“Lowestoft Rising Update”

Update No 11- Lowestoft Rising Sponsoring Group

Date 15th April 2015

This is the eleventh of the regular update reports the Support Group will provide to the Sponsoring Group. It will be a bullet point update under the agreed work stream heading for ease of reading. The updates will then be saved on Smart Sheet and use to update the work steam activity within Smart sheet.

We are happy to take feedback on the format so that we can provide the most suitable updates to you.

1.  Skills, Aspiration and Attainment- In support of Raising the Bar.

·  Lowestoft’s Ormiston Denes Academy comes out of Special Measures following improvements in all areas of its work according to Ofsted. Really good coverage in Lowestoft Journal supporting the school.

·  Lowestoft’s East Point Academy also comes out of Specials Measures in March 2015, 2 years after being placed in Special measures. Ofsted highlight that “There is not enough good teaching in the Academy” but are satisfied that management is strong and making progress. EPA also launches Duke of Edinburgh scheme within schools.

·  Excelsior Trust sailing ship, based in Lowestoft, awarded Duke of Edinburgh status as a residential activity provider.

·  Ashley School Academy Trust, a school for specials needs, rated as “Outstanding” for its 4th consecutive rating by Ofsted.

·  Blundeston Primary project on exploring the Antarctic are brought to life when phone calls to scientists in Antarctic (linked to Cambridge University) take place in lessons. Building aspirations in our young people.

·  Red Oak Primary, Roman Hill Primary school and Ashley Academy children take part in the “Tractors in School” event, where Farmers take tractors into schools to raise awareness of the role of Farming. Another work inspiration event to get pupils thinking about future careers.

·  Lowestoft 6th Form College careers event a real success with students with a range of firms taking part in event including Hoseasons, Lowestoft Journal and the NHS staff bringing careers to life.

·  Africa Alive team up with Ormiston Denes Academy in Natural Science week to bring the work of the wildlife park to the school, snakes, cockroaches and all attended the 2 sessions bring science to life and working life into school.


2.  Maximise Benefits presented by Co-Location at Kirkley Mill, Riverside and Marina Centre. Develop the Voluntary sector networks.

·  Lowestoft Rising welcomes Melanie Chew as the new Chief Executive of Community Action Suffolk (CAS).

·  ECCH moves its Waveney and Great Yarmouth wheelchair assessment team to Kirkley Mill from Gorleston. It will include clinics at Kirkley Mill to help people with wheelchair related issues.

·  First meeting of the Church and Faith Group Network for Lowestoft set for May 2015, with some potential 48 identified organisations.

·  Waveney Cluster meeting look at CYP provision expanding with new organisations joining the forum.

·  Lowestoft Ogogo, the Sports England CSAF partnership bid for Lowestoft worth £250,000 to develop sports activities for the over 50’s and Young Mums (the 2 most inactive groups) is submitted this week. The multi organisation Lowestoft partnership behind the bid have persuaded Anthony Ogogo (Olympic medal Winner) to put his name to the project and act as an Ambassador for the scheme. Success of bid known by summer 2015.

3.  Redesign of Drug, Alcohol and Mental Health Services to ensure better outcomes.

·  Lowestoft and Gt Yarmouth drug dealings disrupted following a series of raids across both locations, the culmination of 4 to 6 months work to identify and gather evidence on the most active dealer groups in the 2 Towns. A number charged with Conspiracy to supply controlled drugs in both Towns.

·  Visit by Chris Grayling Secretary of State for Justice to Lowestoft to look at the work of Lowestoft Rising, visiting Kirkley Mill he saw first-hand how integrated teams are making real impact on emergency admission to hospital, burglary dwelling offending and Street Drinker issues. Demonstrating the power of the successful partnership.

·  Recovery Forum developing a single Recovery pathway diagram to show entry points and organisations in the Recovery chain.

4.  Pride in Lowestoft-( Building on what makes Lowestoft Great)

·  Waveney District Council agrees it annual budget and includes finance to raise the salary of all WDC direct employees to the “Living wage” standard.

·  Godfrey’s Department store features on the Mary Portas Channel 4 programme. With a good overall picture of Lowestoft throughout the programme. Showing how the store has turned around its fortune with Mary Portas help and guidance.

·  Marina Theatre, will host one of the first performances of David Walliams “Gangsta Granny” stage production of his famous book. The production will come to Lowestoft in December before going to Birmingham and London’s its West End run.

·  Lowestoft Cycle Festival will take place 16 and 17th May 2015 on Royal Green. A celebration of the work of Lowestoft Local Links to promote cycling activity over 3 years. The 2 day event will see Royal GGreen turned into a tented cycle retail and exhibition centre. Lowestoft College students will help organise the event.

·  M&S with the Marina Conservation Society lead plans for a Lowestoft North Beach litter clean up on 12th May 2015 as part of the Big Beach Clean Up day. Lowestoft Rising following up a south beach clean same day.

·  Lowestoft Rising now up and running with its own Twitter account and website being build. Karla Supple now commenced as Communications lead for Lowestoft Rising, working to Phil Harris at WDC. She will provide dedicated Communication support to Lowestoft Rising and lead the website work.

5.  Infrastructure

·  Public information sessions in relation to the second phase of Sea Defence work at Children’s Corner and sea front take place. Updating the public on the 2 Million plus scheme to further protect the beach and sea front. The work commences in April and will see further rock structures build to protect the area. Coastal management leading the engagement.

·  £2million allocated in the Chancellor’s Budget speech to Lowestoft for further detailed assessment of the best Third River Crossing option. This will allow detailed consideration of the wider traffic issues and to consider whether a Central Bridge option is viable.

·  3 additional CCTv Cameras agreed for Sea Front area, subject of damage offences, by the Partnership to improve coverage and deter further damage.

·  Transport Minister attends Lowestoft to open the new £6.5 million Northern Spine Road, and also visits the sites of the potential 3rd Crossing with MP Peter Aldous.

·  Lowestoft gets “Coastal Community “Status as one of only 12 sites in the Country that will benefit from access to funds to improve the heritage of the Sea Side nature of the Town.

·  Dunelm Furniture Store to open on 20th May 2015 providing additional work for the Town and improving an eye sore building along Lowestoft approach road.

·  AKD Engineering announces it is to close in June 2015 with 113 job losses, based on down turn in Oil and Gas sector. B and Q DIY announces store closure in Lowestoft.

6.  Engagement with Key Supporter.

·  Below individuals or groups have been brought on board since last update and have pledged support to Lowestoft Risings Philosophy-

·  Waveney Youth Council

·  Bob Blizzard and Peter Aldous and Simon Tobin

·  Tomorrow’s People ( James McGowan)

·  Radio Suffolk ( Guy Campbell)

·  Lowestoft Vision ( Danny Steele)

·  East Suffolk Partnership ( Presentation to full Board-who are funding Tomorrow’s People work)

·  Lowestoft Journal Editor Max Bennett

·  Lloyds Bank- Responsible Business Director ( Lloyds and Halifax)

·  Dane Whitely Manager Halifax Bank ( Community Engagement)

·  Stephen Ardley ( Now WDC cabinet member for LR)

·  Ben Delotte – RSA Change makers programme

·  WGY Drug and Alcohol Misuse Strategic Group

·  Lowestoft Chamber of Trade and Commerce.( Michelle Gardner)

·  Darren Newman, Town Centre Partnership manager( Vision),

·  Bim Templeman .Community Recovery Champion-Drugs.

·  Enterprise Lowestoft –James Reader.

·  Prince’s Trust –Oa Mackdonald. ( Talent Match)

·  Lisa Cunningham-Business in the Community

·  Emma Ratzer- Access Community trust.

·  East Point Rotary Club of Lowestoft

·  Angela Davies RtB Brokerage scheme

·  Suffolk family Focus ( Lowestoft Forum)

·  Waveney Drugs recovery forum

·  SSE ( Windfarms)- Sid Anverali (General Manager)

·  Lowestoft 6th Form College ( David Bye and Yolanda Botham)

·  Waveney and Gt Yarmouth Drug and Alcohol Strategic Group formed.

·  Cambridge Science Centre-Science in schools project.

·  Catch 22 ( Mike Chapman)

·  Kirkley Business Association

·  East Coast Community Healthcare (ECCH) Adele Madin

·  Shadow Policing Minister –Jack Dromey MP

·  Activlives Ipswich ( Lunch Clubs and Gardening Clubs for elderly) CEO Julie Stokes

·  Excelsior Trust (With Princes Trust) Youth Development Project- Mary George.

·  Lowestoft Town Football Club

·  Lowestoft Ladies Hockey Club

·  Lowestoft Lions Club

·  SCC Sports/Culture/Communities Team- Richard Hunt.

·  Suffolk Family Carers-Judith Borne

·  Lowestoft FE College. ( Jo Pretty)

·  Barclays Bank- Andy Davis Business Development

·  Suffolk Fire and Rescue Service- Jon Southgate

·  Citizens Advice Bureau and WASP