Era IV Study Guide / Unit Plan
AP Key Concept 4.1 (28 questions)
Globalizing Networks of Communication and Exchange
I. What effect did the new global circulation of goods have on existing trade routes and governments in the Indian Ocean, the Mediterranean, the Sahara, and overland Eurasia?
(2 questions)
II. What effect did advancements in technology have on worldwide trade? Where did this new technology come from?
(2 questions)
Terms to know: astrolabe, cartography, caravels
III. Who was Zheng He? What effect did he have in global history? What was his effect on Chinese trade in the Indian Ocean?
(1 question)
IV. What was the Portuguese School of Navigation? How did it affect world history?
(1 question)
V. What was the result of the Spanish-sponsored voyages of Columbus? How did they affect trans-oceanic travel and trade?
(1 question)
VI. What were the effects of North Atlantic trade and their search for other passages to Asia?
(1 question)
VII. How were Oceania and Polynesia affected by this new worldwide trade system?
(1 question)
VIII. What was the role of European merchants in Asian trade prior to the discovery of the Americas?
(2 questions)
IX. How did mercantilism and joint-stock companies affect the new global economy? How was this new system affected by silver production in the Americas?
(2 questions)
X. What was the Columbian Exchange? What were its effects on world history?
(this might be a good place for a visual of some kind)
(3 questions)
Key terms and concepts:
From America: maize, potatoes, manioc
Cash crops: sugar and tobacco
From Europe: horses, pig, cattle
From Africa: okra, rice
XI. What were the nutritional effects of new foods from the Americas on Afro-Eurasia?
(1 question)
XII. What were the effects of European agriculture and settlement practices on the physical environment of the Americas?
(1 question)
XIII. In what ways did Islam change locally as the new global economy emerged? What conflicts were present within Islam itself?
(1 question)
XIV. How did Christianity show change over time through this era?
(3 questions)
Key Terms and Concepts: The Reformation (Protestantism); effects of the printing press
XV. How was Buddhism affected by new globalization?
(1 question)
XVI. How did syncretic and new forms of religion develop during this era?
(5 questions)
Key Terms: Sikhism, Voodou, Santeria, Bhakti, Wahhabi Movement
XVII. How did increased profits for merchants affect funding for visual and performing arts & the proliferation of popular authors, literary forms, & works of literature in Afro-Eurasia?
(1 question)
Key Terms and Concepts: Renaissance Art in Europe, Shakespeare, Kabuki
AP Key Concept 4.2
New Forms of Social Organization and Modes of Production (8 questions)
I. How did the new global economy affect the demand for peasant labor?
(1 question)
Key Terms and Concepts:
frontier settlements in Russian Siberia
cotton textile production in India
II. How was African slavery expanded from the Mediterranean and the Indian Oceans in this era?
(2 questions)
Key Terms and Concepts:
Chattel slavery
Indentured servitude
III. How did the new Creole elites and the Manchus in China develop as a result of the new global economies and imperialistic conquests?
(1 question)
IV. What happened to the power of existing elites as they confronted new challenges to their own power?
(1 question)
Key Terms and Concepts: daimyo in Japan
V. In what ways did gender and family restructuring occur during this period? Esp the demographic changes in Africa as a result of the slave trade?
(1 question)
Key Concepts: smaller families in Europe; demographic shift in Africa
VI. What were the results of massive demographic shifts in the Americas during this period?
(1 question)
Key terms and concepts: mestizo; mulatto; Creole
AP Key Concept 4.3
State Consolidation and Imperial Expansion (13 questions)
I. In what ways did rulers use the arts to display political power and legitimize their rule?
(1 question)
Key terms and Concepts:
Monumental architecture
Urban design
Courtly literature
The visual arts
II. In what ways did rulers use the religious ideas to legitimize their rule?
(1 question)
Key terms and Concepts:
European notion of divine right
Safavid use of Shiism
Aztec practice of human sacrifice
Songhay promotion of Islam
Chinese emperors’ public performance of Confucian rituals
III. How did states treat different ethnic groups in ways that utilized their contributions, yet limited their ability to challenge the authority of the state?
(2 questions)
Key terms and Concepts:
Ottoman treatment of non-Muslim subjects
IV. How did rulers use bureaucratic elites and military personnel to maintain centralized control over their populations and resources?
(1 question)
Key terms and Concepts:
Ottoman devshirme
Chinese examination system
Salaried samurai
V. In what ways did rulers use tribute collection and tax farming to generate revenue for territorial expansion?
(1 question)
VI. How did imperial expansion rely on advances in technology?
(1 question)
VII. How did new European trade-post empires in Africa and Asia affect the power of states in West and Central Africa?
(1 question)
VIII. Land Empires (dissect each using GPERSIA)
(4 questions)
A. Manchus
B. Mughals
C. Ottomans
D. Russia
IX. New Maritime Empires in the Americas (dissect each using GPERSIA)
(4 questions)
A. Portuguese
B. Spanish
C. Dutch
D. French
E. British
X. In what ways did competition over trade routes, state rivalries, and local resistance provide significant challenges to state consolidation and expansion?
(3 questions)
Key terms and Concepts:
Piracy in the Caribbean
Thirty Years War
Samurai revolts