First Lego League 2017/2018 Season

What: First Lego League Robotics! This program is open to all 4th and 5th graders at Clara Barton. There is a suggested $10 program fee to help offset the cost of shirts and miscellaneous supplies. Scholarships are available by contacting , 701-630-2774. No additional fundraising activities will be required.

Who: All 4th and 5th graders. There will be two or more teams of up to ten students depending on enrollment.

We are also seeking 4 to 6 coaches.

Where:Clara Barton campus thanks to the generous support of Mr. Starkweather.


  • 13 October: Kick-off team meetings and prepare the game pieces.
  • 20 October – January meet Fridays from 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Exceptions will be made for school out days.
  • Additional days may be arranged if desired.
  • The game day will take place in January. There will be multiple local tournaments to select from and the dates have not been finalized yet.

Why: Enhance STEM learning and team working skills for the students. The most important skill required is the willingness to work as a team.

Volunteers: Please consider becoming a coach. There is no technical background required. If we have 4 to 6 coaches we will be able to keep the students busy. This will also enable some flexibility to accommodate the coach’s schedules. If you are interested or have any questions please contact me as soon as possible. I will then forward the FLL background information to the interested coaches. There is a background check required in order to be a coach. This is second time around for this program and we will be learning and having fun alongside our students. Please note that if you coach your student will be automatically on the team.

FIRST LEGO League (FLL) Application Form(Due Oct 6, 2017)

Student’s Name: ______

Parent’s Name(s): ______

Home phone: ______

Cell phone: ______

Primary email address: ______

Secondary email address: ______

Grade: ______Teacher: ______Birth Date:______

Parent willing to volunteer: Mon□Tue□Wed□Thu□Fri□

Why do you want to join and/or what can you offer the team:


This contract is to insure that parents and students understand the responsibility and commitment

needed by each FLL team member.


(please check each item you can honestly agree to)

□I realize that no FLL problem has only one solution, and that a successful team is one which cooperates by considering EVERYONE’S solution and ideas. I will not criticize anyone’s ideas.

□I agree that my behavior at meetings and tournaments will be constructive

□I agree that each FLL team meeting is valuable and will attend each meeting as best as I can.

If a conflict arises, I will notify my coach in advance.

□I agree to cooperate on whatever solution the team chooses, even if it is not my first choice.

□I agree that all solutions will be done completely by me or a member of my team

□I understand that the FLL program recognizes all teams that bring a solution to the

tournaments are considered ‘winners’. I agree to show other teams the utmost respect and

good sportsmanship.

□I agree that the goal of my team should be to do our best to solve a challenging problem.

□I agree to stick with FLL all season, even if I get frustrated sometimes.

□I agree to HAVE FUN!


Signature of team member date


(please check each item you can honestly agree to)

□I agree, in the proper spirit of FLL, not to interfere with the team’s solutions. All creations,

inventions, ideas, must come from the team members.

□I agree to make every effort to have my child attend every team meeting. If there is a conflict, either my child or I will notify the coach as soon as possible. I understand that my child has a commitment to his/her team.

□I realize that my child’s coach will be contributing a significant amount of time and effort to provide a rewarding experience for the team. I will cooperate and be as helpful as possible.

□I agree to discuss all items listed above with my child.


Signature of team parent date