Pass Road Elementary School Weekly Lesson Plan

Grade: Kindergarten Date: Oct. 10-14 (week 2.1 – Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People’s Ears)

English Language Arts
Essential Question(s) / What happens to the characters in the beginning of the story? The middle? The end? What letters capture the sounds /v/ and /w/? What can I find out by asking questions about things and doing experiments?
Monday / Tuesday / Wednesday / Thursday / Friday
Standards Addressed / RL.K.2 With prompting and support, retell familiar stories, including key details. (SL.K.1-2, 4-5)
RF.K.1d Recognize and name all upper- and lowercase letters of the alphabet. K.L.1a Print many upper- and lowercase letters. K.L.2c Write a letter or letters for most consonant and short-vowel sounds (phonemes).
W.K.2 Use a combination of drawing, dictating and writing to compose informative/explanatory texts in which they name what they are writing about and supply some information about the topic. W.K.3 Using a combination of drawing, dictating, and writing to narrate a single event or several loosely linked events, tell about the events in the order in which they occurred, and provide a reaction to what happened.
S.K.3b Compare and contrast physical characteristics of humans. 2. The six major body organs (brains, skin, heart, lungs, stomach, intestines)
Target Questions / What letter captures the sound /v/? What letter captures the sound /w/? / Why does Mother Owl feel sad? Why does the mosquito buzz in people’s ears? / Why doesn’t Mother Owl wake up the sun? / What does King Lion want to find out? / Why do mosquitoes buzz in people’s ears?
“I Can” Statements / I can identify and make the sounds for Vv and Ww. I can retell a story I have heard.
Rationale / Students will begin to master sounds, so they can become readers. TSW be able retell stories to aid in comprehension.
Success Starters
7:00 – 7:40 / Morning work
Anticipatory Set 7:40 – 8:00 / Review morning work and Morning songs
Teacher Input
8:00 – 8:30 / TTW introduce Vv with the v song and create a circle map. / TTW review the circle maps for letters V . TTW add a couple of new words that students suggest. / TTW briefly introduce Ww with the W song and create a circle map. / TTW review the circle maps for letters W. TTW add a couple of new words that students suggest. / TTW review the circle maps for letters W and V. TTW add a couple of new words that students suggest.
8:30-9:15 / Specials
Teacher Input
9:30-11:00 / TTW introduce the speech sound /W/ /V/. TTW show the letter card, model the sound, and have TS do it with her.
TTW model the sound and formation of letter s. TTW model each new center.
TSW make the speech sound /V/, and practice skywriting the letter /V/.
Student will go over the v sound bucket. The student will then work on the letter V. / TTW introduce the new book, Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People’s Ears using a PowerPoint to cover new vocabulary and the genre – folktales. TTW have TS turn and repeat the definitions of the new vocabulary to their partner. TTW ask TS to tell their partner what they know about mosquitoes, then tell TS that the story will tell about ways the mosquito bothers others.
TTW review the parts of a book, and the role of the author and illustrator.
TTW review the meaning of character and setting. TTW explain that TS should listen closely to identify the characters in this story.
TTW read aloud the book, pausing only briefly at challenging vocabulary to explain. TTW point out that the author uses sound-words such as mek, mek to help us imagine the sounds the animals are making. TTW use the target questions to guide in discussing the characters-What animals did we read about in the story? Which animal started all the trouble? What did the mosquito do? Which animal was supposed to wake up the sun?
TTW have TS complete p. 17 in the RCCR book, then turn and talk, using their pictures and story evidence to explain what they know about each character. TTW guide their discussions with the following prompts-Why does Mother Owl feel sad? Why does the mosquito buzz in people’s ears?
TTW invite children to share what they know about the mosquito and Mother Owl, as well as any other animals from the story, in class discussion. / TSW make the speech sound /W/, and practice skywriting the letter /W/.
Student will go over the v sound bucket. The student will then work on the letter W.
TTW reread pages 6–13 of Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People’s Ears and ask – p 6-7 Why does the iguana put sticks in his ears? P 10-11What does the monkey do by accident? P 12-13 What important thing does Mother Owl usually do?
TTW use the Close Reading activity to help TS make connections between words and pictures. TTW display pages12–13 and read the text aloud. TTW prompt-How does Mother Owl feel? What words tell you that Mother Owl feels sad? How does the picture show that Mother Owl is sad?
TTW remind children that good readers use evidence in the words and pictures to support their ideas.
TTW have TS complete p. 18 in the RCCR book.
TTW have children discuss story evidence. TTW read aloud the Turn and Talk activity. TTW guide partners to have a conversation, beginning as follows-Why doesn’t Mother Owl wake up the sun?
TTW invite children to share their ideas with the class. TTW encourage them to use evidence from the story as well as their drawings to help explain their ideas. / TTW reread pages14–23 of Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People’s Ears and ask –p. 14-15 Why does King Lion call a meeting? P. 16-17 What does the monkey tell King Lion? P. 18-23 What does King Lion hear from each animal?
TTW use the Close Reading activity to help children understand what King Lion does and what role he plays among the other animals. TTW read aloud pages14–15, then prompt -What does King Lion want to find out? -What does Mother Owl tell King Lion? TTW read the second paragraph on p. 23. TTW prompt -What is King Lion trying to do? TTW help TS see that King Lion seems to be in charge of all the other animals.
TTW have TS complete p. 19 in the RCCR book. TTW have them draw a picture that shows what the animals do together in this part of the story. TTW read aloud the Turn and Talk activity. TTW guide partners to have a conversation, beginning as follows-What does King Lion want to find out?
As a class, discuss how each animal says its actions are another animal’s fault. TTW emphasize that King Lion wants to find the animal that started the sequence of events. TSW work together to identify the most important ideas from this part of the story. TTW encourage children to use their own words to describe the council meeting. / TTW reread the end of Why Do Mosquitoes Buzz in People’s Ears? (p.24–32.) and ask- p. 24 Why wasn’t iguana at the meeting? P. 26–27 Why does King Lion laugh when he hears iguana tell about the sticks in his ears? P. 30–32 Why doesn’t the mosquito go to the meeting?
Close Reading – TTW help children look for evidence to explain why Mother Owl finally calls the sun. TTW read aloud pages28–29, then prompt-What are all the animals shouting? Why do the animals want to punish the mosquito? How does Mother Owl feel about this? What does Mother Owl do?
TTW have TS complete p. 20 in the RCCR book, then read aloud the Turn and Talk activity. TTW guide partners to have a conversation, beginning as follows- Why do mosquitoes buzz in people’s ears?
TTW invite children to share ideas with the class.
TTW have TS retell Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People’s Ears. TTW assign each child an animal to play and have them line up in order of story events. TTW prompt TS to retell the story, based on what their characters are doing. TTW reread parts of the story as needed.
Modeling / TTW model the sound and formation of letter s. TTW model each new center. / TTW model completing the book page and citing story evidence to answer questions. / TTW model completing the book page and citing story evidence to answer questions. / TTW model completing the book page and citing story evidence to answer questions. / TTW model completing the book page and citing story evidence to answer questions.
Guided Practice / TSW make the speech sound /v/, and practice skywriting the letter V. / TSW complete p. 17, then turn and talk on topic. / TSW complete p. 18, then turn and talk on topic. / TSW make the speech sound /W/, and practice skywriting the letter /W/.
TSW complete p. 19, then turn and talk on topic. / TSW complete p. 20, then turn and talk on topic.
Independent Practice / TSW practice Independent Centers (below).
Criteria for Success / TSW recognize the letter /v/ and say its sound. / TSW illustrate in their workbook and turn and talk on topic. / TSW illustrate in their workbook and turn and talk on topic. / TSW illustrate in their workbook and turn and talk on topic. / TSW illustrate in their workbook and turn and talk on topic.
Independent and assistant Center skills: / The centers will be based on these skills. Each center will have an activity depending on level.
·  Beginning Sounds.
·  Letters
·  Handwriting
·  Cvc words
·  Reading and comprehension
Social Studies
11:00 - 11:20 / Writing / Writing / Science/
Social Studies / Science/
Social Studies / Science/
Social Studies
TSW practice writing in their journals. TSW copy the sentence from the board and draw a picture to match. / TSW practice writing using the label and write sheets. / TSW disuss what they want to be when they grow up. The TSW watch the people in the neiborhood video. / TW create a circle map of different community helpers. / The students will fill out the what I want to be when I grow up sheet.
Materials / Music files (S Drive), center materials, Project Read materials, Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People’s’ Ears, RCC workbooks. For Writing Social Studies- Worksheet