CHEM 332

Assignment on using the Cambridge Structural Database

For this assignment, you need to use the Cambridge Structural Database (CSD) to conduct a structure search and provide me with several pieces of information.

The CSD is only available on Stand-Alone computer #2 in the Burnaby Library, on the 3rd floor, on the North wall just west of the printers (ask at the Info Desk). You can make a reservation to use the computer if you wish.

You will search for all structures that contain the 2,2'-bipyridine (bipy) ligand (or this molecular fragment as part of a more complex ligand) bound to a specific metal centre. Each of you has a different metal assigned to you - the searches have been personalized. Your assigned metal-bipy combination is listed on the next page.

By the due date, you should email me () the following information:

•The total # of hits for your search (i.e., the total number of matching structures)

•The CSD code for the first structure hit in the list

•The publication citation for the first hit in the list (I don't need a copy of the manuscript sent to me - just the journal title/author/year/volume/page)

•One metal-nitrogen bond length from the first structure hit

If you have any questions at any time, please feel free to drop by my office.

Due Date:October 31, 2014

Evaluation:5% of total grade

Student Number / Metal / Student Number / Metal
301111452 / Sc / 301175214 / Rh
301164705 / Ti / 301258872 / Pd
301239506 / V / 301174215 / Ag
301102974 / Cr / 301186623 / Cd
301199973 / Mn / 301180031 / La
301192773 / Fe / 301177548 / Hf
301125334 / Co / 301144867 / Ta
301065782 / Ni / 301192544 / W
301138101 / Cu / 301164504 / Re
301198106 / Zn / 301171625 / Os
301051890 / Y / 301112068 / Ir
301152133 / Zr / 301193557 / Pt
301268274 / Nb / 301138931 / Au
301174731 / Mo / 301206663 / Gd
301148668 / Tc / 301152436 / Th
301184274 / Ru / 301158246 / Pu