Alta S. Cate, Ph.D.

Curriculum Vitae

Name: Dr. Alta S. Cate

Work Address: Central College, 1300 Holman, Houston, TX 77013

Office Telephone Number: 713-718-2536

College Email Address:


·  Ph.D. Geosciences, University of Houston, Houston, Texas, 1994

·  M.S. Geosciences, University of Houston, Houston, Texas, 1987

·  B.A. Psychology, Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana, 1962

Teaching Experience

·  Full-time Instructor, 1995 – Present

Houston Community College, Central Campus

Courses: Physical Geology, Historical Geology, Environmental Science, Introduction to Oceanography

·  Adjunct Instructor, Summer,1996

University of Houston

Courses: Physical Geology

·  Adjunct Instructor Spring, 1996

San Jacinto College North

Courses: Physical Geology, Historical Geology

·  Adjunct Instructor Spring, 1995

University of Houston

Courses: Physical Geology

Professional, Technical, and Work-related Experience and Skills

·  American Meteorological Society Training Workshop for Online Ocean Studies, 2006

·  Faculty Certification in Technology - Basic Certification, 2005

·  Faculty Certification in Technology – Advanced Certification with Portfolio Review, 2005

·  Summer DE WebCT Fellowship, 2004

·  Coordinator of Physical Geology Laboratories, 1993-1994

University of Houston

·  Consultant to College of Education, Department of Curriculum and Instruction ,1993

University of Houston

Teaching Fellow

Teaching Assistant

Research Assistant

Professional Achievements

·  NISOD Winner, 2005

·  19th International Conference on Critical Thinking, 1999

Sonoma State University,

·  HCCS Great Teachers Seminar, 1999

·  Bedichek Faculty Development Fund, 1998 with Dr. Yiyan Bai

·  Bedichek Faculty Development Fund, 1997

Selected Publications

Cate, A.S. 2007. Introducing Online Ocean Studies at a large urban community college (Poster) American Meteorological Society, 87th Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas. Paper Number P1.27.

Cate. A.S. and Ian Evans, 1994. Taphonomic significance of the biomechanical fragmentation of live molluscan shell material by a bottom-feeding fish (Pogonias cromis) in Texas Coastal Bays. Palios, Volume 9, p. 254-274.

Cate, A.S. and Ian Evans, 1992. Taphonomic significance of the biomechanical fragmentation of live molluscan shell material by a bottom-feeding fish (Pogonias cromis) in Texas Coastal Bays. (Abstract). The Geological Society of America. National Meeting, Cincinnati, Ohio, October, 1992

Cate A.S. and Ian Evans, 1992. Life Histories and population structure of Pennsylvanian brachiopods form North-central Texas as determined from size-frequency analysis. Journal of Paleontology. Volume 66. p 868-880.

Cate, A.S. and Ian Evans, 1992. Factors contributing to the differential preservation potential and live and time-averaged shell material from Texas coastal bays: a preliminary report. (Abstract). The Geological Society of America, South-Central Section. Page 29, Volume


Cate, A.S., 1988. Short-term community succession and “r” selection in a shallow marine embayment fauna in North-central Texas (Abstract) American Association of Petroleum Geologist Annual Meeting, March, 1988. Houston Texas


Professional Affiliations

Geological Society of America

American Meteorological Society