Intro to Graphics

Graphics in Multimedia

Types of Graphics

As a class view the short video---Dot and Line

Describe below in your own words, the morale of the story.

What hidden meanings are found in the story?

How does the story relate to Raster vs. Vector graphics?

Discuss and explain what information the computer uses for a:

Raster Graphic:

Vector Graphic:

Open: M:\STUDENTS\1-SHARED\U3 Bitmap Graphics \intro_to_bitmap_graphics while viewing this PowerPoint complete the missing information.

Name 4 uses of graphics in multimedia:





What are some of ways we get a graphic into a multimedia presentation?




Graphics formats

  1. What is a common windows graphic format?
  1. What is a graphic format that uses compression?
  1. What is a graphic format commonly seen on the World Wide Web?
  1. What is a common graphic format used by Macintosh?

What are the two types of strategies of putting graphics in the computer?



When scanning in an image the best size to scan the image at is?

Answer correctly the following questions:

  1. What is the most common, most comprehensive type of graphic?
  1. Adobe Illustrator creates:
  1. Adobe Photoshop creates :
  1. What is like a recipe of the graphic?
  1. What graphic is made up of a bunch of pixels?
  1. What graphic takes up less storage space?
  1. What graphic loads faster on a computer?
  1. Photo’s are always?
  1. Pixels are not really squares- they are more like what?
  1. Which one can be resized without any quality loss?

The Color Depth of One Pixel (color mathematics)

1 bit =

4 bits =

8 bits =

16 bits =

24 bits =

32 bits =

48 bits = (png)

Standard Monitors

1.  What is ppi?

2.  What is the ppi of a standard monitor?

3.  What is the resolution of a standard monitor?

Know Your Final Output

4.  The computer screen final output dpi is:

5.  An average printer final output dpi is:


6.  What is aliasing?

7.  What is anti-aliasing?

8. What is dithering?