am NOT on a graduate assistantship or associateship

___ I will be working full-time on my dissertation or thesis

___ I will NOT be employed more than 30 hours per week.

___ I have completed at least 18 credits of dissertation (or equivalent) or the required number of thesis

___ My Program of Study has been approved

For doctoral students only:

___ I have passed by comprehensive Exam

___ I have been advanced to candidacy

Student signature ______

I concur with the above and further certify that the student is making satisfactory progress toward the dissertation.

Dissertation chair ______

Director of Graduate Studies ______

Revised policy:

During the fall and spring semesters, full-time status consists of enrollment for 9 units of graduate credit. If the student holds a teaching or research assistantship or associateship, full-time status and minimum enrollment is 6 units of graduate credit. A student whohas completed all course work, the minimum thesis/dissertation enrollment, and is working full-time on the dissertation or thesis may apply for advanced status <link to form> which requires only1 unit of graduate credit to maintain full-time status. The full-time status enrollment minimums apply to students wishing to defer federal loan repayments and/or students receiving University funding.