As a KMS parent/guardian, I will:

·  See that my child attends school nourished, rested, and on time daily, dressed in school uniform and wears his/her school ID;

·  Turn off the television, video games, and telephone/cell phone to provide a quiet place and a set time for my child to study;

·  Communicate with my child’s teacher(s) as needed, attend all conferences/meetings for my child and actively participate in decisions related to my child’s education

·  Monitor my child’s planner to see that all homework, long/short term projects are completed, and that my child is prepared for tests and quizzes;

·  Actively support the school’s focus on literacy and volunteer in my child’s classroom when an opportunity arises;

·  Provide and support positive use of extra-curricular time;

·  Show in my actions and words that education is valued.


Parent/Guardian Name (Print) Parent/Guardian Signature Date

As a KMS student, I will:

·  Attend school regularly and on time, dressed in school uniform, and wear my ID daily;

·  Always do my best in my work and in my behavior;

·  Show respect for myself, others, and my school;

·  Obey the school rules, come to school rested and prepared with my homework and my materials;

·  Ask for help when needed;

·  Believe that I can and will achieve all academic standards;

·  Follow KMS Positive Behavior Expectations/General Learner Outcomes.


Student Name (Print) Student Signature Date

As a KMS teacher, I will

·  Provide a nurturing environment which promotes KMS Positive Behavior Expectations/General Learner Outcomes;

·  Carry out school and classroom rules fairly and consistently;

·  Maintain open lines of communication with students and family, and provide frequent reports to parents on their child’s progress;

·  Create a relevant and challenging standards-based curriculum which provides opportunities for each child to reach his/her fullest potential;

·  Have high expectations for all children.


AA/HR Teacher Name (Print) AA/HR Teacher Signature Date

As the Principal, I will

·  Provide a supportive environment that allows for communications between student, parent, and teacher;

·  Ensure teachers have high quality curriculum that meets the needs of all students;

·  Provide opportunities for parent-teacher conferences, as needed;

·  Ensure that parents have reasonable access to staff with opportunities to volunteer/observe.


Principal Name (Print) Principal Signature Date