Los Angeles Community College District

East* City* Harbor* Mission* Pierce* Southwest* Trade Tech*Valley* West*

Deans of Academic Affairs and Workforce Development

Meeting Minutes

September 12, 2007


Carole Delgado, Pierce; Deborah diCesare, Valley; Richard Galope, City; Leige Henderson, Southwest; Maria L. Mateo, West; ND Ondoy, Mission; Laura E. Ramirez, East; Laura M. Ramirez; East; Ed Zayas, Mission; Jesus Encinas, District; Diane McBride, District; Betina Vallin, District; District

New CTE Program plans for 07-08

There were no new program proposals to discuss at this meeting. Some of the issues around developing new programs were discussed briefly, following up from the last meeting. CTE information such as labor market data and demographics was discussed. The use of CC Benefits was also mentioned as a valuable tool. A refined and customized tool that would enable colleges to map businesses/jobs within their zip codes was also discussed, and it was agreed that this would assist colleges in providing the justification needed for new program approval.

The fewer than 18 unit certificate program changes were discussed. Since at the last meeting it was decided that all under 18 unit proposed certificate programs needed to be brought to the DAAWD committee, the Title V changes are particularly relevant. (See below for reference)

A template for colleges to use for bringing proposed programs to the DAAWD meetings is in progress and will be distributed by email for comments before the next meeting.

There are changes in Title V for under 18 unit certificate: From Stephanie Low:

“The process for seeking approval of Certificates of Achievement with 12-18 semester units or 18-27 quarter units will be exactly the same as the process for approval of Certificates of Achievement of 18 or more semester units or 27 or more quarter units. The same form and instructions will be used, and will include review at the regional consortia level for career technical programs. The only major change in the new application and process will be that course outlines of record for all required courses must be submitted with all program applications, whether the program is new or substantially changed from its approved requirements.

VTEA Budget (standing item)

SAP budget reports by college for Basic Skills 10112, 10413, 10414 and VTEA 10595 (with expenditure analysis) were provided in the meeting packet. Basic Skills funding: Noted at the meeting was that the funds in fund 10414 were vetoed by the governor, and will not available until the legislature and the governor approve the new legislation that this funding has now been attached to. (At this time, the legislature has approved the bill and it is waiting for the Governor’s signature) Basic Skills Fund 10112 is carry over from 06-07 to be spent in 07-08. 10413 is new and is categorical and restricted to the GL accounts that are allowable under the list of activities or spending categories sent out to the colleges.

CTE Equipment funds: We need confirmation from the System Office to verify if the remaining funds in CTE 10491 from 06-07 are still available for use in 07-08. If they approve, then District Budget will set up the account so that any remaining funds can be used this year The CTE funds allocated from the Governor’s office to the colleges for 07-08 were not vetoed, and were left in the state budget. (New information: However, the decision was made to distribute all $52 million as competitive funds. The System Office is in the process of creating the RFA’s which they hope to have out in October. They are also developing technical tools for colleges to use, and there will be workshops.)

VTEA Audit

Diane reported that at the meeting with KPMG to go over the audit procedures, the colleges that were identified as having site-visits are Harbor, Southwest and Trade-Tech. Some of the items the auditors will be looking for are

·  Equipment tagging (both tags) for years 05-06 and 06-07

·  Purchase orders with bids and quotes when required

·  Proof of attendance and receipts for all conference requests

·  Work certification forms for vtea employees and timesheets

One of the main concerns the colleges and District Workforce Office have is the time frame the auditors are requiring for providing requested documents.

Colleges who had audit visits reported some frustration with the way the audit was being conducted. The first concern voiced by deans was the timing. Unlike last year, when the audit manager came to the DAAWD meeting and decided on a timeline together with the deans, this year there as too little notice and the visits were scheduled the first week of school. There were other concerns as well, which the group will document at a later time.

Other Budget Items

It was mentioned that colleges are still finding that salaries that should be charged to VTEA are being “unmatched”. The system defaults to program 100 when it can not charge the SFP.

The September 19th training for SFP salaries and other SAP items was announced.

In anticipation of receiving allocations of CTE Equipment funds, the method of allocation to colleges from district was discussed. Diane wanted to know what the committee would recommend as a new allocation method for this type of funding that would be more equitable. The committee agreed that using the current VTEA formula would be agreeable to all: distributing 25% of the total evenly to all colleges, then dividing the remaining 75% on the basis of eligible student headcount.

(Although the CTE funds are competitive for 07-08, and so it would not apply this year, it would be useful to have a plan in place for next year, and for any additional funds that may come from the state this year.)

VTEA Student Surveys

It was decided that all colleges will receive pre-printed surveys in an effort to have a better return rate of the surveys from students. The District has received the forms from the vendor and are in the process of being printed. Data Control will be distributing to colleges by Friday, Sept 14. (As of now, all colleges have their forms)

Data Control has requested that the completed surveys be returned directly to their office no later than three weeks before the end of the semester, by December 3 for the fall semester. Colleges are asked to address survey boxes to District Data Control, and to please send Betina an email notification that they have been sent to Data Control and the date they were sent.

Aves Scholarship

Diane and Betina reminded the group of the due dates for the Aves award.

Information and timelines for the scholarships for 07-08 are as follows:

1.  A communication from colleges to the District WFD office stating the number of $500, and $1,000 scholarship the college plans to award. This is due on October 26, 2007.

2.  (New Information: Colleges may make one of the checks for $600 since that is necessary to evenly use the funds)

3.  A database (excel spreadsheet preferred) containing student names, address, phone number, CTE Program, student ID, and the amount awarded to Betina Vallin at the District WFD office no later than November 19th.

Betina will then compile the colleges’ info onto one file to send to Foundation to process award checks.

It was mentioned that Financial Aid must be notified of each Aves scholarships recipient. This is necessary even though the Aves scholarship is based primarily on merit as well as financial need. Diane and the deans agreed that students must be encouraged to apply for the scholarship and not be concerned about any reduction of their financial aid. Winning the scholarship is of far greater value to their careers. (Diane has since discussed this with Cynthia Sandico, and she confirmed that the amount of the scholarship if won, has to be reported to college financial aid, but that the reduction if any, of financial aid eligibility would be minimal)

Early Planning WFD Excellence Awards for 2008

Diane asked for volunteers to be part of a subcommittee for awards planning. The subcommittee will also discuss marketing with possible media coverage, recruiting evaluators, and improving the nomination proposal process. The subcommittee will form by email, since that would be a better way to engage all members of the committee. Thursday, May 8 was suggested as the event date and Trade-Tech as the venue if it is available. Diane will talk to Cynthia at Trade about the possibility of have the event at Trade again, and to try to reserve May 8th. The deans agreed that we need to provide much more lead time for the submission of nominations so that faculty has a chance to develop good nominations. A form needs to be available for them to use that give them clear guidelines. Diane is working on that and will email the first draft for comments before the next meeting.

CTE Data-CC Benefits

Diane provided a handout “Educational Master Plan Update Proposal” for your review. It outlines the concept, scope, and process timeline of goals for spring 2008. This part of the discussion of the use of EMSI CC Benefits and the additional interactive database tools that Marcela Oliva at Trade is working on. Diane had attended a demonstration where Marcela showed some of the capabilities of this project for identifying jobs within any given radius of each campus.

Perkins IV State Plan

Laura M. Ramirez, ELAC, had attended the first hearing and reported to the group: She reported that the two main items of discussion were the Tech Prep funds and the split of funds between colleges and K-12. She described the split as being approximately 69% for K-12 and 31% for colleges. This is not consistent with the numbers of students as the data shows. Colleges enroll more students, and have more CTE programs. We need to make this known to the state. There will be more information on subsequent hearings.

Other Items

Ø  Handouts provided in meeting packet, for information and reference:

§  VTEA/CTE Equipment Removal Form

§  2007-08 DAAWD Meeting Schedule and Hosting Duties

§  August 2007 Calendar Updates for Career Technical Education (State Office)

§  CalWORKs Work Study Program announcement

Thanks to Southwest for hosting the September meeting. Trade Tech will host the October meeting.

Next meeting

The next meeting may have to be rescheduled due to a conflict with CCCAOE conference. Based on informal polling, it was agreed that Thursday, October 4th would be the date. Please RSVP by email to Betina.

A special note- My admiration and appreciation goes to Betina and all college VTEA staff, Deans and Vice Presidents who worked so hard on the VTEA final reports! We submitted them on time, and have already heard back from the state with only three minor corrections, which Betina and the colleges involved have completed.