Funaticz Risk Assessment

Hazards Risk Controls & Precautions Additional Controls Responsible


Address: / Unit E, Flaxley Park Way, Stechford Retail Park
Tel: / 0121 783 0041
Name of Assessor / Grace Mason
Date of Assessment / Updated 01 Jan 2013
No of floors / 2
Business Type / Leisure Play & Fitness
Average number of people at any one time / 150
Approximate age of the building / 40yrs
Property used for / Leisure, fun and fitness
Medium activities that is performed on the premises / General Risk Assessment
Level of Risk / 1- very high 2- high 3- medium 4- low 5- very low
Manager on duty to over see all risk assessments / Share any changes that needs to be made
Premises information:
Unit E, Flaxley Park Way, Stechford Retail Park is a converted warehouse, providing play and fitness facilities for children and families. Hot and cold food and drinks is served from are our fully equipped kitchen, which has received 5hs 2 consecutive years from The Birmingham City Council Environmental Health. Food, with a healthy option is served in the main customer seating area, party rooms or Bistro café.
The unit comprises two storeys, however, to date, only the ground floor is accessible to the public and Funaticz staff therefore this assessment only covers the ground floor. A further Risk Assessment for the 1st floor will be carried out when accessible to staff and public
Hazards / Risk to
Whom / Controls & Precautions / Additional Controls to be taken / Responsible person and time scales / Level of Risk
Child Security / Children /   A high quality play facility is available to children from 0 to 12 yrs old. The facilities is monitored, checked and inspected on a daily basis by the staff and the maintenance manager. The play frame provider also inspected the play frame after construction and maintained in its first year of installation. The management and staff have had training in the inspection of the play frame and what to look out for in relation to faults and hazards. The play frame is checked daily by staff and any faults found recorded and reported to the maintenance manager for repair, maintenance work carried out accordingly
  ROSPA also carries out checks to the play frame intermittently
Managers on duty:
  Ensure fire doors are kept closed but not locked during opening hours.
  Familiarize yourself with the sound of the fire and security alarms.
  Adults supervising children. Adults are not allowed to leave their children unattended.
  Be vigilant for any adults who do not appear to be with children. If in any doubt, ask them what party or who their with. .
  You must verify the identification of all visitors to Funaticz who are not accompanying children, e.g. workmen, contractors, officials.
  The entrance gate will be monitored by staff to ensure that no child wanders off the premises unaccompanied. / All staff are CRB checked
The play frames checked daily
Security checks are done daily by Managers on duty
Play frame supervised by staff during busy times
All staff
A new security gate was fitted June 2011 which is electronically opened / Parents or guardian / Low
Funaticz staff & customers /   Staff should always follow the COSHH procedures which are found in the assessment folder.
  All cleaning materials will be securely locked away in the cleaning key padded cupboard.
  No cleaning product or equipment will be left in any public area unattended. Use of these items during public time will be for cleaning up accidents and immediately put away
  The helium gas bottle is situated in a non public area and is chained up so it will not fall. / All staff has a responsibility to read the COSHH risk assessment which is situated in the health and safety risk assessment folder which is openly available to all staff. / Staff
Customer / Medium
Cuts / Funaticz staff & customers /   The 'No Glass' policy in the Funaticz must be strictly adhered to.
  Non-plastic crockery will only be available to adults; plastic crockery is available for children.
  No sharp or hard object are allowed in the play frame i.e. keys toys.
  There is a first aider available if children sustain any minor cuts, burn injuries as a result of playing on the play frame etc. / 60% of all staff are first aid trained
Future First Aid training is in the process of being organized / Staff
Customers / Medium
Fault to Play frames / Children
& staff /   Managers must ensure that all Daily Checks for play equipment is completed daily
  Staff will continually monitor the play equipment during play times. Any minor fault may be rectified by products from the repair kit provided by SPI the play frame manufacturer.
  Daily and weekly checks to be carried out and recorded in accordance with health and safety regulations and any appropriate actions taken to rectify the problem. Any faults found should be reported to the maintenance manger, and the appropriate in house repair will be carried out. Where appropriate SPI maintenance team will be contacted to carry out major repairs. Record where and when you reported defects in the Funaticz Repairs Log.
  Independent audit and maintenance is carried out by contractor periodically
  In the event of any repair work, a section of Funaticz may need to be cordoned off, in order for repairs to be carried out. Details of work will be entered in the Maintenance folder.
  There may be some noise when repairs are in progress.
  The manager should liaise closely with visiting contractors to discuss if any safety precautions are necessary.
  Child safety will not be compromised while repair are being carried out. / The maintenance manager will carry any minor repairs
The SPI team will carry out any major repairs which are under guarantee
Is carried out annually
Environmental Health / Maintenance Manager
Maintenance Manager
Staff / Medium
Materials for in-house Repairs to Play Equipment /   Only materials supplied by the Approved Play Contractor is used for maintaining Funaticz play frame may be used. This includes cable ties, sections of netting, and pieces of rope, PVC patches and glue.
  The maintenance Manager will ensure he has a sufficient supply of repair materials in the repair box at all times.
  Further supplies can be obtained via the play frame provider S.P.I. / The Maintenance Manager
Has the responsibility to ensure that play frame is kept in good repair. / Medium
Evacuation Fire etc / Funaticz staff & customers /   All staff to be aware of the Funaticz Emergency Procedure.
  Fire alarm test should be carried out weekly.
  Health and safety fire procedure check will be carried out in line with the fire regulation procedures.
  Fire extinguisher checks / Daily, weekly & annual checks will be carried out / Medium
Face Paintings /   Only paints designed for use on children's faces may be used i.e. not other types of make-up or theatrical make-up.
  Face paints must be used in accordance with the supplier's instructions.
  A sign or poster with the following information must be displayed where face painting is carried out stating:
"Warning: please do not allow your child’s face to be painted if they suffer from any of the following conditions: sensitive skin / eczema / cold sores / conjunctivitis / open cuts or sores / any
other skin complaint or suspected skin complaint. / Medium
Hot Liquids
/   Only adults are allowed to carry hot drinks and cups. Trays are made available for carrying hot drinks. NEVER hand hot drinks to a child.
  The floor staff will advise children not to run around tables.
  Floor staff will advise parents not to put hot drinks near the table edges or on the floor.
  Staff will be aware of children during their duties on the floor and will take care when carrying out their duties.
  Staff will ensure that all hot food and drinks are placed on the table in front of the adult and not the child, ensuring it is out of reach of the child warning the adult of the temperature.
  All staff are required to be vigilant of children around them
  When using a tray ensure that: - it is not overloaded, the load is stable, the load is not hanging over the edge the same goes when collecting dirty crocks from tables
  Staff will ensure when delivering food and drinks they take a less obstructed route to prevent tripping over objects or colliding with children.
  Managers and staff should ensure children are not allowed behind the cashier’s area during opening hours. / Medium
First Aid Supplies and First Aiders /   A first aid box is situated in the reception and kitchen area which is accessible to all staff
  The accident book is situated at the Reception desk. All entries must be taken out, recorded and filed away in the accident folder in the office to ensure data protection.
  The first aid box will be monitored and checked weekly; records will be kept in relation to this.
  It is the responsibility of the "Appointed Person" to ensure the first aid box is replenished and adequate provision maintained
  Approximately 60% of the staff is trained in first aid, and we intend to maintain the above percentage and more.
  A supply of clean white tissues will be available for any person requiring first aid, such as bleeding, minor cuts, nose bleeds and mouth wounds etc.
  Cut clean fabric for covering any ice packs to use as a cold compress to cool any friction burns. This is stored in with the First aid box and fridge
  Assisting children with injures is a priority, even if it is only a minor injury. / Ongoing First Aid training / 3
10. Infection, vomiting and bodily fluids
Cleaning up after Children / Funaticz staff & child customers /   Staff to ensure they use the appropriate equipment to clean up all bodily fluids i.e. gloves, aprons, blue roll, a yellow bag to carries the solid materials, sanitizer, clean water, red mop bucket, yellow sign etc. Staff to cordon off the area while cleaning is in progress. Display yellow sign. Parent to be notified of the procedure in relation to the sick child i.e. the parent must take the child home immediately.
  Clean the area with approved sanitizer. Gloves must be worn.
  General cleaning will be done after the close of business every day to the play frames and the floor area. A monthly deep clean will be done to ensure a high standard of cleanliness and to reach the more inaccessible areas
  If any one is sick, in the play area will be cordoned off and any spillages will be cleaned immediately and sanitized using all the above equipment. / Staff to record sickness incidents or bodily accidents / 3
Slips, Trips & Falls /   Staff to be vigilant at all times ensuring awareness of children to avoid collisions.
  Staff to ensure stray balls are returned to the ball pool area.
  All spillages should be wiped up immediately and wet floor signs displayed.
  Toilets will be checked hourly.
  Weekly general check of flooring and carpet condition and any defects reported to the Maintenance Manager & recorded in Manager's Safety Log.
  Daily checks include the mats and foam steps on the entrance of the play areas.
  Ensure main entrance to Funaticz is unobstructed and not slippy especially during icy weather when it must be salted or gritted & clearly signed.
  Staff to ensure hoovering is carried out after close or in areas where children are not accessible.
  Cones must be used at all times to alert customers of any hazards.
  Staff to ensure when reaching for items above floor level they assess how accessible the item is in relation to their reach to avoid falls. / Staff
Play Safety /   Supervising adults are not allowed to leave their children. Unsupervised, children must be removed from the play area.
  Supervising adults must be made aware of the "Rules of Play" and the "Parent & Toddler Group Safety Guidelines" during such sessions.
  During parent & toddler sessions adults must be strongly encouraged to provide hands on supervision of children playing in the under 4's area.
  The members of staff monitoring play equipment must position themselves so that they can effectively see the slide there monitoring without difficulty. Although you are not supervising children you must maintain a high profile so the children know that you’re about.
  Ensure correct signage is in place.
  Minimum number of staff on duty at any one time must be as follows:-
up to 30 children - 2
31 - 60 " - 3
61 - 90 " - 4
  STAFF MUST NOT CONGREGATE BEHIND THE COUNTER. Staff should ensure their full attention is spent monitoring children on the floor during play. If you are on monitoring duty you must be out on the floor.
  During parent & toddler sessions parents are encouraged to provide hands on supervision of their children throughout the whole of the play equipment.
  During busy periods staff will have to monitor the bottom of slides. Ensuring that no one hangs around at the bottom of the slide to minimize collisions