North Dakota Space Grant ÆSIR

Balloon Flight Request

Please complete this form and submit it at least 5 business days before the anticipated launch date.After the flight director responds back, the flight operations may start.

  1. Please complete the information below to request a balloon flight

Completing Form
Click here to enter text. / Student’s EMAIL
Click here to enter text. / TODAY’S DATE
Click here to enter a date. / TYPE OF FLIGHT
☐ Tethered
☐Launch with Recovery
  1. Goals for Flight

Please describe each type of science or engineering objective below,
along with the instrument(s)being flown to obtain the results.
Goal 1 / Click here to enter text. / Can this be achieved with a tethered flight?
☐Yes ☐No
Goal 2 / Click here to enter text. / Can this be achieved with a tethered flight?
☐Yes ☐No
Goal 3 / Click here to enter text. / Can this be achieved with a tethered flight?
☐Yes ☐No
  1. Logistics and Preparations

Must be completed at least 5-business days before vehicle pick up date.

Vehicle 1 Request:
☐ Yes
☐ No / The primary driver of the vehicle is:
Click here to enter text. / Student ID Number:
Click here to enter text. / License Expiration Date:
Click here to enter text. / Which state is the license issued:
Click here to enter text.
The secondary driver of the vehicle is:
Click here to enter text. / Student ID Number:
Click here to enter text. / License Expiration Date:
Click here to enter text. / Which state is the license issued:
Click here to enter text.
Type of Vehicle Requested?
Click here to enter text. / Pick up DATE
Click here to enter a date. / Pick-up TIME
Click here to enter text. / Returned DATE
Click here to enter text. / Returned TIME
Click here to enter text.

Vehicle 2 Request:
☐ Yes
☐ No / The primary driver of the vehicle is:
Click here to enter text. / Student ID Number:
Click here to enter text. / License Expiration Date:
Click here to enter text. / Which state is the license issued:
Click here to enter text.
The secondary driver of the vehicle is:
Click here to enter text. / Student ID Number:
Click here to enter text. / License Expiration Date:
Click here to enter text. / Which state is the license issued:
Click here to enter text.
Type of Vehicle Requested?
Click here to enter text. / Pick up DATE
Click here to enter a date. / Pick-up TIME
Click here to enter text. / Returned DATE
Click here to enter text. / Returned TIME
Click here to enter text.

Size of balloon:
Click here to enter text. / Quantity:
Click here to enter text. / Remaining balloons of this size:
Click here to enter text.
LOCATION of Launch Site
Click here to enter text. / MEETING PLACE
Click here to enter text. / Time of UND DEPARTURE
Click here to enter text. / Time of Launch Site ARRIVAL
Click here to enter text. / Launch TIME
Click here to enter text.

TANKS NEEDED for flight
Click here to enter text. / CURRENT INVENTORY levels
Click here to enter text. / DATE Helium was checked with regulator
Click here to enter a date.

Student lead for these actions:
Preparing for Launch / Safety Officer / Click here to enter text.
Checking the helium / Click here to enter text.
Need to order more helium? / Click here to enter text.
Loading the truck with helium / Click here to enter text.
Flight crew / Regulator Operator / Click here to enter text.
Nozzle Operator / Click here to enter text.
Duct Tape and Zip Tie Attendant / Click here to enter text.
Scissors/Wire Cutter Attendant / Click here to enter text.
Payload Specialist / Click here to enter text.
Camera Operator / Click here to enter text.
Tracking Specialist / Click here to enter text.
Flight Log/Time Reporter / Click here to enter text.
Post-Launch/Clean-up / Helium Return / Click here to enter text.
Helium Return / Click here to enter text.
Launch area clean-up / Click here to enter text.
Payload Retrieval Specialists / Click here to enter text.
Payload Retrieval Specialists / Click here to enter text.
  1. Weather Forecast

The projected weather forecast looks like: / Temperature*
Click here to enter text. / Wind Speed
Click here to enter text. / Wind Chill/Real Feel
Click here to enter text. / Cloud Cover
Click here to enter text.
  1. Pre- and Post-Flight Actions

☐I will make sure a NOTAM is called 1-3 days prior to the balloon flight
☐I will submit a post-flight report no more than 7 days after the flight date. This includes flights that are postponed, cancelled, or not able to be retrieved.
☐I will submit the pre-flight prediction with the Flight Report.
☐*I have read and understand the ballooning regulations, specifically the operating restrictions for cold temperatures.