Passenger & Freight Rail Assistance Program

2014 Application Solicitation

Frequently Asked Questions

Questions about project eligibility

Q:Am I required to provide matching funds?

A:No. You do not need to provide matching funds to be eligible for the program, as grants of up to 100% of project costs will be considered. However, the proportion of matching funds constitute 15% of the project score, so projects with a match will be more competitive than those without a match, and the higher the match percentage, the more competitive the application will be.

Questions about project scoring

Q:Will the Regional Economic Development Councils be involved in the scoring and selection process?

A:No. You are asked in the application to relate your project to the Strategic Plan developed by the local Regional Economic Development Council, however; the scoring and ranking for the 2014 PFRAP program will be performed exclusively by NYSDOT.

Questions about project awards

Q:Is there a maximum award size?

A:No. In theory, NYSDOT could award up to the full $16.0 million available to a single project. However, that is highly unlikely. Over the years that the PFRAP funding has been awarded through a competitive solicitation, awards have ranged from a minimum of $38,000 to a maximum of $3,975,000, with an average near $900,000.

Questions about the application form


Q:Can I use the same application that I submitted through the CFA in 2011?

A:No. The PFRAP solicitation is not utilizing the CFA in 2014. The form and procedures for this solicitation is available on NYSDOT’s web site at However, many of the questions contained in the 2014 application form are similar to, if not the same as, those in the 2011 CFA. You can access your 2011 CFA application by logging in at the token assigned to you during the first round. If you have lost or forgotten your token, you can retrieve it by calling the Customer Care Center at 518-474-4487. Please note that you can only view and/or print your old application.

Part B: Applicant Information

Q:I don’t have a SFS Vendor ID. Can I still apply for funding?

A:Yes. A SFS Vendor ID is assigned by the Office of the State Comptroller to every entity who does business with the State of New York. Not having a SFS Vendor ID will not preclude you from applying for funding or being named a successful applicant. However, you will be required to obtain a SFS Vendor ID as a prerequisite to entering into a contract with NYSDOT.

Q:I don’t have a NYS Grants Gateway ID. Can I still apply for funding?

A:Yes. The Grants Gateway is a new, on-line system for managing New York State grants which is being introduced in the Spring of 2013. Vendors will be able to search for grant opportunities, submit applications, e-sign contracts, and submit payment vouchers all online. Since the system has was not yet up and running at the time this solicitation was announced, but is expected to go live during the solicitation period, we have included the Grants Gateway ID on the application form to encourage applicants to register in the system, as it will be required for future grant opportunities. See for more information.

Part E: Budget and Funding Sources

Q:I’ve filled out the project budget, but the figures in the” Total” column, the “Total Project Cost” row, and / or the” Qualifying Match %” continue to say $0.00 and 0.00%, respectively?

A:Please make sure that JavaScript is enabled on your Adobe Reader.

Part J: Finalize and Submit Completed Application

Q:Can I print out the application, complete it by hand, and mail it to NYSDOT?

A:No. All applications must be submitted electronically by completing the Adobe form provided to . Required attachments and other supporting documents should be of common business formats (pdf, doc, xls, etc…) and must be emailed to the same address prior to the application deadline.