D. Cameron Montgomery, Ph.D

Full Professor of Marketing

And Holder of the Tims Distinguished Professorship of Free Enterprise

Office Address:Home Address:

Box 3266-DSU1265 Kirk Circle

Department of Management and Marketing Greenville, MS 38701

Delta State University(662) 332-6439

Cleveland, MS 38733Email

(662) 846-4219cell phone 662 347 4001


Research and Teaching Interests

I am especially interested in teaching marketing principles, marketing research, marketing management, advertising and sales promotion, personal selling and sales management, consumer behavior and retailing. I also enjoy teaching statistical analysis. My primary research interests are in the areas of salesforce effectiveness, motivation, satisfaction and performance, stress and burnout in sales, services marketing, consumer behavior, construct validation and scale development, word of mouth and diffusion behavior, and satisfaction and post purchase activities. I have recently proposed two new courses that are currently being taught; internet marketing and sports marketing.


Ph.D in Business Administration

University of Mississippi, Oxford, Mississippi

May l994

Major:Marketing(Marketing Theory, Marketing Research, Advanced Consumer Behavior, Advanced Marketing Readings, and Seminar in Structural Equations/LISREL)

Minors:Management(Advanced Organization Behavior, Seminar in Organization Behavior, Human Resources Management)

Psychology(Cross Cultural, Social, and Tests and Measurements)

Tools:(Quantitative Methods in Psychology, Multivariate Analysis, Matrix Algebra, Quantitative Approaches to Marketing Research, Research and Experimental Design, Univariate Analysis of Data, Seminar in Marketing Research Methodology)

Dissertation:"Antecedents of Work Stress in Financial Services Salespeople: An Empirical Investigation" (James H. Barnes, Chair)

Master of Business Administration, (Marketing) 1974

Mississippi State University

State College, Mississippi

Bachelor of Business Administration, (Marketing) 1972

Delta State University

Cleveland, Mississippi

Honors and Awards

Alpha Mu Alpha National Marketing Honorary, 1992

Mu Kappa Tau National Marketing Honor Society, 1991

Chosen as doctoral fellow and selected to attend the l993 American Marketing Association

Doctoral Consortium, held at the University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana August 3-7

Selected to attend the Southern Marketing Association doctoral consortium held

November 2, l993 in Atlanta, Georgia.

Professional Affiliations

Member, Southwestern Marketing Association Member, American Marketing Association

Member, Southern Marketing AssociationMember, Academy of Marketing Science

Teaching Experience

Associate ProfessorDelta State University, Cleveland, Mississippi

Fall 1994 - Present

10 years full time teaching experience at both the undergraduate

and graduate levels.

Undergraduate Courses Taught

Personal sellingAdvertising Marketing principles

Sales management Statistics Services marketing

Marketing research Consumer behavior.

Internet MarketingSports Marketing

Graduate Courses Taught (MBA level)

Marketing strategy Services marketing Problems in marketing Statistics for managers Management Advanced consumer behavior Business Research

Visiting ProfessorWestern University, Baku Azerbaijan Fall 1999

Taught Advanced Marketing and Management in an Executive MBA program

as part of USIA (U. S. Information Agency) grant/partnership between

Western University, University of North Alabama and Delta State University.

InstructorThe University of Mississippi, Oxford, Mississippi

1990 - 1994

4 years teaching experience at the undergraduate level

Research AssistantThe University of Mississippi, Oxford, Mississippi

Spring 1991

Assisted Dr. James Barnes (Research Methodology)

Industry Experience

Branch Sales Manager1975-1988 Howard, Weil, Labousisse & Friedrichs, New Orleans, Louisiana

I served as Branch Sales manager and Vice President of a regional securities investment brokerage firm. I was responsible for stock, bond, mutual fund sales and money management. I was also responsible for supervision and motivation of 4 salespeople, securing branch office profitability, generating sales methods and ideas, developing seminars and prospecting for new clients, and financial analysis of securities.


Montgomery, D. Cameron and James Barnes "POSTDIS: A Short Rating Scale for the Measurement of Post Purchase Dissonance" Journal of Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior, Eds. Ralph L. Day and H. Keith Hunt, Vol 6. (December) pp. 204-216, 1993.

Stone, George, James H. Barnes and D. Cameron Montgomery "ECOSCALE: A Scale for the Measurement of Environmental Responsibility" Psychology and Marketing, Vol. 12, No. 7 (Fall) pp 595-612, 1995.

Montgomery, D. Cameron, Jeff Blodgett, and J. Barnes. A model of Financial Services Salesperson's Job Stress. The Journal of Services Marketing, 21-28, Vol 10, No. 3, 1996.

Montgomery, D. Cameron and Jeff Blodgett "The High Stress Securities Salesperson: A Discriminant Profile Analysis" The Journal of Business and Behavioral Sciences, Eds. Wali Mondal, Vol 4, No. 3, Fall 1998.

Starkey, Paul L. and D. Cameron Montgomery. Whistleblowing Revisited: A Situational Analysis Approach with Marketing Implications. The National Business Education Forum, Volume 53, No. 4, April 1999.

Conference Proceedings

Montgomery, D. Cameron "Bounded Rationality: An Explanation for Limited Prepurchase Search", in Advances in Marketing, Eds. Daryl O. McKee, Daniel L.. Sherrell and Faye W Gilbert, Southwestern Marketing Association (Spring) pp. 335-342, l993.

Rallapalli, Kumar C. and D. Cameron Montgomery "Profile of a Catalog Shopper" Western Decision SciencesInstitute Proceedings, Eds. Kathy L. Pettit-O'Malley and Mario C. G Reyes, Univ. of Idaho, San Diego, California, pp. 103-105, l993

Rallapalli, Kumar C., James H. Barnes and D. Cameron Montgomery "The Effects of Humor in Advertising on Sales and

Communications Variables: Past Contributions and Future Directions" The International Academy of Business Disciplines

Proceedings, Eds. Frank V. Mastrianna and Abbass S. Alkhafaji, Slippery Rock U., pp. 493-498, l993.

Rallapalli, Kumar C. and D. Cameron Montgomery "Marketing Strategies for Asian-Americans: Guidelines Based on Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions" The Second Annual Academy of Marketing Sciences Minorities Conference, Ed. Robert L. King, University of Richmond., pp. 73-77, 1993.

Montgomery, D. Cameron "Towards a Theory of Implied Scarcity: An Alternative Marketing Strategy" Southern Marketing Association Conference, Southern Marketing Conference proceedings, 514-519, 1994.

Montgomery, D. Cameron and Jeffrey D. Blodgett "The High Stress Securities Salespeople: A Discriminant Profile Analysis" Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Meeting of the American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences, Eds. Wali I Mondal , Henderson State University, Arkadelphia, Arkansas, February 1998.

D. Cameron Montgomery and George Stone "A Conceptual Model of Consumer Walk Out Behavior" Proceedings of the Sixth Annual Meeting of the Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences, Eds. Wali Mondal, Henderson State University, Arkadelphia, Arkansas, February 1999, accepted for publication.

D. Cameron Montgomery “Consumer Outshopping: A closer look at a widespread Phenomenon” First Annual Conference of the Society of Business, Industry and economics, to be held April 23-24, Florence Alabama, hosted by the University of North Alabama 1999 accepted for presentation.

George Stone, Michael Jones and D. Cameron Montgomery. A Conceptual Model of the Antecedent Factors Contributing to Fan Support at Small College Athletic Events. Proceedings of the Atlantic MarketingConference, accepted for publication, Fall 1999.

D. Cameron Montgomery and Mike Thompson “Consumer Outshopping Revisited: A Review of the Literature and a Closer Look at a Widespread Phenomenon” Proceedings of the Academy of Business Disciplines, Fort Myers, Fla. November 1999 accepted for publication.

D. Cameron Montgomery “ Are Business Professors Overpaid? The Argument for and Against Salary Equity: A case Study Approach” Proceedings of the Seventh Annual Meeting of the Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences, Eds. Wali Mondal, Henderson State University, Arkadelphia, Arkansas, February 2000, accepted for publication and presentation.

D. Cameron Montgomery “Marketing Practics in U.S. compared with those in Azerbaijan.” Second Annual Conference of the Society of Business, Industry and Economics, Delta State University Spring 2000. Accepted for presentation.

D. Cameron Montgomery “Marketing Practices in the U.S. compared with those in Azerbaijan: An Examination of the Similarities and Differences” Proceedings of the 8th Annual Meeting of the Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences, Eds. Wali Mondal, Henderson State University, Arkadelphia, Arkansas February 2001, accepted for publication.

D. Cameron Montgomery and Jerry Robinson “Assessment of Loan Needs of Minority Small Businesses in the Mississippi Delta” Third Annual Conference of the Society of Business, Industry and Economics, Alcorn State University, Natchez, Mississippi, accepted for presentation, February 2001.

D. Cameron Montgomery and Charles Wagoner “ The Treatment of Human Capital in Divorce Litigation” Proceedings of

the 9th Annual Meeting of the Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences. Eds. Wali Mondal, University of the Redlands, California, February 2002, accepted for presentation and publication.

D. Cameron Montgomery “A Content Analysis of Blues Music During the Depression Era: What it tells us about Consumer

Behavior. 4th Annual Conference of the Society of Business, Industry and Economics, Univ. of North Alabama, Gulf Shores Alabama, April 2002, accepted for presentation.

D.Cameron Montgomery “ Gender Differences and Shopping Behavior:Or Why Women Love to Shop

and Why Men Hate It.” 5th Annual Conference of the Society of Business, Industry and Economics. Univ of North Alabama, Ft Walton Beach Florida, April 2003 accepted for presentation and publication.

D. Cameron Montgomery “ An Analysis of Students’ attitudes toward Online Courses” 6th Annual Conference of the Society of

Business, Industry and Economics. Big Cedar Lodge, Ridgedale Missouri April 4-7, 2004

D. Cameron Montgomery and Frank Gaskill “ The Golden carrot: Online Recognition and Award Systems” Proceedinsg of the 11th

Annual Meeting of the Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences EDs. Wali Mondal, University of Redlands,

California, accepted for publication and Presentation November 2004., Las Vegas Nevada.

D. Cameron Montgomery “Factors that contribute to Fan Attendance at a NCAA Division II Athletic Program” 7th Annual

Conference of the Society of Business, Industry and Economics, The Arlington Hotel, Hot Springs Arkansas March 23-26


D. Cameron Montgomery and Jerry Kandies “ Does Distance Matter: A comparison of Intermodel Differences in Instructional

Methodologies” The 7th annual conference of the Society of Business Industry and Economics, The Arlington Hotel Hot

Springs Ar March 23-26, 2005


D. Cameron Montgomery “ A Study of Why Shoppers in Greenville Mississippi engage in Outshopping”

For the Greenville Chamber of Commerce 1998-1999.

D. Cameron Montgomery and Jerry Robinson “Assessment of Small Business Needs in the Mississippi Delta” for the Delta Foundation, Spring 2000. Robinson and Associates

D. Cameron Montgomery and Jerry Robinson “Assessment of Gap Financing Needs of Manufacturers in Mississippi” for the Delta Foundation, Spring 2000. Robinson and Associates.

D. Cameron Montgomery “Factors relating to the Attendance of DSU Athletic events” for the DSU athletic department, Spring 2000.

Working Papers

"A Conceptual Model of Sales Burnout: A Discussion of Antecedents and Outcomes" (with David Terpstra and Kumar Rallapalli)

"Services Marketing and Word of Mouth Behavior: Effective Strategies" (with Scott Vitell and Kumar Rallapalli)

"Development of a Scale to Measure Sales Burnout"


Dr. Jeff Blodgett

Associate Professor of Marketing

Department of Management and Marketing

University of Mississippi

University, Mississippi 38677

(662) 232-7311

Dr. Fo Nin Hoo

Assistant professor of Marketing

San Francisco State University

1600 Holloway Avenue

San Francisco, CA 94132

(415) 338-6287

Kumar C. Rallapalli, Ph.D

Senior Marketing Analyst

Promotion Resource Strategies

Glaxo Wellcome Inc.

Five Moore Drive

P.O. Box 13398

Research Triangle Park, NC 27709

(919) 483-8880

Dr. Savior L. S. Nwachukwu

College of Business

Department of Management and Marketing

Southern University

P.O. Box 9723

Baton Rouge, La 70813-9723

George Stone, Ph.D.

Georgia College & State University

Marketing Department

Campus Box 13

Milledgeville, Ga. 310610490


Dr Charles Wagoner

Associate Professor of Economics and Finance

Director, Center for Business Research.

Delta State University

606 S. Court Street

Cleveland, MS 38732

662 846-4188