Political Parties WebQuest

1. Browse the major parties’ websites (www.gop.com & www.dnc.org) to make a bullet list of 5-7 tools/resources available on these sites that demonstrate the traditional functions of political parties (electoral and governmental). Refer to your lecture notes/textbook for ideas. / 2. Follow the links for their official “party platform,” policy preferences, or stated beliefs. Make a bullet list of 3-4 central policy goals (“planks”) for the Democrats.
http://www.democrats.org/democratic-national-platform / 3. Make a bullet list of 3-4 central policy goals (“planks”) for the Republicans.
4. Take a moment to drink in the technology. Consider how much more sophisticated these tools are than the magazines/newspapers. Briefly list 2-3 of the most important aspects, tools, or tech-gimmicks of these sites that make them such powerful tools of communication. / 5. Take a moment to contrast style/tone/attitude between these two major sites. What subtle differences do you find in the packaging of their message either verbally or visually?

Third Parties

6. Now head over to www.teapartypatriots.org and get a look at the most popular and successful third party America as seen in decades. Notice the same “traditional functions” at work. After reading about them, make a bullet list of 3-4 central policy goals (planks”). / 7. Take a moment to reflect on this question: In a country where third parties so rarely muster the popularity to make a difference, why has the Tea Party movement been so effective?
8. Head over to http://www.politics1.com/parties.htm for a list of all political parties. Choose the Constitution Party, or Libertarian Party, and briefly summarize its platform. / 9. At the same site, choose the Green Party briefly summarize its platform. / 10. Just for kicks, identify any extreme third party that won’t stand a chance in any national election. Summarize their wacky/extreme platform.
Reflections…for class discussion Friday/Monday
1. If it is such a well accepted reality that America is entrenched in a two party “duopoly,” why do you suppose so many minor parties still exist when it seems their efforts to win public office are in vain?
2. Assume one of the minor parties (the legitimate ones from #8 & 9) exactly matched your political ideology on every issue, would you consider casting your vote to them in 2012 even though they may not really stand a chance of winning? Or, would you compromise and vote for one of the two major (Dem/Rep) candidates? Explain your answer.