Meeting of the Faulty of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry of the Royal College of Psychiatrists in Scotland

Held at the Royal College of Psychiatrists in Scotland, Edinburgh

February 4th 2014 12.30 – 4.30 pm

  1. Present Anne McFadyen (AMF) Chair, Elaine Lockhart (EL) Vice-Chair/Secretary, Susie Hume (SH) Academic Secretary, Jennifer Halliday(JH), Jackie Pickett (JP), Teresa McCardle (TMcC), Alasdair Hosking (AH), Helen Dawson (HD) Mental Welfare Commission, Aileen Blower (AB), Joanne Young (JY) RCPCH rep and link, Kevin Brown (KB), Colm Hennessy (CH) West trainee rep.
  2. Apologies Anne-Marie Discombe, Kathy Leighton, Dee Rasalam, Janet Dance and TharakaGunarathne.
  3. The meeting started with introductions and a description of people’s core job and their areas of expertise and special interests. This allowed the group to get to know each other and about the different services across the country. Anne McFadyen pulled this information together in a mind map which attached people’s names to specific topics, issues and areas of development and need which the group is asked to contribute to.

The following people were attached to these areas of interest and policy:-

CD tasks, Job planning and revalidation:- JH, AB and TMcC

Education, Recruitment and Training:- JP, JH, SH, CH.

Forensic CAMHS and Substance Abuse:- AB, HD, TMcC, JH.

Looked after and Accommodated children:- JY, HD, TMcC

Learning Disability:-Dee Raslan, TMcC

Early Years:- JY, AMcF

Paediatrics, RCPCH and DSH:-El, AH, JY, TMcC

In-patient services and Tier 4 work:-AMcF, KB

  1. AB kindly agreed to attend the Job planning and revalidation committee of the Royal College of Psychiatrists in Scotland (RCPsychiS).

Action: This will become a standing item on future agenda.

  1. Academic Secretary’s report SH was thanked for organising a successful meeting on November which received positive feedback. The presentation with two differing perspectives was felt to have particularly successful. She has been liaising with Dr Andy Williams from the Psychotherapy Faculty about having a joint meeting this November and they plan to meet to discuss further. It was agreed that Perth would be a good venue since this is where the Psychotherapy Faculty hold their autumn meeting and November 28th2014 was agreed as the date for our AGM. Themes could include attachment, psychodynamic theories of personality development, looked after children, the development of early relationships, working with personality disordered parents. It was suggested SH might contact Dr Helen Minnis who could suggest some speakers on attachment and parenting interventions. There is a need for input from a trainee rep which CH volunteered to do but it may be more convenient for SH to have her local trainee rep supporting her with this.

Action: All to send SH any further suggestions regarding this meeting.CH to contact the other trainee reps and reach a decision about who will help with the conference organisation.

  1. Committees
  1. KB is now attending the RCPCH Child Protection committee on our behalf.
  2. Faculty Executive group - AMcF will attend these meetings.
  3. RCPsychiS Executive group - EL will attend this.
  4. Child Health Support Group- AMcF will attend this.

Action: AMcF will speak to Malcolm Wright regarding whether we should be represented on the CAMHS Implementation Group.

  1. Mental Health Specialty Board Kathy Leighton attends this as a postgraduate tutor rep.

Action:AMcF will contact her about how we can connect with this group.

VIRMO Forum Anne Greer kindly attends this on our behalf and sends feedback although she is no longer a member of this group.

  1. SAS doctorsAMcF has contacted the chair of the Scottish SAS in psychiatry group asking for a representative.
  1. Consultations
  1. Values Based CAMHS – this was discussed briefly and will be brought back to the group after AMcF and EL have heard more about it at the Faculty strategy day later in February.
  2. Children and Young People (Scotland) Bill – AMcF sent in her comments in addition to those prepared by Rebecca Middlemiss from the College. It is going through Parliament and there may be further opportunities to contribute at Committee stage. It was agreed that a child and adolescent psychiatrist should not be the named person within the GIRFEC process.
  3. Management of Deliberate Self Harm in Young People – a draft report was circulated from the College with specific questions at the end for feedback.

Action: EL will collate comments which need to be sent to her by the 14th February. TMcC will send round a useful paper about DSH from Tayside.

IVHealth Inequalities and Early Years

Action:AMcF will collate feedback which needs to be sent to her by the 21st February.


A. Integration of Health and Social services which will become law in April was discussed. It is unclear how this will be implemented and whether some or all CAMHS services will be affected. Either way CAMHS will be disconnected from some services as a result.

Action:AMcF to write to Geoff Huggins to ask how this will be implemented.

B. Electronic record introduced in Greater Glasgow and Clyde was discussed with concerns raised about how children and their parents can give informed consent to a record which is open to those working in community services including school nurses, physiotherapy etc. unless the record is “locked” which clinicians are being instructed to use only in very rare circumstances. It was suggested that the Caldicott Guardian be contacted to understand our role in this.

C. Mental Health (Scotland) Act – there are proposed changes which HD asked us to look at and comments on.

Action: HD will send the link to access this.

  1. Dates of future meetings

Tuesday 13th May 2 – 4 pm

Wednesday 20th August 2 – 4 pm

Tuesday 11th November 2 – 4 pm

All at the RCPsychiS offices, 12 Queen St, Edinburgh